Ventilation-perfusion relationship Flashcards
Why could overall VA/Q be misleading?
Because one side of the heart may have ventilation and no perfusion vice versa but overall looks alright. Should be looked at by alveolar capillary level not overall
VA/Q ratio for shunt and dead space and its defintions
Shunt=perfusion fine but no ventilation aka no diffusion gradient (0). PCO2 increases PO2 decreases. But increase in ventilation normalise or increases PCO2
Dead space=no perfusion but ventilation fine (infinity) PCO2 decreases PO2 increases but not O2 content because O2 saturated
Normal right to left shunt exceptions
venous blood from bronchial veins and veins draining wall of left ventricle added straight to left side of heart
Abnormal right to left shunt examples
Collapsed (atelectasis), consolidated (pneumonia), congienital heart disease (fallot’s tetralogy)
Atrial and ventricular septal defects
Initially cause L toR shunts-this doesn’t cause low arterial oxygen content and PO2. For VSD high pressure in pulmonary circulation causes remodelling and a R to L shunt. Pressure in RV>LV deoxygenated blood goes directly to LHS
How to calculate effect of 20% shunts on arterial O2 and CO2
O2 content=80/100 x arterial content+20/100 xvenous content
same for CO2
How do O2 and CO2 content differ? Draw it
O2 is sigmoidal, moderate fall in O2 content causes large fall PO2. CO2 is linear. Moderate rise in CO2 causes very small rise in PCO2
Effect of increased ventilation in right to left shunt
Low PO2 and high PCO2 stimulates chemoreceptors->increases ventilation->ventilated areas lose more CO2 but gain little extra O2. Final blood gases=low PaCO2 (remains hypoxaemic), normal (blow off little CO2 to normalise) or lowe PaCO2 (if hypoxic and blow off too much CO2, hypercapnic and alkalotic). Breathing 100% O2 limited effect because doesn’t reach shunted blood
Can’t effect of high VA/Q areas balance effect of low VA/Q areas
No, larger flow dominates. More blood tends to come from low VA/Q areas as high VA/Q areas caused by poor perfusion. High VA/Q areas do not have high O2 content
Response to O2 enriched air in R to L shunts and ventilation-perfusion mismatching
R to L shunt-very small improvement in PO2
VA/Q mismatching-improvement marked because PO2 in underventilated lung areas improved
Why mismatching in normal upright lung. Draw graph and explain
Before inspiration, top alveoli>bottom alveoli because bottom squashed by gravity. After inhalation, proportion of expansion bigger in bottom than top. Gravity improves perfusion and ventilation towards bottom of lung so better matched. greater effect on perfusion at bottom
Hypoxic pulmonary vasocontriction. What to do and not do
To do: inhalation vasodilator
Not to do: injection vasodilator because overall vasodilator allocation undo lung work and make VA/Q worse
Mechanisms leading to arterial hypoxia
low inspired PO2, hypoventilation, diffusion impairment, R to L shunt, VA/Q mismatch
What increases PaCO2
Effect of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
diverts blood from poorly ventilated areas to well ventilated areas improving VA/Q ratio. Increases resistance in pulmonary artery which increases pressure so load on right heart increases. NB not useful for global hypoxia
Global hypoxia what
Hypoxic lung disease, respiratory failure, altitude
Assessment methods VA/Q mismatching
Isotope ventilation-perfusion scans, Measure dead space and shunt effect using inert gases. Use Bohr and shunt equations. A-a gradient