Gaseous diffusion and transport Flashcards
How much is 1kPa in mmHg
PB equation
PO2 equation
PB at sea level
around 101kPa
What happens to PO2 as altitude increases
What is Henry’s law and what does it show
Higher partial pressure of gas above liquid=more dissolves
What is Henry’s law constant (k) determined by
Why do divers get the bends when they ascend too quickly
Henry’s law. bubbles in blood because less N2 gas dissolved as pressure decreases which causes pain
What is PH2O determined by and what is the value in human alveoli?
Determined by temperature and saturation. Always 6.3kPa in humans because body temp constant and 100 saturation by the time air reaches lungs
PIO2 equation
Why PAO2 not measured directly
More O2 is used than CO2 produced. So instead of PAO2=PIO2-PACO2,, PAO2=PIO2-PACO2/R where R=CO2 production/O2 consumption. R is normally around 0.8. This is the alveolar gas equation
Make a table of numbers for: PO2, PCO2, PH2O x atmospheric air, mixed expired, trachea, alveolar gas
Ref. notes
What are the figures for PVO2, PAO2 and PCO2
PVO2=5.3kPa, blood entering capillaries from pulmonary artery
PCO2=13.5kPa, once O2 diffuses in with the gradient, matches alveolar
Why does CO2 equilibriate rapidly through alveolar-capillary exchange surface?
Although it diffuses at 85% rate of O2, higher solubility coefficient which makes it 23 times more soluble. For any given partial pressure, it diffuses 23x0.85=20 times faster than O2
Draw graphs for time in capillary against PO2 and PCO2 for normal and abnormal
ref. notes
Rate of transfer of gas through a sheet of tissue is proportional to
gas transfer factor or gas diffusing capacity. A/T
Rate of transfer of gas equation
Rate of transfer of gas=DLg(PA-PC)
Oxygen diffusing capacity and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
O2: DLO2=oxygen uptake from lungs/(PAO2-PCO2) NB PCO2 unmeasurable
CO: DLCO=CO uptake from lung/PACO because CO high affinity. DLCO=TLCO
What happens to rate of transfer of gas equation in emphysema and fibrosis
Emphysema: A reduced so Vgas reduced
Fibrosis: T increases so Vgas reduced
How to increase and decrease DLCO
Increase: increase in pulmonary blood volume, polycythaemia (elevated haematocrit)
Decrease: reduction in alveolar-capillary membrane area, increased thickness of alveolar capillary membrane
Use the solubility of O2 in blood and normal arterial PO2 to work out how many ml of O2 dissolved in each ml of blood. Work out cardiac output needed if resting O2 consumption is 250mlmin^-1
Solubility of O2=0.000225ml^-1kPa^-1 Arterial pO2=13kPa 13x0.000225=0.003ml Resting O2 consumption=250mlmin^-1 Cardiac output=250/0.003=83000mlmin^-1
HbA structure
2 identical alpha and beta chains. Haem group is iron-porphyrin compound. Iron in ferrous form and binds and O2 molecule
Capacity, content, saturation define in relation to RBC
capacity=Hb conc in bloodxhow many ml O2 each gram of Hb can bind with (200ml/l)
oxygen content=nearly all binding sites filled at pulmonary capillaries so (200ml/l)
saturation: % of sites filled. (100% at pulmonary capillaries and 75% for mixed venous blood)
Draw Hb dissociation curves with 2 lines and O2 content+saturation on y axis. Note down what causes shift to right and left
y axis O2 content up to 200ml/l. Shift to left caused by: decrease in pCO2, increase in pH, decrease in temperature, decrease in 2,3 DPG
For Hb dissociation curve note down normal arterial blood and resting mixed venous values for:PO2, O2 content and O2 saturation
Arterial: PO2=13.3kPa, O2 content=200ml/l, O2 saturation=97%
Venous: PO2=5.3kPa, O2 content=130ml/l, saturation=75%
What happens to oxygen capacity, content and saturation at high altitude
Capcity=same, content=reduced, saturation=reduced
Hb dissociation curve which kPa dangerous and why
around 8 because small change in pKa changes greatest degree of affinity
What happens to oxygen capacity, content and saturation for anaemia
Capcity=reduced, content=reduced, saturation=normal