Lung mechanics 1 Flashcards
Inspiratory muscles
Obligate: diaphragm, external intercostal, scalenes, parasternal intercostal
Accessory inspiratory muscles: neck muscles e.g. sternocleidomastoid
Expiratory muscles
Internal intercostal, rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis
Why pressure in the pleural cavity negative even before inspiration and after expiration
elastic recoil of lungs
Transmural pressure derivation
PL(transpulmonary pressure/distending pressure that inflates lung)=PA-PPL
Prs(transtotal pressure)=PA-PB
PW(trans chest wall pressure)=Ppl-PB
Intrapleural pressure
negative during inspiration. Opposes elastic recoil of heart
Transpulmmonary pressure
Pressure difference between intrapleural and alveolar pressure. High PL makes inspiration difficult. Holds lungs opem
What lung volume can’t be measured directly by spirometry?
IRV-amount extra you can breathe in after normal breath in
ERV-amount extra you can breathe out after normal breath out
IC-max amount you can breathe in after tidal volume exhalation
TLC–from 0 air to max inhalation
FRC–amount you have left after tidal volume exhalation
RV-amount you can’t breathe out even after max exhalation
dead space
airway volume with no gas exchange
Physiologic dead space equaion
Physiologic=Alveoli (all except anatomic and respiratory bronchioles)+alveolar
Flow equation
Flow=change in pressure/resistance
Minute ventilation equation
Minute ventilation=tidal volxFrequency
Dead space ventilation equation
Anatomic dead spacexfrequency
Alveolar ventilation equation
Alveolar ventilation=minute ventilation-dead space ventilation
Obstruction to inspiration
elastic resistance. Lung compliance (stretchiness)=change in lung vol/change in transmural gradient
Airway resistance=(alveolar pressure-mouth pressure)/airflow at mouth). Determined by turbulence
How to apply poiseulle’s law for airway narrowing
Flow=change in pressure/Resistance
Resistance=8VL/pir^4. If radius halved, resistance increases 16 foldds and flow reduced to 1/16
Why small distal airways have low resistance
individually higher resistance but large number in parallel decreases resistance
What effects airway flow
Factors within airways e.g. smooth muscle tone (CO2 relaxes, NANC relax), inflammation
Pressure across airway wall
Draw a breathing cycle with numbers for each compartment
ref. notes
What does intrapleural pressure do in forced expiration
dynamic compression of airways around bronchi generation 3/4