VATA Flashcards
VATA Dosha
Vata governs movement in the body, the activities of the nervous system and the process of elimination. Vata influences the other doshas.
If Vata dosha predominates, movement and change are characteristic of your nature. You will tend to always be on the go, with an energetic and creative mind. As long as Vata is in balance, you will be lively and enthusiastic, with a lean body.
Vata represents momentum. It is responsible for all the bodily activities and sensations. It controls the movement of blood through the circulatory system, breathing, the delivery of nutrients to the cells and the removal & excretion of waste products.
Elements: Ether + Air Function: Mobility Psychology: Enthusiastic Chief complaint: Anxiety Chief symptom: undefined pain
Location: small intestine
(Colon, bladder, thighs, hips, legs & kidneys.)
Qualities of Vata: Rough, dry, cold, mobile, light, quick, clear, astringent and expansive. (Cold, light, dry, irregular, rough, moving, quick, changeable)
Taste: Pungent
Digestion Cycle: Evacuation
Food balancing:
Main imbalances: exhaustion, anxiety,
Personality: Vatas love excitement and new experiences. They are quick to anger but also to forgive.
Physicality: Those with a predominance of Vata dosha are usually have a thin, light frame and excellent agility.
Agni= variable Dhatu= deficiency
VATA Emotional
Vatas love excitement and new experiences. They are quick to anger but also to forgive. When Vatas are in balance, they are energetic, creative, and flexible. They also take initiative and are lively conversationalists. When unbalanced, they are prone to worry and anxiousness and often suffer from insomnia. When they feel overwhelmed or stressed, their response is, “What did I do wrong?”
VATA Physically
Those with a predominance of Vata dosha are usually have a thin, light frame and excellent agility. Their energy comes in bursts, and they are likely to experience sudden bouts of fatigue. Vatas typically have dry skin and hair and cold hands and feet. They sleep lightly and their digestion can be sensitive. When the Vata dosha becomes imbalanced, it manifests in the body as weight loss, constipation, hypertension, arthritis, weakness, restlessness, and digestive challenges.
VATA Subdoshas
Each subdosha moves in a different direction. It’s responsible for moving different substances
PRANA VAYU: Governs inhalation, perception through the senses and governs the mind (inward movement).
UDANA VAYU: Governs speech, self expression, effort, enthusiasm, strength and vitality (upward/outwards movement)
VYANA VAYU: Governs circulation, heart rhythm, locomotion.
SAMANA VAYU: Governs peristaltic movement of the digestive system.
APANA VAYU: Governs all downward impulses (urination, elimination, evacuation, menstruation, sexual discharges etc.)
Governs inhalation, perception through the senses and governs the mind (inward movement).
Psychology: consciousness; addictive personality
Mental imbalance: addictions
Function: intake of sensorial impressions; Inhaling
Location: the brain (mind), head, throat, heart and respiratory organs.
Symptoms: Unhealthy sensorial habits; stress, exhaustion, mind racing, insomnia without worry, nervous breakdown
Treatment: right receptivity, openness to the divine, intake of healthy impressions.
? Excess: Overwhelm, addictions
? Deficiency: Depression
Governs speech, self expression, effort, enthusiasm, strength and vitality. (upward/outwards movement)
Mental imbalance: memory failure, altered enthusiasm
Function: expression, memory recall, creativity; liberation
Location: the naval, lungs and throat. (throat + chest)
Symptoms: Speech deficiency, dry cough, vomiting, reckless action
Treatment: Harmonious actions, spiritual aspiration, mantra
? Excess:
? Deficiency:
Governs circulation (prana and blood), heart rhythm, locomotion; flow of weak movements of limbs and efferent nerve impulses (diffusing air).
Mental imbalance: attachment; obsessive thought leading to overwhelm fear, worry and anxiety
Function: circulation
Location: Centred in the heart and permeates through the whole body.
Symptoms: worry, dryness, coldness (heart)
Treatment: Surrender
Governs *peristaltic movement of the digestive system (balancing air).
Mental symptom: Mental instability;
Function: absorption; balancing motion
Location: Located in the stomach and small intestines.
Symptoms: Alternate constipation and diarrhea, mal-absorption, emaciation, sensory deficits
Treatment: harmonious routines
*peristaltic= radially symmetrical contraction and relaxation of muscles
First sign of Dosha imbalance
Governs all downward impulses (urination, elimination, evacuation, menstruation, sexual discharges etc.)
Mental symptoms: Negativity
Function: evacuation
Location: large intestine/ colon (between the naval and the anus).
Symptoms: Abnormal elimination, constipation, gas, bloating, scanty menstrual flow, scanty urine, swollen prostate, poor semen quantity and quantity. Long labor.
Treatment: Cultivation of clarity
Deficiency: constipation
VATA Fluctuation
End of Cycle (Destruction); 60+
Goal: Moksha: spiritual pursuit
TIME OF DAY: Days (2-6pm) Creativity, brainstorming Night (2-6am) Subconscious time; Brahma Time: Psychic reboot; Vata insomnia: mental/psychological problem solving
Fall, early winter
Aggravated by cold and dry weather