SYMPTOMS Pitta Flashcards
Overall signs of imbalances
Burning indigestion
Burning mucous membranes
Heat and intensity
PITTA Symptoms
Stage I
In the Digestive System
Stage: AA = Accumulation + Aggrevation
Type: PPM = Past, Possible + Mild
Symptoms: Burning indigestion
Subdosha: Pachaka Pitta
Dhatu: - Rasa Dhatu
Srota: Annavaha Srota
Agni: High
PITTA Symptoms
Stage II
In the Lympathic System
Stage: O = Overflow
Type: MT = Mild + Transient
Symptoms: Burning mucous membranes
Subdosha: n/a
Dhatu: - Rasa Dhatu
Srota: Rasavaha Srota
Agni: High
PITTA Symptoms
Stage III
In the Circulatory System
Stage: O = Overflow
Type: MT = Mild + Transient
Symptoms: Heat and intensity
Subdosha: Ranjaka
Dhatu: + Rakta Dhatu
Srota: Raktavaha Srota
Agni: High