Hydralazine is a __________ and is HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR __________
Direct acting arterial vasodilators
Arterial resistance vessels
Hydralazine MOA
Not clear
Causes DIRECT RELAXATION of vascular smooth muscles of arterioles.
What causes the Vascular relaxation seen with hydralazine
- Hyperpolarizing vascular smooth muscles cells by opening high conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channels
- Also by activating Guanylate cyclase which increases cGMP –> leading to Inhibiting accumulation of intracellular calcium
CV effects of Hydralazine
SVR, BP, ___more than ____(SBP, DBP)
Decreased SVR –> Decreased BP (DBP more than SBP)
Vasodilation more pronounced in Coronary, cerebral, renal and splanchnic
**Biggest problem with HYDRALAZINE
Indirect action of hydralazine
Tachyphylaxis can also developed
CV effects is associated with powerful
Hydralazine-induced vasodilation stimulation of the SNS (via baroreceptor-mediated reflexes) which results in:
• ⇑ HR & ⇑ FOC.
- Also ⇑ plasma renin activity which ⇑ fluid retention. As a result of these actions, you see an ⇑ stroke volume & ⇑ CO.
• Following IV administration to patients with CAD, the myocardial ischemia may be sufficiently severe and can cause an MI
**Hydralazine and MI
Myocardial ischemia can occur on account of ⇑ O2 demand induced by
the baroreceptor reflex-induced stimulation of the SNS
Metabolism of Hydralazine
NonCYP 450 enzymes
ACETYLATION of enzyme N-acetyltransferase for ORAL hydrazine.
t 1/2 = 2-3 hours
Antihypertensive effects do
NOT correlated with t1/2 and usually last 3-6 hours but can persist for up to 12 hours (NO CLEAR explanation for this
2 types of acetylators: (GENETICally determined)
Rapid acetylators: Decreased hydralazine plasma levels
Slow Acteylators: Increased Hydralazine plasma Levels
Dose does not correlate with half life.
Acute IV hydrazine effects
Clinical uses of HYDRALAZINE
2 main indications: Dosing for each
Onset causes what?
- Intraoperative hypertension
- Administer 2-10 mg IV bolus
- Onset: usually decreases blood pressure within 10-20 minutes
- Caution: give it time to work, do not re-bolus rapidly
- Eclampsia/pre-eclampsia setting
- Typical dosing is: 5-10 mg IV q 10-20 min prn
For hydralazine never exceed this dose
Never exceed 20mg per dose
Hydralazine Anesthesia considerations:
Use in caution with
Aortic dissection Rheumatic Heart Disease Increased ICP Elderly M multiple cardiovascular risk factors
Hydralazine with anesthetic agents
Increased risk of hypotension