Vasculitis Flashcards
Half of this is also in nephro-glomerulonephritis includes GCA, IGA, and other vasculitis
Classic triad of IgA vasculitis
purpura (rash on abdomen, legs), abdominal pain, and arthalgia
Definitive: Diagnosis of IgA vasculitis
Biopsy of skin with immunofluorescence
Henoch Schonlein purpura AKA
IgA vasculitis
happens after URI or respiratory infections
IgA vasculitis is a (small/medium/large) vessel dx?
small vessel - affects skin, bowel (leading to pain, bleeding, intussusception, less commonly affects kidneys and rarely lungs)
General diagnosis of IgA vasculitis
clinical picture of adults and kids. Can get biopsy
Don’t get IgA levels. not sensitive or specific.
long term prognosis of Kawasaki Dx
persistent coronary artery aneurysms coveys greatest risk for CAD in pts who had Kawasaki dx as a kid
Kawasaki Dx presentation
fever, rash, cervical LAD, prominent nonexudative conjunctivitis, oral mucosal and lip changes.
How to reduce Kawasaki coronary artery aneurysm?
IVIG but 10-20% don’t respond.
Surveillance of Kawasaki dx and coronary artery aneurysm
may need regular EKG, ECHO, and/or coronary artery imaginge
most common idiopathic glomerulonephritis in developed countries?
IgA nephropathy
What affects adverse prognosis of IgA nephropathy?
elevated BP and lower than normal GFR.
Who gets biopsies with suspected IgA nephropathy?
if protein excretion is >500 mg/day, elevated serum creatinine >1.5 and HTN.
what establishes glomerular dx as being the cause of patient’s hematuria?
significant proteinuria, and dysmorphic red blood cells on urinalysis.
anti basement membrane antibody is seen with
good pastures syndrome. Can see hematuria recurrently and see significant pulmonary hemorrhage
Giant cell arteritis presentation
constitutional symptoms, headache, transient vision loss ESR.
Monocular vision loss and fundoscopic examination typically normal or signs of ischemia
essential mixed (type 2) cryoglobulinemia
lymphoproliferative disorder with immune complex deposition in small to medium sized blood vessels.
presentation of cryoglobulinemia
palpable purpura, arthralgias, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, low serum complement, cutaneous vasculitis and neuropathy.
Purpura is seen in legs
vasculitis may show skin ulceration and necrosis
diagnosis of cryoglobulinemia
serum cryoglobulins
also check for hep C (>90% of cryoglobulinemia also are positive for hep C)
see low complement levels and falsely positive RF and ANA
usually will have history of IVDA
churg strauss syndrome has 3 stages
prodromal - asthma allergic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis
eosinophilic phase - peripheral eosinophilia, lung eosinophilia with infiltrates, and a
vasculitic phase (polyangiitis) up to 10 years later.
how does hepatitis C cause false neg RF and ANA for cyroglobulinemia?
hep c causes non specific stimulation of lymphocytes resulting in excess production of immunoglobulin - can cause false positives for ANA and RF.
criteria for diagnosis of GCA
age >50 yrs
new onset localized headache with fever and visual disturbances
tenderness or decreased pulse of temporal artery
temporal artery biopsy showing necrotizing arteritis with mainly mononuclear cells.
3 out of 5 above criteria is 94% sensitive and 91% specific for GCA
Gold standard for diagnosis of GCA
temporal artery biopsy.
negative biopsy results are common because this is patchy disease
Thus we need second biopsy or can treat clinically regardless
management of GCA after achieving initial remission
keep patient on high dose steroids and slowly taperover a few months. Some pts may need 1-2 yrs of steroids.
Premature discontinuation may have high risk of relapse with GCA
Add aspirin to prevent long term complications of GCA (TIA and stroke)
Needs surveillance for aortic dissection long term with CXR for 10 years.
DEXA scan for osteoporosis