Vascular physiology Flashcards
Whats the main function of blood circulation?
The function of circulation consists in fulfilling the requirements of the organism: transport of nutrients and oxygen towards the tissues, distribution of hormones, transport of waste from tissues, etc.
What do we need to maintain in the whole body?
In general, to keep the appropriate environment in all body fluids to maintain homeostasis.
Whats Hemodynamics?
HEMODYNAMICS studies the factors that participate in the regulation of blood flow through the cardiovascular system.
Define blood flow:
Volume of blood that passes through a given portion of a blood vessel
per time unit (ml, L/ h, sec, min).
On what does Hemodynamic depend on?
- blood flow
- blood pressure
- blood resistance
Whats the letter for blood flow?
F or Q
Name the formula of F(Q=
F(Q)= pressure gradient/ resistance
What does “directly proportional” mean?
Pressure difference between two given points of a blood vessel (pressure gradient = pushing force)
means: directly proportional
What does vascular resistance. mean?
Vascular resistance.
- Inversely proportional
Resistance = 8 ƞ L / p radius4
Whats p
blood viscosity
Whats L?
L = length
What does blood flow/ pressure gradient mean?
The difference in pressure between two points of the vasculature determines the flow, not the absolute value of the pressure
What does perfusion pressure mean? (important)
Perfusion pressure: the gradient between arterial blood pressure and venous pressure in a comparable location in
the vascular tree.
When does fluid only flow?
Fluid flows only if there is a positive pressure gradient
When does fluid Not flow?
If there is no pressure gradient, so no flow
On what does the flow depend on?
Flow depends on the pressure gradient
What’s blood flow or resistance?
The radius of the blood vessel is the most important factor that determines blood flow.
name the formula of resistance
alpha 1/radius^4
name the formula of flow
alpha 1/ resistance
When does the blood flow is gonna be faster?
- The smaller/ narrower the radius, the faster the flow
Think about the blood flow regarding the cardiac output:
- Movement of a volume (ΔV) per unit of time (Δt)
- Amount of blood that goes through a given point
in a given period of time (ml/min or l/min) - Healthy individual 5000 ml /min
State the F(Q) formula regarding the cardiac output
F(Q)= ΔV/ Δt
What’s hydrostatic pressure?
Hydrostatic pressure exerted by blood on the walls of a blood vessel.
On what factors depends the blood pressure?
- Cardiac Output (CO). - Blood volume.
- Vascular resistance.
Whats blood pressure?
- Is the force blood exerts against the wall of blood vessels.
• It produces distension of the wall of blood vessels.
• It produces movement of blood from areas with higher pressure to those with less pressure.
What’s blood pressure/ blood circulation?
- There is a loss of pressure as soon as blood exits the heart
- Aortic pressure depends on the contractile force of the left ventricle
- Pressure is being lost since blood exits from the left ventricle (approx. 110 mmHg) until it reaches the right atrium (0 mmHg).
What different effects do we have on peripheral or systemic resistance on BP?
The difficulty that blood has to go through blood vessels.
The resistance is determined by:
- Blood vessels
(vascular diameter, length) - Blood (viscosity)
Do we have a lower or higher resistance if we have a short vein?
A lower because the blood can go through faster
Anatomically wise on what does the artery contractility depend on?
On the developed media tunica
Define TOTAL peripheral resistance
The total peripheral resistance equals the sum of resistances within all blood vessels of the
systemic circulation.
Where can we find the mayor resistance?
In the arterioles
We have a blood flow through four identical vessels, how does the sum change?
The sum doesnt change, blood flow through four identical vessels is equal, total flow into vessels equal total flow