Variables Flashcards
Extraneous variables
Any variable other than the IV that could potentially influence the DV in the study
Confounding variables
A specific type of extraneous variable that varies systematically with the IV. Therefore, it provides an alternative explanation for the results.
Participant variables
The individual differences among participants in a study that can influence the results.
e.g. Age, gender, intelligence, experience, background
Participant reactivity
A tendency for participants to read cues from the research environment or the researcher and change their behaviour.
May result in demand characteristics.
Demand characteristics
Cues in an experiment setting that may lead to the participants discovering the aim of the researcher’s study. Can lead to them changing their behaviour or responses to please/displease the researcher.
Social desirability bias
The tendency of people/participants to present themselves in a more favourable light by behaving or reporting more desirable attributes.
Situational variables
Factors in the environment that can impact an individual’s level of obedience.
Investigator effects
When the researcher unconsciously influences the participants or the results of the study.