Sampling Flashcards
Random sampling
Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. So everyone is entered on a list and randomly generated or hand draw.
Random sampling evaluation
- objective due to lack of researcher involvement, less bias
- potentially representative due to laws of chance
- difficult and time consuming as completes list of target population needed
Systematic sampling
Selecting every nth number member of the population
Systematic sampling evaluation
- increased objectivity if initial list is randomise - less bias
- Time consuming
- participants may refuse to participate
- each person doesn’t have an equal chance of getting picked
- Could cause unreliability if not a variety of people are picked
Stratified sampling
Participants are divided into subgroups called strata based on the characteristics they share. They are all then randomly sampled
Stratified sampling evaluation
- Most likely to lead to a representative sample as it is designed to reflect the population
- Strata can’t reflect all the ways participants are different
- Time consuming due to having to calculate the strata
opportunity sampling
Where the researcher selects anyone who is available and willing to participate. These people are still usually a targeted group.
Opportunity sampling evaluation
- Quick and convenient as participants are readily available
- reduces time and cost
- unrepresentative samples as it is drawn rom one physical area
- subject to researcher bias as they are in control of selection
Volunteer sampling
Participants self select to be part of the study. so they could respond to an advertisement, a questionnaire etc.
Volunteer sampling evaluation
- Convenient method as minimal input is needed from the researcher and so is less time consuming
- Less chance of attrition as participants have volunteered
- volunteer bias is likely as there is a certain profile of a volunteer
- more subject to demand characteristics