Validity and reliability Flashcards
What is internal/experimental validity?
Whether you are measuring what you intend i.e. that you are measuring just the effect of the IV on the DV.
What is ecological validity?
Whether the results can be applied to real life i.e. was the study realistic.
What is population validity?
Was the sample representative enough to generalise findings to the whole population?
What is temporal validity?
Can the study be generalised from when it was completed to now given societal, economic, and political changes?
What two types of validity assess the validity of a measure?
Concurrent and Predictive validity.
What does concurrent validity measure?
Whether other methods of measurement will correlate with your own (validity of a measure).
What does predictive validity measure?
How well the results will be able to predict future behaviour (validity of a measure).
What are the two tests that assess the reliability of the measurement tool used?
Test re-rest reliability and split-half reliability.
What does test-retest reliability measure?
Whether similar results would be found if the study was repeated.
What does split-half reliability measure and how it is completed?
The test results are split into half to see if the two halves correlate with each other. This can only completed when the test can be split in half or easily repeated i.e. a maths test can split the paper in half.
What are the two tests that measure the reliability of observation?
Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability.
What does inter-rater reliability measure?
If multiple judges all are in concordance about the subjective ratings.
What does intra-rater reliability measure?
The level of concordance in a single rater’s results when they repeat a test.