validity Flashcards
face validity
the extent to which items look like what a test claims to measure
temporal validity
to what degree research findings remain true over time
concurrent validity
correlates scores on a test with another test known to be valid
predictive validity
predicts how well a test predicts future behaviour
internal validity
concerns whether results are due to the manipulation of the IV and having not be the effect of confounding variables
external validity
the extent to which results can be generalised to other people, settings or over time
how can internal validity be improved?
-minimising demand characteristics
-standardised instructions
-random sample
-reducing investigator effects
all ensure that the study is highly-controlled
how can external validity be improved?
conducting experiments in more naturalistic settings
what are 3 different types of external validity?
population validity
temporal validity
ecological validity
what is validity?
the degree to which something measures what it claims to
-concerns accuracy