Vaccines Flashcards
Hepatitis B
RV =
Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis
Tdap =
Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis
Tetanus and diphtheria
Hib =
Haemophilus influenzae type B
PCV13 =
Pneumococcal conjugate
Inactivated poliovirus
Inactivated influenza virus
Measles, mumps, rubella
HepA =
Hepatitis A
Meningococcal conjugate
Human papillomavirus
what is our concern with giving kids aspirin when they are sick?
not given to any child or adolescent during a febrile illness
–> Reye Syndrome
4 stages of disease process
disease stage:
time between when the organism infects the client and the onset of the illness
time between the onset of nonspecific =
time between the onset of nonspecific manifestations and the onset disease-specific manifestations
time when a disease is contagious and can be transmitted to others =
Communicability period
time between when the disease manifestations disappear, and the client becomes well =
Convalescent period
can we give NSAIDs to kids under 6 month?
no! never give NSAID to kid under 6 month
is conjunctivitis viral or bacterial
can be either
what kinds of precautions for these disease?
Measles (rubeola) Rubella (German measles) Pertussis (whooping cough) Mumps Varicella (chickenpox) Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum) Conjunctivitis Infectious mononucleosis
Droplet: measles, rubella, mumps, fifth, pertussis
Airborne: varicella
Contact: varicella
Standard: Conjunctivitis, Infectious mononucleosis
mild moderate fever + rash with white spots in mouth + rash on face that spreads =
Measles (rubeola)
• droplet precaution
low grade fever/sore throat + red rash starts on face and moves down over 2-3 days =
Rubella (German measles)
• droplet precaution
• cold sxs/ severe coughing in 1-2 weeks – whooping sound =
Pertussis (whooping cough)
• droplet precaution
• swollen parotid glands/ ear ache worse with chewing/ fever =
• droplet precautions
rash will start in center of trunk and spread to face/extremities, itchy macules –> papules –> vesicles, crust over and scab in 1 week
Varicella (chickenpox)
• airborne and contact
- unique rash: slapped cheek - 1st symptom in first few days
- symmetrical macular-papular rash proximal to distal on limbs thru week
- itchy rash on rest of body and soles of feet
Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum) • droplet precaution
• swelling/reddening of sclera/ yellow green purulent drainage and crusting =
• standard precautions
• sore throat/lymph nodes swollen/ sore when move neck/ lethargic/ increase WBC, enlargement of spleen =
Infectious mononucleosis
virus that cause Infectious mononucleosis =
epstein barr
interventions for communicable disease with rashes
clean short fingernails tepid water bath anti-itch - calamine lotion lightweight clothing report to PCP/HD
what age can we start giving NSAIDs? what happen if we give it too young?
never given to infants under 6 months –> reduction of kidney function / GI effects