Growth and Development - Match milestone with age Flashcards
◦ Tracks objects with their eyes
• 1-month-old
first smile
2 month
lifts head off mattress when prone
2 month
turns head to sounds
3 month
cooing and babbling sounds
3 month
rolls from back to front
6 month
sits with support
6 month
sits without support
8 month
pincer grasp
9 month
creeps on hands and knees
9 month
go from prone to sitting
10 month
stand while holding on to furniture
10 month
lift one foot while standing
10 month
turn pages in a book
12 month
walks with one hand held
12 month
first teeth
6-9 mo
6-8 teeth
12 mo
infant erikson stage
trust vs mistrust
infant piaget stage
normal signs of teething
decreased appetite, sucking, drooling
object permanence
0-2 - piaget sensorimotor
exclusive breastfeed until…
6 mo
introduce first solid food 1 at a time….
6 month
how much juice at 6 mo?
4-6 oz
when is cow milk cool?
12 month
*not a suitable susbsitute for tittymilk or formula
Walks without help
15 month
builds tower of 2 blocks vs 3 blocks vs 6-7 blocks
15 month = 2 blocks
18 month = 3 blocks
2 years = 6-7 blocks
can use a cup
15 month
throw a ball overhand
18 month
2-3 word phrases
2 year old
turn doorknob/pages in a book
2 year
decidous teeth
2.5 year
jump with both feet
2.5 year
draw circle
2.5 year
ages 2-3 erikson stage
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
2-6/7 piaget
preoperational: pretend play, egocentrism
toddler play style?
◦ solitary –> parrellel play
◦ will separate from parents for short time
◦ large building blocks, large puzzle pieces, filling containers, books
◦ toys for expressing frustration
◦ monitor for toys that are choking risk/suffocation risk
toddler nutrition:
quantity > quality
quality >quantity
◦ quality > quantity
what do we do about temper tantrums?
◦ ignore child but stay with them for safety
◦ reinforce positive behaviors once finished temper tantrum
stay in rear facing car seat until age
can ride tricycle
3 year old
can skip and hop on 1 foot
4 year
year old can jump rope and walk backwards heel to toe
5 year
ages 3-6 erikson stage
initiative vs guilt
preschool 3-6 piaget stage
preoperational phase - magical thinking
◦ speak in 3-4 word sent
3-4 year
speak in 4-5 word sent
4-5 year
play for preschool 3-6?
parallel play --> associative play ◦ play beside each other ◦ learn by pretend play ◦ puzzles, crayons, tricycles, books, paint ◦ simple chores, letters and numbers
when do nightmares start to be an issue?
erikson stage for 6-11?
industry vs inferiority
◦ achievements in school and other activities
◦ cooperative play- parents important but valuing other same sex peers and adults
◦ enjoy group activities
◦ inferiority –> poor performance or criticized for performance
piaget stage for 7-11?
concrete operations
◦ Conservation - understand that poor water into different glass it is still the same amount of water in the glass
◦ moving to conceptual thinking
◦ tell time
◦ see things from perspective of others
◦ solve problems and math problems
first permanent teeth
6 year
> 6
You got this
Doing great!
piaget stage for 12- adult
formal operations
◦ abstract thinking, new ideas, logical reasoning, planning for future
sleep needs for >12?
sleep needs increase
sexual education, sexual predator teaching?
> 12
substance use disorder education
> 12