UWorld Facts 2 Flashcards
How to diagnose major depressive disorder?
> 2 week period of 5 or more symptoms including either depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure
Hawthorne effect
Observer effect: study subjects change their behavior if know they are being studied
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- due to compression of LOWER TRUNK of BRACHIAL PLEXUS in the scalene triangle (anterior and middle scalene and first rib)
- symptoms: upper extremity numbness, tingling and weakness
What is the most common BENIGN lung tumor?
How to manage acute intermittent porphyria
Glucose or hemin - inhibit ALA synthase
Porphyria cutanea tarda
- vesicle and blister formation in sun-exposed areas (photosensitivity)
- deficiency in uroprophyrinogen dexarboxylase (uroporphyrin accumulates)
Etoposide - MOA
- Targets topoisomerase II: does double strand nicks in DNA to relieve positive and negative supercoiling
- etoposide prevents topoisomerase II to seal the nicks it creates, leading to accumulation of DNA fragments and ell death
How to treat restless leg syndrome
Dopamine agonists
Prepatellar bursitis
“Housemaid’s Knee”
- prepatellar bursa: between anterior skin and patella
- can be caused by anterior trauma or extensive KNEELING
Baker cyst
- caused by swelling of gastrocnemius or semimebranous bursa
- often form from extrusion of synovial fluid from knee joint into the bursa in patients with osteoarthritis or inflammatory joint disease
Tibial nerve injury - findings
- Tibial nerve does foot inversion, plantar flexion and toe flexion, supplies sensation to DORSUM of foot
- injury causes foot eversion, dorsiflexion and loss of sensation to dorsum of foot (opposite of common peroneal injury)
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease - microscopic findings
Multiple vacuoles are seen in gray matter of the brain (spongiform encephalopathy)
Treatment of dermatophytosis
Terbinafine - antifungal that inhibits ergosterol synthesis suppressing squalene epoxidase
Terbinafine - MOA, use
- Antifungal that inhibits ergosterol synthesis by suppressing SQUALENE EPOXIDASE
- used to treat dermatophytosis
Winters Formula
PCO2 = (1.5 X HCO3- )+ 8 +/- 2
Aspirin toxicity - acid-base abnormalities
Causes respiratory alkalosis with an anion-gap metabolic acidosis later on - MIXED acid-base situation (would not see changes in PaCO2 levels based on compensation alone)
Does the patella assist in knee flexion or extension?
What can induce methemoglobinemia?
Nitrites and benzocaine by oxidizing Fe2+ to Fe3+
Activates IL-2 through dephosphorlyation of NFAT (NFAT binds to IL-2 promoter in nucleus) to promote GROWTH AND PROLIFERATION of T cells
How to calculate an odds ratio
How to calculate relative risk
What exits through the superior orbital fissure?
- oculomotor (CN III)
- opthalmic nerve branches (CN V1)
- trochlear nerve (CN IV)
- abducens (CN VI)
- superior opthalmic vein
Dantrolene - MOA
Antagonizes RYANODINE receptors —> decrease Ca release from the SR
- used to treat neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Hereditary angioedema
- deficiency in C1 ESTERASE INHIBITOR which normally suppresses the activation of C1 in classic complement pathway. Also inhibits kallikrein which converts kininogen to bradykinin
- get accumulation of bradykinin —> ANGIOEDEMA
- ACE inhibitors are CONTRAINDICATED
Functions of Prostacyclin
- produced by vascular endothelial cells (synthesized from prostacyclin H2 by prostacylin synthase)
- vasodilation
- inhibits platelet aggregation
- increases vascular permeability
- functions oppose thromboxane A2!
Anaplastic Tumors
- anaplastic = highly undifferentiated cells that lack the characteristics of that tissue of origin
- anaplastic tumors have numerous mitoses, GIANT CELLS, and hyper chromatic cells (dark staining nuclei)
Theophylline intoxication
Hypercalcemia (Vit D toxicity) - symptoms
mental status changes, weakness, constipation, polyuria, polydypsia, dehydration
- indicated when EMERGENCY airway is needed and other things have failed —> place tube between cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage
- requires incision through: skin, superficial cervical fascia, investing and pre tracheal layers of deep cervical fascia, cricothyroid membrane
Neonatal manifestations of Turner syndrome
- cystic hygromas
- lymphedema
- are due to abnormalities of lymphatic outflow
Thionamide-induced agranulocytosis
- thionamides (methimazole, propylthiouracil) inhibit thyroid peroxidase which impairs iodine organification
- toxicity includes agranulocytosis —> sudden fever, sore throat, ulcers
- discontinue drug and check white blood cell count with diff to confirm diagnosis
Retroperitoneal abdominal organs - SAD PUCKER
S: suprarenal glands
A: aorta and inferior vena cava
D: duodenum (except 1st part)
P: pancreas (head and body) U: ureters and bladder C: colon (ascending and descending) K: kidneys E: esophagus R: rectum (mid-distal)
Squatting to relieve Tet spells in Tetralogy of Fallot - pathyphys
Squatting increases SYSTEMIC VASCULAR PRESSURE —> increased SVR:PVR —> forces a higher proportion of right ventricular blood into the pulmonary artery where pressure is lower, less deoxygenated blood goes to aorta
Abacavir hypersensitivity reaction
- Abacavir: NRTI
- hypersensitivity related to HLA-B*57-01 allele —> drug directly binds to HLA and alters the presentation of self peptides to the immune system —> get TYPE IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction
- STOP drug for improvement
Cervical spine involvement is associated with which type of arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Lumbar spine involvement is associated with which type of arthritis?
- causes increased Ca in cardiomyocytes —> increases contractility (POSITIVE IONOTROPE)
- also increases cAMP in vascular tissues —> increases arterial and venous dilation
Familial Retinoblastoma
- mutation in Rb tumor suppressor gene on chrm 13
- increased risk for other cancers: osteosarcomas most common
Sporadic retinoblastoma
- not at increased risk for other cancers
How to treat radioactive iodine poisoning
Potassium Iodine —> competes with radioactive iodine for uptake into the thyroid and inhibits it from entering thyroid follicular cells
Umbilical hernia
- Large reducible midline bulge that increases with increased abdominal pressure
- caused by incomplete closure of umbilical ring (defect in line alba)
- associated with Down syndrome, hypothyroidism and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- usually asymptomatic and resolves on own
Subacute thyroiditis (De Quervain)
- transient disease following viral illness
- hyperthyroid first, then hypothyroid
- PAINFUL thyroid enlargement
- decreased iodine uptake, increased ESR
- see granulomatous inflammation on histology —> macrophages and giant cells
Bisphosphonates - MOA
Pyrophosphate analogs —> bind to hydroxyapatite on bone, preventing osteoclasts from binding —> decrease bone reabsorption
Acute serum sickness
- immune complex deposition following exposure to nonhuman proteins: chimeric monoclonal antibodies and nonhuman immunoglobulins
- get fever, pruritic skin rash and arthralgias 7-14 days after exposure
- see fibrinoid necrosis and intense neutrophilic infiltration
- immune complex deposition activates complement —> low C3 and C4 levels
Most common cause of death with TCA
Cardiac arrhythmias and refractory hypotension —> block sodium channels in cardiomyocytes —> slow down conduction
Most common injury in hysterectomy
- due to close proximity to structures: courses inferior and lateral to uterine artery prior to entering bladder —> “water under the bridge)
- can get flank pain and fever
- normal voiding and voiding because second ureter is usually fine
- malignant tumor of TROPHOBLAST cells that arises following pregnancy
- clinical: vaginal bleeding, uterine enlargement and very high beta-HCG levels
- metastasizes to LUNGS quickly through blood
- gross: bulky mass that is soft, yellow-white with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis
- histology: composed of anaplastic cytotrophoblasts and syncyciotrophoblasts without villi
Left sided lesions in Frontal lobe
Apathy and depression
Right sided lesions in frontal lobe
Disinhibited behavior
Tertiary syphilis and heart problems
- causes aortitis due to VASA VASORUM destruction
Burkitt lymphoma - translocation
t(8;14) - c-MYC —> transcription activator
Sensory innervation to below the dentate line
Inferior rectal —> branch of pudendal nerve
Latissimus dorsi
Internal rotation of humerus —> innervated by thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)