UWorld 2 Flashcards
Common GI comorbidity of asthma
30-90% of pts w/ asthma have GERD (aka a lot of overlap)
How to differentiate toxic thyroid adenoma and multinodular goiter
Radioactive iodine uptake
- single focal uptake = toxic adenoma
- multifocal increased uptake = multinodular goiter
25 yo w/ right shoulder pain and swelling
- heel pain while walking
- tenderness over heels, iliac crest, and tibial tuberosities
(a) Name of findings
(b) Dx
(c) Limited spinal finding
(a) Enthesitis = inflammation and pain at sites where tendons and ligaments attach to bones
- often seen in HLA-B27 associated arthopathies such as
(b) ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis
- heel pain due to tenderness at insertion of the Achilles tendon
(c) limited spine mobility
Hereditary hemochromatosis manifestations
(a) Skin
(b) MSK
(c) GI
(d) Endo
(e) Cardiac
Hereditary hemochromatosis clinical manifestations
(a) Hyperpigmentation of the skin
(b) Arthritis, arthralgia, chondrocalcinosis (calcium deposition in joints)
(c) GI: hepatomegaly that develops into cirrhosis
- increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
(d) Endo: diabetes, secondary hypogonadism and hypothyroidism
(e) Cardiomyopathy
Most common extraskeletal complication of ankylosing spondylitis
Anterior uveitis
Primary metabolic acidosis
(a) ABG changes
(b) Expected normal compensation
Primary metabolic acidosis: main problem is
ex: diabetic ketoacidosis
(a) Decreased bicarb on ABG
(b) Compensation for low bicarb on ABG is hyperventilation so the respiratory system can blow off more CO2
Formula: (Winter’s formula)
Arterial PaCO2 = 1.5 (serum HCO3) + 8 +/- 2
Clinical presentation of anterior unveitis
Anterior uveitis presents w/ pain and photophobia in one eye
-associated w/ ankylosing spondylitis (20-30 yo pt w/ lower back pain)
38 yo presents w/ worsening knee and shoulder pain x6 mo
- tan skin even tho it’s winter
- DM
- mild hepatomegaly
- Xrays reveal chondrocalcinosis
(a) Next step to diagnose
(b) Dx
(a) Iron studies- will have elevated ferritin, TIBG etc
(b) Hereditary hemochromatosis
- arthralgia, chondrocalcinosis (calcium deposition in joints)
Which murmurs are
(a) Improved
(b) Made louder
by Valsalva
Valsalva maneuver reduces preload (by decreasing venous return)
(a) Makes all other murmurs softer besides:
(b) Makes HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) and MVP louder
Acid/base d/o caused by aspirin toxicity
Aspirin toxicity causes 2 primary acid/base disorders
- stimulates medullary respiratory center => hyperventilation => blow off tons of CO2 => primary respiratory alkalosis
- aspirin also causes increased acid production and increased renal organic acid retention => primary metabolic acidosis
Which maneuvers
(a) Improve
(b) Make louder
the murmur of regurgitation
Both AR and MR murmurs are
(a) Improved by valsalva and standing (decrease venous return => decrease preload)
(B) Made louder by squatting and handgrip
-increase afterload and regurg fraction
Where is ADH made/secreted from?
ADH- made by hypothalamus, stored then released from posterior pituitary
Effect on the CV system of the following maneuvers
(a) Valsalva
(b) Standing
(c) Squatting
(d) Handgrip
Effect on CV system
(a) Valsalva decreases venous return => decreases preload
(b) Standing also decreases venous return => decreases preload
(c) Squatting increases venous return (increases preload)
- also increases afterload
- increases regurgitation fraction
(d) Handgrip similar to squatting: increases afterload
- increases BP
- increases regurgitation fraction
Tx for obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Tx: noninvasive positive pressure overnight (nocturnal positive pressure)
-wt loss (as always but dats probs not happening)
Lumbar puncture in a newly diagnosed AIDS pt:
Elevated LP opening pressure, low white count, low glucose and elevated protein
Cryptococcal meningitis = opportunistic fungal infection by cryptococcus neoformans
Tx of Lyme’s disease in pregnant F
Normally in an adult you’d use doxycycline- but contraindicated in kids under 8 and pregnant/lactating women due to teeth discoloration and skeletal developmental retardation => oral amoxicillin
Oral amox = tx of choice in pregnant/lactating women and children under 8
(amox better than azithromycin for lyme’s)
Give the normal values for an ABG
Normal ABG: pH: 7.4 (7.34-7.44) PaCO2 40 mmHg (35-45) PaO2 100 mmHg (75-100) Bicarb 24 mEq/L (22-26)
What is a porcelain gallbladder?
(a) Complication of this dx
Radiologic term describing a calcium-laiden gallbladder wall
-often assocaited w/ chronic cholecystitis
(a) Porcelain gallbladder is associated w/ an increased risk for gallbladder adenocarcinoma => usually requires cholecystectomy
Pyridostigmine = anticholinesterase agent
-used in myasethenia gravis (autoimmune diseaes against post-synpatic ACh receptors)
Differentiate next course of action for chemical vs. foreign body in the eye
What about scratch in the eye?
Chemical in the eye- immediately rinse w/ water for 15 minutes, then seek medical attention (go to ER)
Foreign body or cut/scratch of the eye- immediately go to ER (don’t wash out first)
Tx of erythema nodosum
Tx of erythema nodosum- usually self limited (symptomatic) or it’ll resolve when the underlying disorder (ex: streph pharyngitis or sarcoidosis) is treated
First way to distinguish Lyme’s disease from Guillain-Barre
Find the tick! Both present w/ ascending paralysis
-if you remove the tick, most paralysis will spontaneously improve
-GBS will also usually have autonomic involvement (tachycardiac etc)
45 yo obese F w/ HLD, HTN, DM2 w/ daytime somnolece, fatigue, and exertional dyspnea
-LE edema
-low voltage QRS complexes on EKG
ABG: 7.3, 69 (PaCO2), 60 (PaO2)
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) = daytime hypercapnia and hypoxia in an obese pt
-frequently w/ comorbid OSA: tons of overnight apneic events and daytime hypersomlonence
Common locations for enthesitis
Enthesitis = inflammation and pain at sites where tendons and ligaments attach to bone
- heels (insertion of Achilles tendon)
- tibial tuberosities
- iliac crest