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Gait unsteadiness in elderly pt- what to investigate
Don’t always just chalk it up to old age, consider cervical stenosis (spinal cord compression in the cervical spine)
- earliest symptom of cervical myelopathy is gait disturbance
- can be treated w/ surgery to decompress the spinal cord
Standard of care medical management of stable angina
Stable angina needs 3 things:
- aspirin
- beta blocker: atenolol, metoprolol
- nitrates PRN for CP
Docusate sodium
Docusate sodium = Colace
-surfactant laxative which decreases stool’s surface tension
Screening vs. diagnostic test
Screen is in an asymptomatic person, primary prevention (before any signs of idsease appear)
Diagnostic test- when test is being used in attempt to find cause of a symptom
Use of CCBs for stable angina
CCBs cause coronary vasodilation and reduces afterload and contractility, but NOT indicated as first line therapy for stable angina
-try CCBs if symptoms continue despite nitrates and beta-blockers
Differentiate the two major classes/types of bariatric surgery
- restriction of intake
- make the stomach smaller
ex: LapBand - malabsorption
- by decreasing small bowel length
ex: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
When do we give adults TDaP?
TDaP- give adults over 19 a new TDaP (or if never have had before)
-then get TD booster every 10 years
When is revascularization considered in stable angina
When symptoms aren’t controlled by medication (aspirin, beta blocker, nitrates w/ second line CCB)
What therapy to add to stable angina if CHF is also present
ACEi and/or diuretics in addition to 3 for stable angina (aspirin, beta blocker, nitrates PRN)
Ideal age for HPV vaccine
Routinely given at age 11-12, recommended 9-26 yoa
USPSTF DM screening guidelines
DM screening: Screen overweight adults (BMI > 25) q3y
Which is kentucky vs. tennessee?
Ken(S1)-tuck(S2)-Y(S3) = S3 = ventricular gallop
-S3 follows S2
-S4 preceeds S1
USPSTF cervical cancer screening guidelines
(a) starts at what age
(b) how often repeat
(c) when start doing HPV testing
(d) discontinue at what age
USPSTF cervical cancer screening guidelines
(a) First pap smear at 21 regardless of sexual history
(b) If normal repeat every 3 years
(c) Start adding HPV test every 5 yrs at age 30
(d) Can stop if adequate negative prior screening at age 65
USPSTF colorectal cancer screening guidelines
(a) what age
(b) how often repeat
(c) alternative equivalent to colonscopy- advantage and disadvantage
Colorectal cancer screen
(a) ages 50-75 for average-risk pts
(b) Colonoscopy q10 years (if normal)
- flex sig every 5 yrs w/ fecal occult blood q3y
- fecal occult blood test annually: if find something on fecal occult, need to do colonoscopy to treat
(c) Flex sig q5y + barium enema = colonoscopy
- colonoscopy more expensive
Criteria for hypertension screening
HTN screening: USPSTF recommends screening for all adults > 18 yoa
- every 2 yrs for adults w/ normal BP
- every 1 yr for adult w/ prehypertension
When do we give adults the Hep B vaccine?
Hep B vaccine
- ppl from countries where Hep B is endemic: Asia, Africa, Peru
- ppl w/ chronic liver disease
- healthcare workers
- given as primary series to infants
Where are S3 and S4 heard best?
S3- heart best at apex w/ bell of stethoscope
S4- heard best at left sternal border w/ bell
Psyllium seed
Psyllium seed = Metamucil = Bulk laxative
-absorbs water into intestinal lumen to increase fecal mass
Which vaccinations can be given as postexposure prophylaxis?
- Varicella
- Rabies
Who gets pneumococcal vaccine?
Pneumococcal vaccines: PPSV23 and conjugate PCV13
- adults over 65: PPSV23
- adults 19-64 w/ immunocompromised state: PCV13 then PPSV23 8 weeks later
- adults w/ chronic medical problems (ex: COPD, DM) get PPSV23 before 65
Who gets the meningococcus vaccine?
- asplenic
- travelers to endemic area
- military personnel
- college students
- close contacts w/ sporadic disease
Problem of supply and demand for stable vs. unstable angina
Stable angina = problem of demand (too high)
Unstable angina = problem of supply (too low)
When do we give adults the Hep A vaccine?
Hep A vaccine
- ppl born btwn 1945-1965
- ppl w/ chronic liver disease
- travelers to developing countries
Exact criteria for Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome: at least 3 of these 5:
- Central obesity
- waist circumference > 40 in M, > 35 F - BP > 130/85
- Fasting TG > 150
- Fasting HDL under 40 M, under 50 F
- Fasting blood sugar > 100 mg/dl