UTS Flashcards
The soul strives for wisdom and perfection, and reason is the soul’s tool to achieve an exalted state of life.
the body and soul are not two separate elements but are one thing.
Soul searching must begin at the source of all knowledge and significance - the self.
the so-called introspection, is a method of carefully examining our thoughts and emotions - to gain self-knowledge.
The Socratic Method
includes basic emotions such as love, anger, ambition, aggressiveness, and empathy.
Spirit or passion
the self is synonymous with the soul.
One continues to live in the world after death.
“There is No Self”
David Hume
“An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”
this cover traits both parties don’t recognize and consider as comprising subject traits.
is a continuous flux, unending adventure onto realms of life’s complexities.
Life Learning
includes our basic biological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sexual desire.
Physical appetite
The soul is simply the Form of the body, and is not. capable of existing without the body.
2 kinds of self according to Immanuel Kant
Transcendent and Phenomenal Self
is located between the conscious and unconscious part of the self that is not threatening and is easily brought to mind.
Notable Philosophers (12)
- Socrates, son of Sophroniscus
- Aristocles or ‘Plato’
- Aristotle, son of Nicomachus
- Aurelius Augustinus or ‘Saint Agustine’
- Rene Descartes
- John Locke
- David Hume
- Immanuel Kant
- Sigmund Schlomo Freud or ‘Sigmund Freud’
- Gilbert Ryle
- Paul M. Churchland or ‘Paul Churchland’
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Four Quadrants of The Johari Window Model
*the human mind at birth is tabula rasa or blank state.
*He felt that the self, or personal identity, is constructed primarily from sense experiences or more specifically, what we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. These experiences shape and mold the self throughout a person’s life.
John Locke
*The self is inseparable from the brain and the physiology of the body.
*All we have is the brain and so, if the brain is gone, there is no self.
*For ________, the physical brain and not the imaginary mind, gives us our sense of self.
*The mind does not really exist.
*It is the brain and not the imaginary mind that gives us our sense of self.
Paul Churchland
is governed by the reality principle and is organized in ways that are rational, practical, and appropriate.
the greatest challenge that happens as we go through during the period of adolescence
Surge of Hormonal Imbalance
is necessary to have a coherent personal (self) identity or knowledge of the self as a person.
also known as public self, traits or description that one sees in the self-similar that perceived by significant others.
*He developed a more unified perspective on the body and soul.
*The soul is what governs and defines the human person or the self.
*The soul is an important element of man.
*The soul is united with the body so that man may be entire and complete.
*The physical body is different from and inferior to its inhabitant, the immortal soul.
*described that humankind is created in the image and likeness of God.
*believed that God is transcendent and everything created by God who is all good is good.
*Therefore, the human person being a creation of God is always geared towards the good.
*The self is known only through knowing God.
*Self-knowledge is a consequence of knowledge of God.
St. Augustine
“The self is the brain”
Paul Churchland
is a thinking and feeling being within ‘us’ and within ‘ourselves’.
is the nonmaterial, immortal, conscious being, and independent of the physical laws of the universe.
the self as a thinking entity (or soul)
the physical body is the material, mortal non-thinking entity, fully governed by the physical laws of nature /can exist and function without the other.
self as a physical body
is changeable, transient, and imperfect.
Physical Realm
*All knowledge of ourselves and our world is based on subjective experience.
*The self can never be truly objectified or known in a completely objective sort of way.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
is what makes man human. It includes the intellect that makes man know and understand things.
was the first thinker to focus on the full power of reason on the human self: who we are, who we should be, and who we will become.
“The Soul is Immortal”
According to Plato, the self consists of three-parts:
reason, spirit or passion, and physical appetite.
According to Freud, the self consists of three layers:
conscious, unconscious, and pre-conscious
Human life does not end at one’s death.
“The Self is Embodied Subjectivity”
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
*it is the self that makes experiencing an intelligible world possible because it is the self that is actively organizing and synthesizing all of our thoughts and perceptions.
*In other words, the self constructs its own reality creating a world that is familiar and predictable.
*Through our rationality, the self transcends sense experience.
Immanuel Kant
is the divine essence that enables us to think deeply, make wise choices, and achieve a true understanding of eternal truths.
The etymological definition of philosophy is
love of wisdom.
believed that every human possessed an immortal soul.
Aristotle introduced the three kinds of soul
vegetative, sentient, and rational.
believed that “the self is synonymous with the soul.”
is a quest to determine what makes us happy, contented and fulfilled.
Life goals journey
explained that death is the departure of the soul for the eternal world.
*the act of thinking about the self - of being self-conscious - is in itself proof that there is self.
*the essence of the self is a thinking entity that doubts, understands, analyzes. questions, and reasons.
Rene Descartes
is unchanging, eternal, and immortal.
Ideal Realm
“We Construct the Self”
Immanuel Kant
these are varied terminologies can be considered synonymous with the ‘self’
Ego and the like
” I am doubting, therefore I am”
St. Augustine
suggests to “know thyself.”
“The Self is the way People Behave”
Gilbert Ryle
“I think therefore l am”
Rene Descartes
is also related to the awareness and consciousness of a rational being.
to discover the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles of everything.
“Knowledge can only come, by seeing the truth that dwells within us.
St. Augustine
two American psychologists who develop the Johari Window Model Determining the Four Quadrants
Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham
“The Self is Multilayered”
Sigmund Freud
Socrates concept of Reality, it consists of two dichotomous realms:
Physical Realm & Ideal Realm
includes the physical body that can grow.
This model allows participants to understands themselves and their corresponding relationship with the significant other through the four quadrants. This was developed in 1995 at the University of California at Los Angeles U.S.A.
The Johari Window Model
includes traits that subjects are unaware of but significant others claim to be possessed by the subject. This quadrant covers those other perspective characterizes the subject such as ‘being down to earth and soft-spoken’.
Blind spot
*suggests that if people carefully examine the sense experience through the process of introspection, they will discover that there is no self.
*According to ______, what people experience is just a bundle or collection of different perceptions, impressions, sensations, ideas, thoughts, and images.
*The idea of personal identity is a result of imagination.
David Hume
“The Soul is the Essence of the Self”
*The self is best understood as a pattern of behavior, the tendency or disposition for a person to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances.
*“I act therefore I am.” in short, the self is the same as bodily behavior.
Gilbert Ryle
Without the body the soul cannot exist. The soul dies along with the body.
includes the sensual desires, feelings, and emotions.
The philosophical framework for understanding the self was first introduced by
Socrates and Plato
traits that are known to the ‘self’ but not significant to others.
contains the basic instinctual drives that would be considered socially taboo and is governed by the pleasure principle. Much of the self is determined by the unconscious.
is what makes possible our belief that we are the same identity in different situation.
“The Self is Consciousness”
John Locke