UTIs Flashcards
UTIs are infections of any part of the — system, but most commonly the —. though more serious infections occur when the — is able to ascend to the —
Very common in — patients, particularly —.
UTIs are predominantly caused by —, the the role of other microbes is unclear.
Cystitis: General signs and symptoms
A need to — more frequently than usual
A discomfort in —, this is called —
Needing to visit the toilet during night, called —
urine has a — appearance due to presence of —, this is called —. Sometimes there are RBCs in the urine, this is called —. Fever can lead to…
urinate urinating Dysuria Nocturia Cloudy WBCs Pyuria Haematuria raise in temperature
Signs of pyelonephritis: Cystitis symptoms plus... loss of --- and --- Pain in the ---, ---, ---, --- Raised ---, but may alternate with --- and --- Night ---
appetite vomiting lower back, flank, abdomen, groin temperature shakes chills sweats
Why do UTIs occur?
Urine is actually an excellent —/—
Bacteria that manage to gain entry to the — are being held in a — medium at a nice temperature for —.
Once in the bladder, there is opportunity for infection to move up the —/— to the —,
culture medium Bladder nutritious replication urinary tract Kidneys
Laboratory diagnosis of UTIs:
Important to screen out the —/— and the —/— samples.
5 types of urine sample:
First step of screening urine is usually for the presence of —/—/—, these are determined —, usually by flow —
Observation of number of — cells indicates any — of the urine.
Urine that is ‘of interest’ is then —
Traditionally, (How many) colony forming units per ml of urine is considered significant? Though this may differ for sub-groups or individuals.
negative sample poor quality Mid stream early morning clean catch catheter Suprapubic aspirate epithelial contamination cultured >10^5
The move towards automation:
This is an area of — which has witnessed rapid and widespread —.
—/— based methods and —/— based methods are usually automated..
Advantages of automation (2)
Disadvantages of automation (2)
bacteriology automation flow cytometry leucocyte esterase Time saving less subjective than microscopy don't see unusual findings, If skills or microscopy are lost and machine is broken then it will be impossible to analyse urine
2 differential media in urine analysis:
These are used in the determination of —/—
These work on observing whether or not the bacteria can use — as a source of —
CLED Maconkey causative agents lactose carbohydrate
Sensitivity testing and treatment:
Simple UTIs are easy to treat as many — accumulate in the — as they are removed from — by the —.
As most cases are caused by —/— organisms, —/— agents are usually used without need for sending — in the first place. However, — is becoming more of an issue. There is move to — the antibiotic course in order to avoid some of the —/—
antibiotics bladder circulation kidneys gram -ve broad spectrum samples resistance shorten side effects
Demographic of UTIs in non-hospitalised patients:
Female- shortness of — and relative position of — to the — . UTIs are linked to being — active so most coses arise in the ?? –> ?? age range where –% of the female population suffer infections.
— sees an increase in chance of infection, with the percentage rising to roughly –% in pregnant women.
Abnormalities of the UT are also — factors, accounting for many of the cases in —/—
urethra urethra anus sexually 15-40 1.3 Pregnancy 4.3 predisposing young children
UTIs in hospital patients:
Males and females have approximately — incidence.
The average age is much —.
— becomes a significant factor and is associated with a different set of — and a different — presentation of infection
equal higher catheterisation symptoms laboratory
Catheter associated UTIs:
Patient may not show normal signs of —
–/–/– may not be present
Cultures usually reveal a — community