Utilitarianism- Rule Flashcards
Define rule utilitarianism
The moral philosophy that holds that an action is right, if and only if, it complies with these rules which, if everybody followed them, would lead to the greatest happiness
How does rule utilitarianism relate to Mill’s moral philosophy?
Mill says that following rules will maximise happiness
Outline objections to rule utilitarianism
No longer determined by context eg lying
Rule fetishism
Collapses into act ut.
If the rule does not being about the most happiness you have to look at the action which collapses the rule
How does rule ut. attempt to avoid objections to Act utilitarianism
Problems with calculations; we don’t have to keep working out, we can work our rules that create the greatest happiness. Mill says we’ve always done this
Liberty and rights; a rule forbidding torturing children will cause more happiness if everyone followed it than a rule allowing it.
Relationships; a rule that allows partiality to family will create more happiness than impartiality.
Relationships are necessary to happiness
Motives; an act is not made by maximising happiness but by being in accordance with a rule.
There is conflict between happiness and rules- lying when “no harm done”. Utilitarians may say we can break the rules