Usorterede DASH-ONE spørgsmål Flashcards
The electrical system is powered by an engine driven 28 V generator with built-in rectifier
In case the voltage of the bus drops below 25 ± 0.5 V, the control box will close the circuit and turn on the GEN light. The cause for low voltage is normally a malfunction of the charging system.
In case the temperature in the engine compartment rises to 275° C the bi-metallic switch will close a circuit, thus turning on the FIRE ENG warning light.
The pressure switch is located at the fitting behind the oil pressure indicator. When the oil pressure is below 6.5 ± 2.0 PSI, the circuit is closed and the warning light illuminates.
The tanks can be completely emptied in level flight, but a normal amount of unusable fuel is 2.5 US gallons (10 litres) per tank. Thus, the total usable fuel is 42 US gallons (158 litres).
Hvad sker der når ALT STATIC AIR åbnes?
Airspeed kan vise 5-10 IAS for meget, og altitude ændringer kan være over normalt
Hvad indikerer at altitude encoder er i stykker?
Hvad kan resultere i pause-and-accelerate effekt på altimeteret? Og hvornår skal man være særlig opmærksom på denne effekt?
The internal vibrator is inoperative. Be especially watchful when the minimum approach altitude lies between 8 and 2 (eg 1800-2200)
Voltage operating range for attitude indicator
18-31 V DC
Attitude indicator will operate satisfactorily under following conditions:
Operation range: -20C - 55C Exposure range: -55C - 85C Pressure -1000’ - 50.000’ Humidity: up to 95% at 50C
When starting up the attitude indicator note that:
Erect within 30 sec after power has been applied (regardless of reason for power on) Under standard conditions normal performance is achieved within 3 min. In temp range from -20C - 55C within 5 min.
Fire extinguisher specifications
Contains 700g HALON 1211 under nitrogen pressure of 7 bar at 20C Length of throw: 0.5-1.0 m in 20-30 sec (this time is reduced as temperature rises)
Hvilken fuel og olie bruger T-17
Fuel: AVGAS 100LL (NATO F-18) Olie: - Tilkørt motor: Aero Shell oil 15W50 - Ny motor 1/12-31/3: Straight mineral aviation oil 65 - Ny motor 1/4-30/11: Straight mineral aviation oil 80
Frequency range of VHF2 and UHF
VHF2: 118.000 MHz - 136.975 MHz UHF: 225.000 MHz - 399.975 MHz
Frequency for guard channel
243.000 MHz
Final and base speed corrections:
No flaps: +5kts to base and final >1050 kg: +5kts to base and final Alt stat air on: +10kts to base and final Gust +10kts: +1/2 gustfactor to final Short field landing: -10 kts to final
Entry speed for: Roll Top Roll Half Roll Loop Lazy Eight Chandelle Clover Leaf Cuban 8 Barrel Roll Inverted Flight
Roll - 130 Top Roll - 150 Half Roll - 70 Loop - 140 Lazy Eight - 130 Chandelle - 130 Clover Leaf - 140 Cuban 8 - 140 Barrel Roll - 130 Inverted Flight - 130
Hvad sker der når Emergency vælges på intercon
PPT fra VHF1 og VHF2 transmitterer
AUX FUEL PUMP should be ON during entire TAKE-OFF climb when
+40C High density altitude
AUX FUEL PUMP should be ON when airborn
Below 500’ AGL Utilizing fuel selector Fluctuating fuel flow
AUX FUEL PUMP should be ON during TAXI when
RUN UP CHECK 1-4 ikke bestået:
Varm motoren op ved 1200 RPM, til olietemperaturen er over 50C. Start derefter RUN UP CHECK forfra
RUN UP CHECK viser drop på magnetos, udenfor limits:
Magnetos BOTH ON 2500 RPM Lean to peak EGT og kør motoren i 30-40 sek Reducer throttle til 1200 RPM og sæt mixture i rich (i denne rækkefølge) Start RUN UP CHECK forfra Er drops stadig udenfor limits, ground abort aircraft