USMC Operations Flashcards
Operational Maneuvers from the Sea
expeditionary maneuver warfare
what is OMFTS
applies maneuver warfare to expeditionary power projection in naval operations as part of a joint or multinational campaign
what concept does OMFTS reflect for the Marine Corp
OMFTS reflects the Marine Corp Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare concept in the context of amphibious opertions from a sea base
what reflects the Marine Corps Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare concept in the context of amphibious operations from a sea base
OMFTS = operational maneuver from the sea
6 principles of OMFTS
- focus on the operational objective
- use the sea as maneuver space
- generate overwhelming tempo and momentum
- pit friendly strength against adversary weakness
- emphasize intelligence, deception, and flexibility
- integrate all organic, joinjt, and combined assets
first 2 principles of OMFTS
- focus on the operational objective
- use the sea as maneuver space
3 & 4th principles of OMFTS
- generate overwhelming momentum and tempo
- pit friendly strength against adversary weakness
5th & 6th principles of OMFTS
- emphasize intelligence, deception, and flexibility
- integrate all organic, joint, and combined assets
7 things that OMFTS enables the force to do
shatter the adversary’s cohesion
pose menacing dillemas
apply disruptive firepower
establish superior tempo
focus efforts to maximize effect
exploit opoprtunity
strike unexpectedly
ship to objective maneuver
Major Theatres of War
2 principles that comprise STOM
EMW: expeditionary maneuver warfare
OMFTS: operational maneuver from the sea
expediitonary maneuver warfare
Marine Corps capstone concept behind its transformation and preparation as a “total force in readiness” to meet the hallenges of a rapidly changing world
*Marine Corp core competencies, evolving capabilities, innovative concepts to ensure the MC provices the JFC with forces optimized for forward presence, engagement, crisis response, warfighting
joint force commander
joint task force
joint forces land component commander
joint force maritime component commander
joint force air component commadner
5 things that expeditionary maneuver warfare focuses on
Joint & multinational enabling
strategic capability (pre crisis state to full operational capability)
operational reach/projection
tactical flexibility/tempo
Joint & multinational enablinbling of EMW
JTF’s functional component commanders
tactical implementation of OMFTS
what is STOM
tactical implementation of OMFTS by the MAGTF to achieve the JFC operational objectives ans is the application omaneuver warfare to amphibious operations at the tactical level
application of maneuver warfare to amphibious operations at the tactical level
ship to objective maneuver concept
what does STOM involve
rapid employment of a MAGTF by air and surface means from amphibious shipping or from a sea base to objectives in the littoral and beyond
how does STOM treat the sea
treats the sea as maneuver space using the sea as both a protective barrier and an unrestricted avenue of approach
goal of ship to shore movement (not STOM)
secure a beachhead
goal of STOM
thrusts expeditionary forces ashore at multiple points to concentrate at the decisive place and time in sufficient streangth to enable success
difference between ship to shore movement & STOM
ship to shore goal = secure a beachhead
STOM: thrusts expeditionary forces ashore at multiple points to concentrate at the decisive place and time in sufficient strength to enable success
objective of STOM
create multiple dillemas too numerous for the adversary comander to respond, therby disrupting his cohesiveness and diminishing ythe adversary’s will or capacity to react
create multiple dilemas too numerous for the adversary commander to respond, therby disrupting his cohesiveness and diminsishing the adversary will or capacity to resist
benefit of seabasing in STOM
seabasing of some of the fire support and much of the logistics support reduces the footprint of forces ashore while mainting the tempo of the operations
line of departure
fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently
foreign humanitarian assitance
conducted to relieve or reduce the result of natural or man-made dissters and other endemic conditions like
human pain
or privation
that might present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage or loss of property
programs conducted to relieve or reduce results of natural/man made disasters (human pain, disease, hunger, or privation that may present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage or loss of property
Foreign Humanitarian Assistance
conditions mentioned in the definition of FHA
human pain
serious threat to life or can reseult in great damage to or loss of property
length of FHA
limited in scope and duration
where is FHA conducted
outside of US, its territories, and its possessions
what type of C2 does FHA require
FHA requires centralized C2
levels of war that FHA is conducted at
strategic= directed
operational = coordinated/managed
tactical= conducted
3 major agencies that run FHA programs for USA
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, & Humanitarian Assistance
Sphere Project
Sphere is a global movement started in 1997 aiming to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance. The Sphere standards are the most commonly used and most widely known set of core humanitarian standards. Sphere’s flagship publication is the Sphere Handbook
humanitarian assistance
humanitarian and civic assistance
authorizes the DOD to conduct specific humanitarian and assistance operations
consequence management
special conditions of HCA
they must fulfill valid unit training requirements
*sghould strive to meet desired MOE, benefit to the local populace is secondary to meeting the training requirements prescribed under law for any such operations
medical/dental/vet care in rural areas,
construction of rudimentary surface transport systems
well drillingconstruction of basic sanitation facilities
rudimentary construction/repair of public facilities
disaster assistance response team
liaison officer
overseas humanitarian, disaster, and ciic aid funding
what provides GCC immediate life saving assistence/funding to countries in their region
overseas humanitarian, disaster, and civic aid
why is the military an effective partner in FHA/DR
operational reach and can immediately deploy
tempoary means to address a problem or satisfying a need
what permits the UIS military forces to carry out HCA projects/activities
USC Title 10
USC Title 10 Section 401
establishes HCA program under which small-scare rudimentary humanitarian projects may be performed
establishes HCA program under which small-scale rudimentary humantiarian projects may be performed
US Code Title 10 Section 401
by law, what criteria must USC Title 10 Section 401 meet
must promote the security interests of the US, the country in which the activity will be conducted, and the operational readiness skills of the US forces
source of labor for HCA
US forces provide the labor if a project is executed through the HCA program
funding for projects performed under USC Title 10 Section 401
Army O&M accounts fund the building material and other costs for projects
Operation and maintence
activities defined in USC Title 10 Section 401
medical/dental/vet care in rural/undersearved areas of the country
construction of rudimentary surface transportation systems
well drilling and construction of basic sanitation facilities
rudimentary construction/repair of public facilities
USC TItle 10 401(c)(2) ortunities that often arise during the course of an exercise/operation in a forign country
authorizes the military commander to fund minimal HCA o
funds part of O&M that fund minimal HCA opportunities
operational fund
Operational Fund
funds of O&M for monimal HCA opportunities
minimal HCA opportunities
de minimus HCA
de minimus HCA
unit’s O&M funds, operational funds, fund minimal HCA opportunities as they arise in the operational envirionment during the course of an exercise or operation in a foreign country
what are examples of de minimus HCA
MUST BE =meical/dental/vet care in rural/underserved
construction of rudimentary basic sanitation/well drills/surface transport ystems/public facilities
US Code Title 10 Section 2557
authority to make availble humanitarian relief purposes, throught hte State Dept, any nonlethal excess supplies of DOD an transfer to USAID (aka State Dept) for distribution to the target nation
authority for the DOD to carry out broader HA projects
USC Title 10 Section 2561
US Code Title 10 Section 2561
authority for DOD to do braoder more extensive HA projects
-can hire contractors, purchase ned items, train/technical
transportation of supplies
DOD account to which Congress appropriates funds authorized by Title 401 , H2561
Overseas humanitarian, disaster, and civic aid
authorizes OHDACA funds
USC Title 10 2561
DODI for HCA Activities
DODI 2205.2: Humanitarian and Civic ssistance
Humanitarian & Civic Assistance Activities DODI
DODI 2205.12
activities of DODI 2205.2
= Humanitarian & Civic Assistance
promote security interests of BOTH US and foreign country
promote operational readiness of US forces
complement but not duplicate other US assistance
serve the basic economic and social needs of the country’speople
not being used by any individual/group/prganizm engaged in military or paramilityary activity
Denton Program
amendment to the USC Title 10
permits DOD to provide trnansportation of privately donated HA cargo to foreign countries using military trnaportation on a space available dasis
*no fees to the donating agency or organization for USG trnaportation related costs
permits the DOD to provide transportaiton of privately donated HA cargo to foreign countries using military transportation on a space available baiss
Denton (program) amendment to USC TItle 10
Funded Transportation Program
conducted under the authority available for HA (USC Title 10)
copermits transportation of cargo and DOD nonlethal excess property worldwide for NGO/IGO. provides for hte actual cost of transportation andpayment of any associated admin costs
transport cargo, DOD nonlethal excess property, and private donates to FHA
2 programs
Denton (Amendment to Title 10) Program
FUnded Transportation Program
difference between the Denton Program and Funded Transportation PRogram
transport of cargo
Denton Program: private donate HA cargo using military transport on space A basis
FUnded Transportation PRogram: transport cargo/DOD nonlethal excess property worldwide
Security and Stabilization Assistance
USC Title 10 & NDAA provides authority for the DOD to transfer to the DOS up to $10M per FY in defnese articles, services, training, and other support for reconstruction,stabilization, and security actiity inforeign countries
Denton Program
lets DOD transport privately donated HA cargo to foreign countries using military transport on a space availability basis
-no fees to the donating agency for USG transportation related costs
-program authorized under Title 10
DOD provides transportation of privately donated HA cargo to foreign countries using military transportation on a space availability basis
Denton Program - USC Title 10
military operations other than war
examples of MOOTW
HA, CbTerrorism, counterdrug, MIO (maritime interception operations), HA, Military support to civil authorities, NEO, pace ops, show of force ops, recovery ops
military operations on urban terrain
definition of MOUT
military operations on urban terrain
-conducted on topography where manmade construction is the dominant features
-house to house/street to street fighting
importance of cities
centers of finance, politics, transportaiton, communications, industry, culture
-psychological/political, logistical value
storm sewers and LA
LA has 200 miles of storm sewers
classification of villages
3K or less
classification of strip areas
industralized zones built along roads connecting towns/cities
less than 100K and not part of major urban
rows of stores/shops/restaurants that are built up along both sides of a street
commercial ribbon
focuses of MOOTW
deterring war
resolving conflict
promoting peace
supporting civil authorities in response to domestic crisis
definition of irregular warfare
activities and operations taken to neutralize terrorists and their organizations/networks in order to render them incapable of using violence to instill fear and coerce governments/societies to achieve that goal
foreign internal defense
foreign internal defense
participation by civilian and military agencies of a government in any of the action programs taken by another government or other designated organization to free and protect its soceity from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, toher threats
military/paramilitary/political/economic/psychological/civic actions taken by a gov to defeat an insurgency
stability operations
missions/tasks/activities conducted with other instruments of national power to maintain/reestablish safe/secure environment and/or provide essential gov services, emergency infrastructure reconstruction, humanitarian relief