HIstory Flashcards
early nickname of the Marines
“Leathernecks”. b/c of the neckpiece that was part of the MC uniform between 1775-1875 that protected the jugular vein from sabre slashes and keeps the head erect to maintain military bearing
-commemorated by the standing collar on the dress uniforms
“Devil Dogs”
nickname given during the Belleau Wood (1918). germans named them “firece fighghting dogs of legendary orgin”
battle where the Marines earned the nickname “Devil Dogs”
Battle of Belleau Wood (1918)
espirit de corps
loyalty, pride, and enthusism for the unit shown by its members.
morale = individual
espirit de corps = unit spirity
difference between morale and espirit de corps
morale - individual attidue
espirit de corps: unit
characteristics of espirit de corps
unit cohesion
group solidarity
devotion/loyalty to the unit, all for which it stands, deep regard for hte unit’s history, traditions, honors
will to fight and win
military virtues: unselfishness, self-discipline, duty, honor, patriotism, courage
indications of espirit de corps
- expressions on an individual level that show enthusism/pride for their unit
- good reputation among other units
- strong competitive spirity
- wiling participation in team events
- pride in hx/tyraidtiions of hte unit
“uncommon valor was a common virtue”
Admiral Nimitz speaking about the Marines fighting at Iwo Jima (largest all-Marine battle in hx)
largest all Marine battle in history
Iwo Jima
battle when “uncommon valor was a common virtue”
Iwo Jima by ADM Nimitz
“First to Fight”
Marines have been in every fight and even were in the revolution before the Declaration of Independence was signed
motto of Marines
Semper Fidelis = always faithful (1883)
meaning of semper fidelis
always faithful
year the Marine Corps was created
10 Nov 1775 in philidelphia at Tun Tavern
first Commodant of the Marine Corps
Captain Samuel Nicholas - n
first battle by the Marines
- Revoluntionary war
New Providence Island, Bahamas
to seize guns and supplies
year the Marine Corp became a separate military service
“shores of triopoli
1805j. Barbary pirates at Derna.
first time the Marines raised starts and stripes in the eastern hemisphere
“Halls of Montezuma”
1847: Battle of Chapeultepec in Mexico City. royal palace fell to the Marines
year of Harper’s Ferry
lead the Harper’s Ferry against abolitionists
Robert E Lee
Marines & ARmy
year the emblem of the Marine Corp was used
purpose of the eagle on the Marine Corp emblem
globe/anchor reflects worlwide service and sea tradition
spread eagle - nation itself
3 things on the Marine Corp emblem
spread eagle
year the Marine Corp official motto was created
year the Marine Corp official motto was created
“Semper Fidelis”
latin for always faithful
motto of the Marine Corp
Semper Fidelis
“Always Faithful”
Marines in 1900
defended the American Legation in Peking, CHina during the Boxer Rebellion
-part of a multinational defense force that protected the Legation Quarteer against attack
-small defense force held out against hte Boxers until a relief force was able to reach Peking and end the rebellion
Marines in 1901
“Banana Wars”: Marines helped out with insurrection put downs & protected Americans/interests in Caribbean
year the Marines established their avaiation unit
first Marine pilot
Major Alfred A Cunningham. (1913)
Alfred A. Cunningham
first Marine pilot. 1913
decoration won by Marines in WW1 that the modern day units still wear
1917 French Fourragere
French Fourragere
1917: distinction won by today’s members of the 5th and 6th Marines. won b/c distinction in France in WWI
year the Marines were reorganized into FMF
Fleet Marine FOrce. 1933
big contribution the Marines made in WW2
Island Hopping in the Pacific was mostly the Marines
strength of Marines during WWII
first time the Marines flew helicopters in battle
19150: Inchon. Korean War
what did the Marines do in the Korean War
part of hte amphibious landing over the seawall at Inchon
Marine aviators flew helicopters for hte first time in battle
year the Marines evacuated US citizens in the Caribbean
1965: Dominican REpublic
why were Marines deployed to Lebanon
1982: as part of a multinational peacekeeping force in order to retore peace and order to the war torn com
suicide attack on Lebanon
23 Oct 1983. suicide truck bomb
killed 241
injured 70
MOI during the Beiruit incident
23 Oct 1983. suicide truck bomb
how many died in the Marine Corp bombing
241 Americans in 1983 in Beiruit
how many were injured during the Marine Corp bombing
- Beiruit. 70 wounded
operation in Grenada
Operation Urgent Fury
Operation Urgent Fury
Grenada in 1983
Marine Corp in 1983
Beiruit truck bomb
Grenada Operation Urgent Furty
year of Operation Urgent Fury
Grenada (Caribbean) in 1983
Operation Just Cause
oust General Manuel Noriega from Panama
where was Noriega from
- General Manuel Noriega ousted from Panama
legal action against General Manuel Noriega
Panama dictator
drug trafficking & racketeering. sent to US for trial
overthrew Manuel Noriega
Operation Just Cause
Operation Just Cause & Urgent Fury
Just Cause: 1983
Urgent Fury: panama/1989
Operation Desert Shield
- Kuwait
designed to hold the advance of Iraqi forces and to position multinational forces for possible offense
Operation Desert Storm/SHield
Storm: 1990. Kuwait. to hold off Iraqi invasion
shield: 1991. launched b/c Iraqui government refused to comply w/UN resolutions
Marine Prepositioning Force
Marine Air Ground Task Force
global war on terrorism
official name for the war in Afghanistan
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
- October 7, 2001
first day of Operation Enduring Freedom
07 Oct 200q. US/British/submarines launched.
F __ aircraft examples
F-14 Tomcat
F/A-18 Hornet
aka Tomcat
F-14 Tomcat
aka Hornet
Operation Enduring Freedom = war in Afghanistan
plus three smaller action
year of the Iraq Invasion
initial invasion of Iraq
March 20 - May 01 2002
which countries assisted in the 2001 invasion of Iraq
aka First Battle of Fallujah
resolution of the First battle of Fallujah
- Operation Vigilian REsolve
Operation Vigilant Resolve
unsuccessful First Battle of Fallujah attempt to capture Fallujah in 2004
year of the first battle of Fallujah
- unsuccessful. Operation Vigilant Resolve
Operation Al-Fajr
Second Battle of Fallujah. 2004
arabic for “
the dawn”
Operation Al-Fajr
= Second battle of Fallujah 2004
Operation Phantom Fury
- Second Battle of Fallujah
year of the Battles of Fallujah
operations that form the Battles of Fallujah
first battle of Fallujah = Operation Vigilant REsolve. unsuccessful didn’t take city
second battle of Fallujah: Operation Al-Fajr, Operation Phantom Fury
operations w/ “fury” in their title
Operation Urgent Fury: Grenada in 1983
Operation Phantom Fury: 2004. Second battle of Fallujah
who authorized the Second Battle of Fallujah
authorized by the US-appointed Iraqi Interim governmebt
first Marines to hoist the American flag overseas
Marines under Presley O’Bannon. Battle of Derna (Tripoli)
sword worn by Marines
“Mameluke”. given to Presley O’Bannon in 1805
Archibald Henderson
first 1/2 of 1800s
“Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps”
commodant in 1820. commanded for 39 years
John H Quickq
at Cuzco Well (Gitmo). participated in an operation to seize an advanced base for the Atlantic Fleet battalion of Marines
medal of honor for semaphoning for an emergency lift of the naval bombardment while under Spanish/Merican shellfire
Daniel Daly
2 Medals of Honor (CHinese Boxer REbellion, First Caco War in Haiti”
@ Battle of Belleau Wood “Come on you SOB, do you want to live forever”
“COme on, you SOB, do you want to live forever”
Daniel Daly
Smedley D. Butler
2 MEdal of Honor
Veracrus, First Caco War in Haiti
Marines who have won 2 Medals of Honor
Daniel Daly (Boxer Rebellion & First Caco War in Haiti)
Smedley D. Butler (First Caco war in Haiti”
first Marine officer to command an army division in combat
John Lejeune
John Lejeune
13th Commodant (1920-29)
France WWI (1918)
first Marine fo command an army divsion in combat
nickname of Lewis B. Puller
Lewis P. “Chesty” PUller
served in Nicargua.
mascot of the Marine Corp
“Chesty”. an english bulldog. named after Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller
“Tiger of the Mountains”
Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller.
English bulldog
Marine Corp mascot “Chesty” is an English Bulldog named after Lewis B “CHesty” PUller
Joseph L. Floss
Marine pilot. at Guadalacanal
by end of WWII, he was a Marine Ace (26)
pilot takes down another plane
a “kill” = ace
example of an ace
Joseph L. Foss. 26. WWII
Gregory R “Pappy” Boyington
aerial dogfights
28 kills (ace”)
VMH-214 “Black Sheep”. WWII
examples of WWII aces
“Pappy” Boyington = 28
Foss = 26
who did “Pappy” Boyington command
“Black Sheep” VMH-214
famous marine corp flag raising
Mount Suribachi
Mount Suribachi
Iwo JIma flag
where was the famous picture of Marines raising flag taken
Mount Suribachi. Iwo Jima
first woman in Marine Corps
Opha Me Johnson
nick name of early female Marines
“skirt Marines”
year of the Marine Corps 1st enlisted woman
Opha Mae Johnson. private (enlisted” 1918
first Marine Corp female general officer
Brigidier General Margaret BRewer. 1978
Margaret A. Brewer
first woman general. Marine. 1978
monument that honors female Marines
Molly Marine. in New Orleans. 1943. in New Orleans and is modeled after Joan of Arc (b/c she was of Orleans in France”
Battle of Bladensburg
1814: <500 Marines & sailors tried to block 4K disciplined British troops from advancing on Washington
1814 Marines
500 Marines/sailors tried to block 4K BRitish from advancing on Washington
500 Marines/Sailors tried to stop 4K British from advancing on Washington
Battles of Bladensburg 1814
losses at the Battle of New ORleans
Jackson. 1815
US lost <100. BRitish lost 2K
general at Battle of New Orleans
1815: andrew jackson
Battle of Belleau Wood
Belleau Wood. forward. forest.
German called them Devil Dogs
origin of Devil Dogs
Battle of Belleau Wood. Marines named by the Germans b/c fierce fighters
why was the Battle of Belleau Wood fought
forest b/c Germans tried to march on Paris
year of the Battle of Wake Island
first island in Island Hopping
Gilbert Island.
problem at the Battle of Tarawa
heavily fortified. Japanese said that it would take 1 million Americans 100yrs to conquor it. Marines got it in 72 hrs
how quickly did the Americans win the Battle of Tarawa
secured the island in 76 hours. but extended reef meat that they couldn’t cross easily w/landing craft. so they were offloaded 100s of yards from the beach. meant that heavy losses from enemy fire & drowning.
Battle of the Mariana Islands
Marines invaded b/c we needed airfields & bases in the Pacific for Air Force & Navy.
landed at Sapian, Guam, TInian
year of the Battle of Mariana Island
year of the Battle of Bougainville
purpose of the Battle of Bougainville
- key to neutralizing Rabaul (Jap air power hub)
largest Marine Corp battle in hx
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of Iwo Jima
bloodiest & largest all-Marine COrp battle.
23K casualties
largest all Marine battle in hx
Battle of Iwo Jima BUT heavy casualties (23K)
“uncommon valor was a common virtue”
Adm Nimitz post Battle of Iwo Jima
famous quote post Battle of Iwo Jima
uncommon valor was a common virtue = Nimitz
last large action of WWII
Battle of Okinawa 1945
Battle of Okinawa
April 1945. last large ation of WWII
commanded the landing at Inchon
- Major General Oliver P. Smith
Landing at Inchon date
September - Oct 1950
Oliver P. Smith
Sep - Oct 1950.
led the UN force and amphin invasion surprizze.
what happened at the Incheon
Sep - Oct 1950: first major UN force strike in N. Korean territory and surpirse amphibious assault
year of the Battle of Chosin REservoir
- Marines cut off after CHinese COmmunists forces entered the war.
significance of Battle of Chosin Reservoir
1950: Marines were cut off from going further into N. Korea. BUT despite the retrograde movement, the Marines brought out all operable equipment, properly evacued casualties, maintained tactical integrity
Battle of Hue City
Tet Offense. 1968
how was the Battle of Hue City fought
Vietnamese Tet holiday 1968
house to house w/progress measured in Yards
first large scale battle in Op Iraqi Freedom
- Nasiriya, Iraw
first large scale battle fought by Marines in OPeration Iraqi Freedom
operation iraqui freedom
first large scale battle by Marines in OIF
Battle of An-Nasiriya. 2003
first female POW rescued
Private Jessica Lynch
Jessica Lynch
On March 23, 2003, she was serving as a unit supply specialist with the 507th Maintenance Company when her convoy was ambushed by Iraqi troops during the Battle of Nasiriyah; Lynch was seriously injured during the offensive and captured by Iraqi soldiers shortly afterwards. Her subsequent recovery by U.S. special operations forces on April 1, 2003, received considerable media coverage as it was the first successful rescue of an American prisoner of war since World War II and the first ever of a woman.
Initial official reports on Lynch’s capture and rescue in Iraq were incorrect. On April 24, 2007, she testified in front of United States Congress that she had never fired her weapon (her M16 rifle reportedly having jammed), and that she had been knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed during the ambush.[1] Lynch has been outspoken in her criticism of the original stories that were reported regarding her combat experience. When asked about her heroine status, she stated: “That wasn’t me. I’m not about to take credit for something I didn’t do… I’m just a survivor.”[2]
battle Jessica Lynch was in
supply officer. Battle of An-Nasiriya 2003
Montford Point Marines
1942 - 1949. Black Marines. training
at Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa
when were the Navajo Code Talkers recruited
how many Indian tribes were represented by the Code Talkers
16 tribes. not justi Navajo
importance of the Code Talkers
on battlefield, being able to keep messages secret could make the difference between winning/losing - and how many lives are saved/lost
where did the Navajo serve in WWII
where did the Hopi serve in WWII
which indians fought in the Pacific
Navajo & Hopi
which indicans fought germans
which indians fought in NOrth Africa
overall outcome of the work by Navajo code talkers
saved lives & helped the US win multiple victories
first female Marine
Opha May Johnson in 1918
first female enlisted/officer
1918: Opha May Johnson
1943: Anne Lentz
end of WWII name
V-J day 1945
first black Marines
1949: Katherine Twowl
first Marine Corp female to receive the Combat Action Ribbon
first female Marine Corp general
1978: Margaret BRewer
first female midshipmen to commission into Marine Corp from the Naval Academy
first time a woman led a rifle plattoon
first female drill instructor
first year females could fly combat aircraft
first female 3 star
1996: Mutter
Marine Corp first female F-35 pilot
emblem of Marine Corp
eagle, globe, anchor
“Globe &* Anchor”
meaning of anchor on marine corp emblem
maritime tradition & homage to link to navy
what does the scroll held by the eagle on the marine corp emblem say
“Semper Fidelis”
purpose of red strip on Marine Corp uniform
first in 1798. mostly b/c that was the fashion at the time
top of Marine Officer barracks cover
quatrefoil: interwove braid in the cross of figure 8
on cap so ship riggers could look down and tell who was a marine
cross on top of Marine Corp covers
quatrefoil. lets you see from above that they are a marine
braided rope that goves around the left shoulder w/left arm through the loop given by the French Ministry of War to those who served with the 5-6th Marine REgiments