Amphib Ops Flashcards
Amphibious Task Force
what constitutes an amphibious force
amphib force + landing force + supplements
military sealift command
landing force
amphibious operational area
responsibilities of the ATF commander - 6
1) task organization of the ships
2) prepare the movement plan
3) select the sea eschelon areas in the vicinity of the landing area
4) logistics
5) force protection (FP)
6) landing force debarkation until the termination of the amphib ops
force protection
responsibility the ATF commander has over the landing force
ATF commander is responsible for the landing force debarkation until the termination of the amphib operation
*ensures troops, equip, supplies are landed at the prescribed time/place/location as required by the LF scheme of maneuver
Amphibious Command Ships
class of Amphibious Command SHips
blue ridge class
examples of Amphibious Command Ships
LCC “Blue Ridge” Class
LCC 19 USS Blue RIdge
LCC 20 USS Mount Whitney
LCC Blue RIdge
LCC 19 USS BLue RIdge
Blue Ridge CLass
Amphibious Command Ship
Yokosuka flagship (forward deployed to Yokosuka as the 7th FLeet flagship)
flagship of the 7th Fleet
LCC 19 USS Blue Ridge Blue Ridge class of the LCC (Amphibious Command Ship()
flagship of the 6th Fleet
LCC 20 USS Mount Whitney
LCC USS Mount Whitney
LCC = Amphib Command ship
Blue Ridge
LCC 19 USS Blue RIdge
Amphibious Command SHip
7th Fleet Flagship
mission of LCC
LCC =Amphibbious Command Ship (Blue Ridge class)
(Blue Ridge & Mount Whitney)
designed specifically for the C2 of amphibious ops with extensive communications, electronics, and computer equipment
designed specifically for C2, communications, and electronic
LCC = Amphibious Command shipos
length of LCC
speed of LCC
23 knots
beam of LCC
108 ft
staffing of a LCC
34 Officers 564 Sailors = 598 \+700 embarked landing force =1298
aircraft on LCC
1 MH-60
flight deck platform
4 types of Amphibious Ships
LHA = Amphib Assault Ship (General Purpose)
LHD =AMphib Assault Ship (Multi-Purpose)
LPD = Amphibious Transport DOc
LSD = Doc Landing SHip
Amphibs that look like aircraft carriers
LHA = Amphib Assualt SHip, general purpose LHD = Amphib Assault SHip
Operational Maneuver From the Sea
Ship to Objective Maneuver
how are Amphib ships designed to meet Marine Corps tenents
OMFTS = Operational Maneuver from the Sea STOM = Ship to Objective Maneuver
example of using AMphib ships on short notice
Amphib ships are used on short notice b/c they have inherent capabilities
USS America
LHA 6 = USS America
USS America
USS Tripoli
USS Tripoli
America class
Amphibious Assault Ships, general purpose
distinction about the LHA ships
America class only big-deck amphibious ships w/o a well deck
only big-deck Amphib ships w/o a well deck
LHA = Amphibious Assault Ships
what ship class is the USS Tripoli
LHA 7 USS Tripoli
aircraft supported by LHA
MV-22B Osprey
key difference between Wasp & America Class
enlarged hanger deck
enhanced maintence facilities
additional aviation storerooms
C4ISR suite
length of LHA
844 feet
speed of LHA
20 knots
medical capabilities of a LHA
2 OR
24 bed hospital
cargo cube of LHA
160K feet
embarked landing force of LHA
1518 Marines
embarked landing force of LCC
700 troops
flag space accommodations on a LHD
supports staff of a PHIBRON & MEU
Amphibious Ready Grouip
Expeditionary Strike Group
mission of LHD class
operate offensively inn high density, multi-threat environment as an integral member of an ARG
*also is capable of functioning as an ESG flagship
how is a LHD helpful in an amphibous assault
can sustain amphibious operations after the initial assault
simulataneous flight and well deck operations
capabilities of LHD
full length flight deck, large storage areas for vehicles & cargo, and troop bearthi9ng for a reinforced battalion
Amphibious Assault Ship
Amphibous Assault Ship
LHA: General Purpose
LHD: Multi PUrpose
LHD 1 USS Wasp
homeport of Wasp
San Diego
USS Essex
San Diego
homeport of USS Essex
San Diego
USS Kearsarge
USS Kearsarge
home port of USS Kearsarge
USS Boxer
USS Boxer
San Diego
homeport of USS Boxer
San Diego
flagship for an ESG
LHD = Amphibious Assault Ship, Multipurpose
USS Bataan
USS Bataan
homeport of USS Bataan
USS Iwo Jima
Makin Island
San Diego
USS Makin Island
San DIego
what does LHD stand for
Amphibious Assault Ship,, multi purpose
Landing Helicopter Dock
Landing Helicopter Assault
length of LHD
embarked landing force of a LHD
1700 Marines
speed of LHD
20 knots
well deck capabilities of LHD
45 AAV
cargo space on LHD
93.3K ft
medical capabilities of a LHD
6 OR
600 beds
Amphibious Transport Dock
class of LPD
Amphibious Transport Dock
San Antonio class
San Antonio Class
Amphibious Transport Dock
design of LPD
San Antonio Class
embark, transport, and land elements of a landing force for amphibious assault
current forward deployed ships in Sasabo
COMPHIBRON 11 Commander Amphibious Squadron 11 LHA-6: America LPD-18: New Orleans LPD-20: Green Bay LSD-47: Rushmore LSD-48: Ashland
commander organization of Sasabo
COMPHIBRON 11: Commander Amphibious Squadron 11
LPD 17
San Antonio
USS San Antonio
LPD 17
homeport of USS San Antonio
LPD 18
USS New Orleans
San Diego
USS New Orleans
LPD 18
San Antonio class
San Diego
LPD 19
USS Mesa Verde
USS Mesa Verde
LPD 19
homeport of USS Mesa Verde
LPD 19
LPD 20
USS Green Bay
USS Green Bay
LPD 20
home port of USS Green Bay
LPD 20: Sasabo
LPD 21
USS New York
Mayport, FL
USS New York
LPD 21
Mayport, FL
home port of USS New York
LPD 21
Mayport, FL
Amphib ship w/homeport in Mayport, FL
LPD 21: USS New Yoirk
LPD 22
USS San DIego
San Diego
USS San Diego
LPD 22
San Diego
LPD 23
USS Anchorage
San Diego
USS Anchorage
LPD 23
San DIego
home port of USS Anchorage
LPD 23
San DIego
homeport of USS Anchorage
LPD 23
San Diego
LPD 24
USS Arlington
USS ARlington
LPD 24
homeport of USS Arlington
LPD 25
USS Somerset
San Diego
USS Somerset
LPD 25
San Diego
LPD 26
USS John P Murtha
San Diego
USS John P Murtha
LPD 26
San Diego
homeport of USS John P Murtha
San Diego
LPD 27
San Diego
homeport of LPD 27
San Diego
mission of LPD
Amphibious Transport Dock San Antonio Class
embark on trnaport, launch/support Marine Corp’s 3 Mobility triad
(AAV, LCAC, MV-22 Osprey)
Marine Corp Amphib Mobility Triad
MV-22 Osprey
length of LPD
684 ft
embarked landing force of LPD
800 marines
speed of LPD
22 knots
cargo cubic of LPD
35.9K ft
well deck capabilities of an LPD
or 1 LCU
14 AAV
how many spots on a LPD flight deck
6 spots
medical capabilities of a LPD
2 OR
22 ward
if there is conflict between service doctrine and joint publication
JP takes precedence unless the CJCS provides more current and specific guidance
3 pertinent Joint Publications r/t Amphibious Operations
JP 3-02: Amphibious Operations
JP 3-04: Joint Shipboard Helicopter Operations
JP 3-02.1: Amphibious Embarkation and Debarkation
2 classes of LSDos
“Dock Landing Ships”
Whidby Island
Harpers Ferry
how was LSD 41 specifically designed
LSD = Dock Landing Ship
LSD 41 = Whidby Island
*designed specifically to operate LCACS and has teh largest capacity for landing of any US amphib platform
largest platform to land LCACS ofr any US Navy amphib platform
LSD - Dock Landing Ship
specifically: LSD 41 9Whidby Island
important about LSD 41-49
LSD = Dock Landing Ship
not flag configued and no unique facilities for an embarked staff
LSD 41
LSD 41: USS Whidby Island
Landing DOck Ship
Little Creek, VA
USS Whidbey Island
LSD 41
Dock Landing Ship
Little Creek, VA
home port of USS Whidbey Island
LSD 41
Little Creek, VA
LSD 42
USS Germantown
USS Germantown
LSD 42
home port of USS Germantown
LSD 42
Whidby Island Class
LSD 43
USS Fort McHenry
Mayport, FL
Whidbey Island Class
USS Fort McHenry
LSD 43
Dock Landing Ship
Mayport, FL
homeport of USS Fort McHenry
LSD 43
Dock Landing SHip - Whidbey Island class
Mayport, FL
LSD 44
USS Gunston Hall
Little Creek, VA
Dock Landing Ship
Whidbey ISland Class
USS Gunston Hall
LSD 44
Dock Landing Ship
Whidbey Island Class
Little Creek, VA
home port of USS Gunston Hall
Mayport, FL
LSD 45
USS Comstock
Dock Landing Ship
Whidbey Island Class
San Diego
home port of USS Comstock
Dock Landing Ship = Whidbey Island Class
LSD 45
San Diego
LSD 46
USS Tortuga
Little Creek, VA
Dock Landing Ship
WHidbey Island Class
USS Tortuga
LSD 46
Dock Landing Ship - Whidbey ISland
Little Creek, VA
home port of USS Tortuga
Little Creek, VA
Dock Landing SHip= Whidbey Island Class
LSD 46
LSD 47
USS Rushmore
Dock Landing Ship - Whidbey Island Class
San Diego
USS Rushmore
LSD 47
Dock Landing Ship - Whidbey Island Class
San Diego
home port of USS Rushmore
LSD 47
Dock Landing Ship
Whidbey Island Class
San Diego
LSD 48
USS Ashland
Dock Landing Ship - WHidbey Island Class
USS Ashland
LSD 48
Dock Landing Ship - Whidbey Island Class
homeport of USS Ashland
LSD 48
Dock Landing Ship = Whidbey Island Class
how to predict if a ship is a Whidbey Island or Harpers Ferry class
LSD 41-48 = Whidbey Island Class
LSD 49 - 52= Harpers Ferry Class
Whidbey Island Class
LSD 41-48
Dock Landing Ship
Harpers Ferry Class
LSD 50-54
Dock Landing Ship
mission of LSD - Whidbey Island class
designed specifically for the operation of LCAC
designed specifically for the operation of LCAC
LSD - Whidbey Island class Dock Landing SHips
LSD - WHidbey Island class stationed in Sasabo
LSD 42: Germantown
LSD 48: Ashland
LSD -Whidbey Island out of Mayport, FL
LSD 43: USS Fort McHenry
LSD - WHidbey Island class out of San Diego
Comstock & Rushmore
LSD - Whidbey Island Class out of Little Creek
Whidbey Island
Gunston Hall
length of LSD Whidbey Island class
609 ft
embarked landing force of LSD Whidbey Island
500 Marines
speed of LSD Whidbey Island class
20 knots
cargo space of LSD Whidbey Island class
4.9K cubic ft
lift capability of LSD Whidbey Island class
1 cargo elevator (18K lbs)
2 cranes (30/60 tons)
medical capabilities of LSD
1 OR, 1 ICU, 5 ward
well deck capability of LSD
64 AAV
how can you visually distinguish between the two classes of LSD
Dock Landing Ships
Harpers Ferry class: Phalanx CIWS mounted forward
RAM launcher on top of the bridge
OPPOSITE arrangement on Whidbey Island class
LSD 49
Harpers Ferry
LSD = Dock Landing Ship, Harpers Ferry class
San Diego
USS Harpers Ferry
LSD 49
Dock Landing Ship = Harpers Ferry Class
San Diego
home port of USS Hapers Ferry
San Diego
LSD 50
Carter Hall
Dock Landing Ship - Hapers Ferry Class
Little Creek
LSD 51
USS Oak Hill
LSD = DOck Landing Ship. Harpers Ferry Class
LIttle Creek
USS Oak HIll
LSD 51
Dock Landing Ship - Harpers Ferry
Little Creek
LSD 52
USS Pearl Harbor
Dock Landing Ship - Harpers Ferry Class
San Diego
USS Pearl Harbor
LSD 52
Dock Landing Ship - Harpers Ferry Class
LSD - Harpers Ferry Class ships at San Diego
LSD 49: Harpers Ferry
LSD 52: Pearl Harbor
LSD -Harpers Ferry at Little Creek
LSD-50: Carter Hall
LSD-52: Pearl Harbor
mission of Dock Landing Ship -Harpers Ferry class
greater cargo-carrying capacity,
improved facilities for embarked troops and greater operating range,
can render limited docking repair services to small ships/craft
difference in mission between the two LSD classes
Whidbey Island = LCAC specialist
Harpers Ferry = greater cargo carrying capabilities, operating range, render limited docking repair services for ships
embarked landing force of LSD Harpers Ferry class
500 Marines
speed of LSD Harpers Ferry class
20 knots
cargo cube space of LSD - Harpers Ferry class
67.7K cubic feet
well deck capabilities of LSD Harpers Ferry Class
25 AAV
flight deck operating spots on a LSD Harpers Ferry
2 operating spots
medical capabilities of a LSD - Harpers Ferry class
1 OR
7 ward
Navy Surface Fire Support
- fire provided by Navy surface gun and missile in support of a unit/s
- support to the assault landing/LF
prepares the overall NSFS plan
CATF prepares the overall NSFS plan based on CLF and USN requirements
*allocates gunfire support ships/facilities
role of the CATF in the NSFS
Naval Surface Fire Support
-prepares teh overall NSFS p[lan
establishes teh general policy on NSFS targeting priorities
role of the CLF in NSFS
Navy Surface Fire Support
- determines LF requirements for NSFS
- selection of targets to be attacked in preassault ops/fired on in support of the assault/timing of fires re/t the LF scheme of maneuver
coordinates the timing, priorities, and desired effects of fires within an operaional area
role of the ships during NSFS
Navy Surface Fire Support
- as a general rule, one NSFS ship provides direct support for a battalion with one NSFS ship providing general support for the regiment
- passed to different commands throughout the assault
short for Destroyers
DDG = Destroyers
role of Destroyers
warships that provide multi-mission offensive and defensive capabilities
how do DDG operate
independently, part of carrier strike group, surface action group, missle defense group, expedetionary strike group
Anti-Air Warfare
Anti-Submraine Warfare
ANti-Surface Warfare
Verticle Launching System
Advanced Verticle Launch SYstem
what type of warfare are DDG capable of doing
AAW: anti-air warfare
ASW: anti-submarine warfare
ASuW: antisurface warfare
short for destoryers
short for cruisers
what gives cruisers long-range strike capabilities
role of CG
Cruisers AW: air warfare USW: undersea warfare NSFS: Navy Surface FIre Support SUW: Surface warfare can be a flagship for surface action groups
act as a flagship for surface action groups
2 classes of DDG
ARleigh Burke
Arleigh Burke Destoryers
Arleigh Burke DDG 51 Cole DDG 67 Decantur DDG 73 Kidd DDG - 100 Farragut DDG-99 Bainbridge DDG-96 Dewey DDG 105 John Finn DDG 113
Destroyer named after a Navy Nurse
USS Lenah H. Sutcliffe HIgbee DDG-123 Superintendent of Nurse Corp during WWI motto = "bellatrix illa" "she is a warrior" first female recipient of the Navy Cross
specific hour on C-day when deployment operations commences
L-hour in amphibious operations
time at which the first helicopter or tiltrotor aircraft of the ship-to-shore movemnet wave touches down
time in amphibious ops when the first helicopter of the airborne ship to shore movement wave touches down in the LZ
H-hour & L-hour during planning
are the scheduled/planned time for the landing
during execution, they are the actual times of the landing
when does L-hour happen
on C-day
specific hour on D-Day on which a particular operation commences
*time the first landing craft/amphibious vehicle of the waterborne wave lands or is scheduled to land on the beach
when is H-Hour
on D-Day
when the first landing craft hits the beach
time when the first amphib landing craft hits the beach
H-hour on D-Day
what happens if H-hour is delayed
if CATF delays H-hour, the CATF will promulgate a new H-hour
what is confirmed prior to commencement of the amphibious landing
H-hour and L0hour based on weather, enemy situation, and other pertinent factors
2 catgories of landing time considerations
date for landing
hour for landing
Landing Time Considerations for date of landing
- availability of forces
- readiness of forces
- present and projected enemy situation
- seasonal
- local: weather, tide, current phase of the moon, duration of day/night
- designation of limiting dates per higher authority
- advantageous of religious holidays
landing time considerations for the hour of landing
- known enemy routine
- duration of daylight
- need for tactical surprise
- favorable conditions of wind/tide/phase of moon
- most effective employment of supporting arms
- immediately after certain countermeasures of assault breaching ops
- need for simultaneous landing of surface and helicopter borne forces
unnamed day on which a particular operation commences/is to commence
unnamed day on which a particular operation commences or is meant to commence
line of departure
LOD (land warfare)
a line to coordinate the departure of attack elements
LOD (amphib operations)
a suitably marked offshore coordinating line
where is the LOD located in amphibious operations
Line of Departur
* at the seaward end of a boat line to assist in the landing of landing craft and amphibious vehicles a the scheduled times
landing craft air cushion
mission of LCAC
land heavy vehicles, equipment, personnel, and cargo in amphibious assaults
mission is to land heavy vehicles, equipment, personnel, and cargo in amphibious assaults
Landing Craft Air Cushiob
where are LCAC kept on amphibs
well deck
speed of LCAC
35 knots
over the horizon
OTH distance of LCAC
over the horizon distance of 12-100 nauticle miles so offers military planners another method for attaining surprise when conduction amphibious oeprations
technology of LCAC
air cushion technology gives it high speed and low range
flexibility to operatie indepent of tides and hydrographic constraingts
Landing Craft Utility
mission of LCU
Landing Craft Utility
to land heavy vehicles, equipment, personnel, and cargo in an amphibious assault
deck load of a LCU
landing craft utility
800 lbs per square foot
design of a LCU in case it sustains damage during a battle
built-in redundancy due to arrangement of machinery and equipment
features of a LCU
Landing Craft Utility
self-sustaining with habitability features
built-in redundancy of machinery in case battle damage
where is the anchor system on a LCU located
on the starboard side aft to assist in retracting from the beach
surf zone
Landing Force Support Party
supports operations within the landing area
LFSP (Landing Force Support Party) commander and staff
- BP (Beach Party) if a small scale operation when an LFSP might not be established
- *matures from a small cell in the early stages of ship to shore operations
Beach Party Team
Beach Party Group
Beach Support Area
LF component of the LFSP
shore party group
elements of a shore party group
Shore party HQ
Shore party teams
special attachments
6 Shore Party group functions
- allocating shore party personnel and equipmen
- establish shore party group communications and consolidating shore party team communications
- providing liaison personnel to supported unit HQ
- coordinating defensive measures
- coordination w/ BPG commander
- submiting reports and records
landing support company
combat logistic regiment
sections of the shore party HQ
Shore Party Team HQ Military Police Command Evacuation Communications Security
forms the command section of a Shore Party HQ
LSC = landing support command
CLF(F)- combat logistics regiment (forward)
what part of the Shore Party Group is medical
Evacuation Section: evacuate casualties
Evacuation section of the Shore Party
Evacuation Section
*get casualties out
replacement pool of the shore party
personnel waited to be drafted into operations.
who does early beach recon?
who Advance Party
Advance Party
command, liaison, communications, BP sections
*conducts early beach RECON, establishes communications, marks landing sites and dumps
part of the Shore Party Team that does early beach RECON, establishes communications, & marks LZ
Advance Party
what does the Shore Platoon of the Shore Party team do
establish/operate facilities for unloading supplies and equipment from landing craft or aircraft and moving that material to dumps, stagin areas, or out of BSA
tempoary storage
functions of the shore party team
- marking limits of beach unloading pints, designating/marking landing sites for helicopters
- assisting the BP in the landing and movement of units across thge beach
- marking/removing obstacles of the BSA that are hazardous to personnel or may impede operations
- control BSA traffic
- maintaine communications w/all
- establ load/unload supplies
- emergency maintence for equpment in waterborne assault
- mintain continuous records
- establish forward arming and refueling points (FARP)
forward arming and refueling points
Navy’s complement to the shore party group within the LFSP
has OPCON of the BPG
BPG is the Navy complement to the shore party group within the LFSP
*unbder OPCON of the LFSP
primary functions of the BPG
- install navigational aids/remove obstacles
- mark beach landing sites
- advice shore party commanders fo suitable sites for beaching amphibious craft
- direct landing craft/amphib vehicles to/from beach landing areas
- observe/reporting surf condition-conduct salvage operations and make emergency repairs to the amphibious craft
high water mark
amphibious construction battalion
amphibious construction battalion
Beachmaster Unit
Beachmaster Unit
Beach Survey Intelligence REport
role of the oceanographic section of the Beach Party Team
contains Navy SPECWARFARE mark/remove obstacles in the beach approaches up to the high water mark
conduct hydrographic surveys
prepare the Beach Survey Intelligence Report
marks channels an navigational hazards
amphibious assault bulk fuel system / amphibious bulk liquid transfer system
components of the Beach Support Unit
formed fro the PHIBCBV detahchment
*consists of: causeway platoon, fuels platoon, camp support
causeway platoon
part of the Beach Support Unit
launch/assemble/secure the beach causeway sections to facilitate, rapid movements ashore of the wheeled and tracked equipment
camp support platoon
part of the beach support unit that provides limited beach construction capabilities to the beach party
LCAC LZ Control Team
Cushion Support Team
Cushing Landing Support Team
who has OPCON of the Cushing Landing Zone Support Team
CST is under the OPCON of the CLZ control team
materials handling equipment
ship’s platoon
the ship’s platoon is part of the LF advance partuy
comprises the working detail to assist ship’s companyu ion loading/uinloading the shiop
person employed at a dock to load & unload ships
person employed at a dock to load/unload ships
JP for Amphibious Operations
JP 3-02:Joint Doctrine for Amphibious OPerations
5 types of Amphibious Operations
amphibious support to other operations (NEO, PLO, FHA/DR) raid demonstration asault withdrawl
amphibious raid
swift incursion into or a tempoary occupation of an objective followed by a planned withdrawl
swift incursion into or a tempoary occuation of an objective followed by a planned withdrawl
amphibious raid
amphibious demonstration
show of force intended to inflence or deter an enemy’s decisions
intent of an amphibuious demonstration
deceive the enemy thus causing them to select a COA unfavorable to them
show of force intended to influence/deter enemy COA
amphibious demonstration
amphibious assault
establishment of a landing force on a hostile or potentially hostile shore
establishnment of a landing force on hostile shore
amphibious assault
etrication of forces by sea in ships/craft from hostile shore
amphibiuous withdrawl
amphibious withdrawl
extraction of forces by sea from hostile
year of the removal of Palestine Liberation Organization from LEbanon
4 purposes of Amphibious Ops
- support operations that deter war, resolve conflict, promote peace and stability
- achieve operational/campaign objectives
- initiate a campaing/major operation (Guadalcanal/NOrmandy)
- support ongoing campaign
year of Guadalcanal
year of evacuation of US embassy in Somalia
year of evacuation of US embassy in Somalia
1991year of Normandy landing1944
year of evacuation of US embassy in Somalia
year of Normandy
phases of amphibious operations
planning embarkation rehearsal movement action