Useful questions and sentences (at the restaurant) Flashcards
Speaking & Vocabulary
Mas, nasi gorengnya kepedasan.
Your food is too spicy.
Mbak, jangan pake saus kacang ya.
You are alergic to peanut.
Mas, boleh minta segelas air dengan es.
You want more water with ice.
Mbak, tolong jangan pake daging ya.
You are a vegetarian.
Mas, saya tidak makan daging babi. Ada daging yang lain?
You cannot eat pork.
Mbak, bisa tambah nasi putih lagi?
You need more rice.
Mas, tolong dagingnya dimasak lagi ya. Masih belum matang.
Your meat is not fully cooked.
Mbak, sayurnya keasinan. Bisa tambah kuah lagi?
Your food is too salty.
Mas, tolong jangan pakai vetsin ya.
You are alergic to MSG.
Mbak, bisa minta bir ini didinginkan lagi?
Your beer is not cold enough.
Sudah selesai makannya, Pak?
Have you finished the meal, sir?
Sudah selesai minumnya, Bu?
Have you finished the drink, madam?
Sudah terima bonnya, Pak?
Have you received the bill, sir?
Sudah bayar bonnya, Bu?
Have you paid the bill, madam?
Sudah pesan makanannya, Pak?
Have you ordered the food, sir?
Sudah pesan minumannya, Bu?
Have you ordered the drink, madam?
Sudah terima kembaliannya, Pak?
Have you received the change, sir?
Sudah terima kartu kreditnya, Bu?
Have you received the credit card, madam?
Sudah tandatangani bonnya, Pak?
Have you signed the bill, sir?
Sudah terima daftar makanannya, Bu?
Have you received the food menu, madam?