Sentences with passive form type 2 (as clauses) Flashcards
Grammar & Vocabulary
Buah yang sudah saya makan manis sekali
The fruit that I already ate is very sweet.
Ikan yang akan dia goreng besar sekali.
The fish that she will fry is very big.
Makanan yang sedang dia panaskan enak sekali.
The food that he is heating up is very delicious.
Nasi goreng yang akan mereka hidangkan pedas sekali.
The fried rice that they will serve is very spicy.
Daging yang sedang dia masak bukan daging babi.
The meat that she is cooking is not pork.
Minuman yang akan saya dinginkan tidak beralkohol.
The drink that I will cool down is not alcoholic.
Ayam goreng yang sudah dia masak cepat habis.
The fried chicken that she already cooked was gone quickly.
Nasi yang seharusnya saya goreng sudah basi.
The rice that I should fry is already stale.
Daging sapi yang akan dia potong-potong tidak cukup untuk rendang.
The beef that he will cut up is not enough for the Indonesian beef curry.
Sambal yang sudah dia habiskan pedas sekali.
The hot sauce that he already eat up was very spicy,