Use of Force Finals Flashcards
What is the highest level of force in the Use of Force Model?
Lethal Deadly Force
What are the categories of threat perception?
Assaultive (Serious Bodily Harm, Death), Assaultive (Bodily Harm), Resistant (Active), Resistant (Passive), Compliant
What happens when an officer’s response is higher than the risk assessment?
The force response = EXCESSIVE.
What happens when an officer’s response is lower than the risk assessment?
The force response = UNSAFE.
What are the components of handcuffing?
- Immobilize 2. Control 3. Handcuff 4. Search 5. Monitor 6. Transport
What case is associated with failure to train?
Canton v. Harris
What is the most important use of force case?
Graham v. Connor - The Reasonable Man Doctrine
What is the Fleeing Felon Case?
Tennessee v. Garner
What is the Control Superiority Principle?
Recognized Officer Advantage OVER Recognized Subject Disadvantage
When is the application of non-lethal force generally limited?
- Physical resistance during an encounter 2. Making an arrest 3. When attacked
What tactics are Boston Police Officers prohibited from using?
Chokeholds, strangleholds, carotid artery neck restraints, or similar tactics
When should incapacitation agents be used?
- In self-defense 2. When met with active resistance
What increases the potential for serious injury when using incapacitating agents?
- Subject is less than 2 feet away 2. Enclosed area without ventilation 3. Subject lacks normal reflexes
What must officers do before using deadly force?
Exhaust all alternatives, including de-escalation and verbal commands.
When is the discharge of a firearm permissible?
- No less drastic means available to defend oneself or another 2. No less drastic means to apprehend a fleeing felon
Why are officers prohibited from firing at moving vehicles?
- Unlikely to stop or disable the vehicle 2. Risk of missing target or ricocheting 3. Risk of crash causing injury
What is the target area for OC Spray?
What body parts does OC Spray affect?
- Eyes 2. Skin 3. Respiratory Tract