Use Of Biological Resources Flashcards
How are Fertilisers used to increase Crop Yield?
- Plants need nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus to make compounds (proteins)
- If dont get enough minerals - growth and life affected
- Fertilisers used to replace missing minerals or provide more of them
- Increase crop yield
How can a Greenhouse create ideal conditions for Photosynthesis?
- Plants enclosed - prevent pests and diseases
- Artificial light - more photosynthesis
- Paraffin heater - increase level of CO2
- Trap suns heat/heater - warm plants
- Plants grow bigger and faster - crop yield higher
What are types of Pest Control?
- Pesticides - May harm wildlife
* Biological Control - use other organisms to reduce number of pests - less harmful
What is Fermentation?
- Microorganisms break down sugars to release energy
* Usually by Anaerobic Respiration
How is Yoghurt made?
- Milk pasteurised (heated) to kill bacteria
- Milk is cooled
- Lactobacillus bacteria added, mixture is incubated (40 degrees) in a fermenter
- The bacteria ferment the lactose sugar in milk to form lactic acid
- Lactic acid causes milk to clot and solidify into yoghurt
What are Fermentors used for?
- Get a higher yield
- Make more products commercially viable
- Easy to sterilise
What does the Cooling Jacket on a Fermentor do?
Removes heat energy, stopping fermentor overheating and enzymes denaturing
What does the Stirrer for Mixing on a Fermentor do?
- Keep both well stirred to oxygenate all parts of fermentor
* Prevent microorganisms setting
What does the Air Filter on a Fermentor do?
Filters air coming in, maintaining sterile conditions
How do you make bread?
- Dough - yeast, flour, water, sugar
- Left in warm place to rise
- Enzymes break down carbohydrates in flour into sugars
- Yeast uses sugars in aerobic respiration, producing carbon dioxide
- When O2 run out = anaerobic respiration - fermentation, produce CO2 + ethanol
- CO2 trapped in bubbles in dough
- Dough roses
- Baked, temp of dough rises enough = kill yeast and alcohol = bread stoped rising
How do you make beer?
- Barley seeds germinated, make amylase to digest starch
- Seeds killed/dried to make malt
- Malt mixed with water in a mash tun, amylase break down starch to maltose
- Mash boiled and filtered
- Hops add for taste, yeast to ferment sugars, making beer
- Beer centrifuged, filtered, pasteurised
- Beer put in barrels
Why are Organisms selectively bred?
- To get maximum yield : milk
- Good health + disease resistance
- Qualities : Speed, fertility, temperament, good mothering skills
- Plants : attractive flowers, nice smell
What is the process of Selective Breeding?
- From stock, select ones with best characteristics
- Breed then with each other
- Select best of offspring, breed them together
- Continue process over generations, desirable trait gets stronger
- Better yield
Define Selective Breeding:
- Choosing animals or plants with desired characteristics for breeding
- Usually carried on for many generations
How can Selective Breeding Increase Crop Yield?
- Combine 2 different desirable characteristics
- Tall wheat plants = high grain yield, easily damaged by wind/rain
- Dwarf wheat plants = low grain yield, resist wind/rain
- Plants cross bred, combine good characteristics
- Dwarf wheat plants can now resist bad weather and have a high grain yield
What are the Benefits of Fish Farming in Tanks?
- Water monitored - check temp, pH, oxygen level
- Clean water - filtered/removed to get rid of waste food/fish poo
- Right amount of food - Control it
- Minimises disease
- Protection of stock
What are the Characteristics for the Best Fish?
- Grow well in captive areas
- Accept pellets (dead fish food)
- Fish converts food to flesh efficiently
- Able to breed in captive conditions
- Low susceptibility to disease
How do you get a Fish to be coloured?
- Quality of feed
- Feed has dies added to it, enhance colour of fish flesh
- Sells better
How can you Minimise Disease in fish farming?
- Water treated to kill parasites
- Antibiotics added to feed
- Filtration system
- Waste products regularly removed
- Biological controls - organisms added that feed on parasites
How can you Control Waste Products in fish farming?
- Filtration system
- Area cleaned regularly
- Farming area moved regularly
- Biological controls - organisms added that feed on waste products
How can you Control Water Temperature and Quality in fish farming?
- Heat pumps
* Filtration devices
How do you Protect the Stock in fish farming?
- One species of fish in area
- Different sized fish kept separately - intra specific competition stopped
- Cover area with net - stop predators
What do you Feed the Fish in fish farming?
- High protein pellets-Meaning convert food to flesh faster
* Feed contain antibiotics
What is Genetic Engineering and give an example?
- Process of an organisms DNA being altered, to change its characteristics/produce ability
- Used to make living things produce other, more valuable products
- E.g. yeast genetically engineered to produce vaccines for human diseases
Why are Microorganisms often used for Genetic Engineering?
- Genetic info easy to change/access
- Fast life cycle - creating desired characteristics quickly
- Asexually reproduce - transfer desired characteristics to off spring
How are Enzymes used to join DNA pieces together?
- Restriction enzyme recognise specific sequences of DNA, cut DNA at this point
- Ligase enzyme join two pieces of DNA
- 2 different bits of DNA together known as recombinant DMA
What is a Vector?
Organism that doesn’t cause an effect itself, transfers something from one organism/place to another organism/place
How does Genetic Engineering work?
- Restriction enzyme cuts DNA you want to insert, vector DNA cut using same enzyme
- Vector DNA and DNA your inserting mixed together with ligase enzymes
- Ligase joins both pieces together = recombinant DNA
- This is inserted into other cells, now use this gene to make protein you want
What Characteristics might be useful in Genetically Modified crops?
- Pest resistance
- Frost resistance
- Disease resistance
- Herbicide resistance
- Drought resistance
- Longer shelf life
How is Micropropagation used to Clone Plants?
- Plant with desired characteristics selected to be cloned
- Small pieces taken from stem/shoots
- Explants sterilised to kill microorganisms
- Grown in vitro- placed in petri dish, containing nutrient medium/growth hormone
- Cells in explant divide/grow into small plant
- Small plant planted in soil + in glasshouse
- Develop into plants that are genetically identical to original plant
How do you Clone an Adult Mammal?
- Nucleus of sheep egg cell removed = enucleated cell
- Diploid Nucleus inserted in its place - (nucleus from mature udder cell of different sheep)
- Cell stimulated, starts dividing by mitosis
- Embryo implanted in surrogate sheep
- Dolly the sheep born, (clone of sheep that udder cell came from)
How can Cloned Transgenic Animals be used to produce Human Proteins and give an example?
- Cows/sheep make protein in their milk, transfer human genes into cells of these animals, produces useful human proteins
- E.g. Produce human antibodies for arthritis, cancer,etc
- Transgenic animals cloned so useful genetic characteristics passed on