USA Key Topic 3 (Vietnam War) Flashcards
What was the battle of Diem Bien Phu (1951)?
-Vietnam had been rule by the French as part of Indochina
-Vietminh changed tactics to large attacks on well-defended French positions.
-Vietminh surrounded French camp at Diem Bien Phu, set up gun positions in surrounding hills which cut off French supplies.
-French surrendered after 2 months and 13,500 French deaths in May 1954.
What was the Geneva Agreement (1954)?
-Peace conference with US, France, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.
-Vietnam to be divided at 17th parallel until elections in July 1956 would decide future gov. and reunite the country.
-North led by communist Ho Chi Minh.
-South led by violently anti-communist, anti-buddhist Ngo Dinh Diem.
What were some reasons for increased US involvement under Eisenhower?
-The Domino Theory: the US was worried that communism would spread to Vietnam due to close proximity to USSR, China and North Korea. French withdrawal left it at risk of communist invasion, and US worried that if Vietnam became comm., it would spread to all of SE Asia and then Europe.
-Weaknesses of Diem’s government: Diem was unpopular due to his anti-buddhist policies (he was Catholic) so US feared the outcome of free elections (HCM elected).
-He persecuted Buddhists and his policies favoured Catholic landowners, executed Vietminh. They rigged elections in Oct. 1955, then propped Diem’s gov. up.
-Eisenhower sent aid and military advisors to the ARVN (SV army) to fight VC but not troops because feared nuclear war with USSR.
-National Liberation Front set up to oppose Diem, comm. guerrilla movement and nicknamed them Vietcong.
What were some reasons for increased US involvement under Kennedy?
-Kennedy wanted to appear tough on communism and increased number of military experts sent to train ARVN, sent special forces and troops.
-The Strategic Hamlet Program (1962): VC successful with guerrilla tactics and were sheltered in villages, gaining ground in SV. ARVN were losing despite being larger. US moved peasants into fortified villages surrounded by troops away from VC.
-Very unpopular as peasants did not want to be moved away from spiritual burial grounds and rice fields. Spread communism around countryside and increased NLF support.
-Led to JFK sending more aircraft, intelligence, advisors.
-Overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem (1963): US supported plot to overthrow him because of how unpopular he was. ARVN surrounded Diem’s palace in Saigon, he was arrested and shot. Next gov. were also unpopular and short-lived.
Why was the threat of the Vietcong increasing under LBJ?
-LBJ inherited JFK’s commitment to Vietnam, strength of VC meant US needed more involvement, he had to convince Congress and the public.
-Vietcong in SV were supplied by the Ho Chi Minh Trail (underground trail from NV–>Cambodia–>SV). VC was gaining territory, eg 35% of SV under VC control.
-The VC were becoming more organised and effective, they received supplies from the North supplied by the USSR and China.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964)?
-Supposedly, US warships were shot at twice by a NV patrol boat in the Gulf of Tonkin. Attack was enough for LBJ to convince Congress to increase US involvement.
-Congress passed Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving LBJ power to take any measures to defend SV.
What was the increased US involvement as a result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964)?
-US sent air support and US troops to Vietnam, 500,000 troops by 1968. VC defeated two elite ARVN battalions showing strength of guerrilla tactics. Then attacked US air bases.
-End of 1968, US launched Operation Rolling Thunder.
What were the guerrilla tactics used by the Vietcong?
-Had to use guerrilla tactics as they would lose in conventional battle against US army.
-Retreated when enemy attacked, raided enemy camps, attack when enemy tires, pursue when enemy retreats.
-Aim of tactics was to wear down enemy soldiers and wreck their morale, US soldiers lived in constant fear of ambushes.
-Relied on support from peasantry who hid VC. VC were respectful to them and helped them in fields. But, they were also ruthless and killed peasants who opposed them, killing 27000 civilians.
What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail?
-Secret underground tunnel from NV to SV through Laos and Cambodia. Contained dormitories, hospitals, supply depots, etc. Also had booby traps: poisonous snakes, punji sticks, grenades.
What tactics did the US use?
-Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-1968)
-Chemical weapons
-Defensive ground strategy
-Search and destroy
What was Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-1968)?
-Widespread bombing raids on military and industrial targets in NV using high explosive bombs. x3 bombs dropped by all in WWII.
-Caused considerable damage to cities and supply routes.
-HCM trail was untouched, $400k to kill 1 VC.
-Lost moral high ground (indiscriminate bombing), also drove SV people to support VC.
What chemical weapons did the US use?
-Saw ORT as failure and needed to draw out VC from jungle.
-Agent Orange: chemical defoliant to strip jungle of leaves, expose VC. Toxic and harmed people.
-Napalm: burning petroleum jelly, sprayed it indiscriminately across jungles and villages. Caused horrific burns on people 800°C.
-US looked immoral, chemical weapons destroyed environment and causing harmed to people. Turned public opinion against the war. Hardens anti-US attitudes in Vietnam.
What was the defensive ground strategy (1964-1965)?
-Sent troops to defend US air bases which troops patrolled. Trying to protect territory from VC infiltration, more popular. More VC casualties than US but VC retreated into Cambodia so US couldn’t pursue.
What was Search and Destroy?
-Escalation of defensive ground strategy led by US General Westmoreland.
-‘Zippo’ raids: US troops set fire to villages wanting to flush out VC as they believed VC had infiltrated these villages. US bases in SV flew helicopters to NV villages to burn.
-US soldiers inexperienced to often walked into traps, demoralised, PTSD, psychological impact of attacking civilians.
-Often went off of incorrect information and burned down innocent villages, not popular at US or globally.
What was the Tet Offensive (1968)?
-VC attacked many SV cities on Vietnamese New Years’, a public holiday so ARVN was unprepared.
-Wanted to weaken US military. Took control of US embassy for 5 hours, damaging US morale significantly.
-Frightened US as VC could infiltrate cities and US embassy quickly, led to new policies under Nixon.
-4500 VC fighters killed, destroying many of finest VC fighters, now more closely controlled by HCM.
-US public shocked by attack on embassy, and having seen VC reach embassy thought the war couldn’t be won.
What was Vietnamisation?
-Nixon wanted US troops to withdraw from Vietnam but also giving the appearance that the USA hadn’t lost the war. “peace with honour”
-ARVN was to take over more fighting, reducing the number of US deaths. Focus would be to send money and advisors not soldiers. Keep Vietnam divided and non-communist.
-The ARVN was defeated by VC 2 years after US withdrawal because they didn’t have time to prepare, weren’t committed to fighting, it was poorly led and dependent on US air-force.
What was the Nixon Doctrine?
-A doctrine in which Nixon proclaimed that in the future the US would honour its current defence commitments but not commit troops anywhere else. They would also only supply financial aid rather than troops.
-US ground troops were withdrawn but air support remained.
What was the Cambodia Campaign (1970)?
-VC and NVA using safe havens in Cambodia as springboards for offensives into SV, also HCM trail.
-Renewed public outcry and waves of demonstrations at colleges across USA as media published details of the bombings.
-Was kept from Congress, so reverted GOTR, plans had to be discussed with Congress from then on.
-3 mil tons bombs dropped
What was the Invasion of Laos (1971)?
-ARVN invaded on the ground, US provided air support as ground invasion wasn’t authorised by Congress.
-ARVN soundly defeated by NVA which was well-equipped with Soviet weapons. Showed how Vietnamisation was unsuccessful and the invasion was unsuccessful.
-Was meant to force peace negotiations
What was Operation Linebacker II (1972)?
-US carried out air-force raids on NV as NV refused peace terms so Nixon decided to escalate bombing.
-Aimed at winning concessions from comm. at Paris peace talks. “diplomacy through terror”