Cold War Key Topic 1 Flashcards
What was the Grand Alliance?
-An alliance of convenience between the USA, Britain and the USSR formed to fight a common enemy: Nazi Germany.
What was the ideology of the USA?
Democratic elections, freedom of speech
Free market, favours private enterprise
Societal hierarchy based on wealth
What was the ideology of the USSR?
Dictatorship, no/rigged elections, censorship
Closed market, gov. owned (no private companies), controls on labour and employment, gov. controlled wages
In theory, everyone is equal and paid the same
What was the two consequences of the Tehran conference (Nov 1943) ?
1) A United Nations organisation was to be established after the war.
-Nations agreed on international body set up to settle future disputes within countries, setting the scene for the formation of the UN.
-Improvement of international relations
2) USSR gain land from Poland.
-An area of Eastern Poland was added to USSR, Poland borders move Westward to Germany, owned by USSR
-Improvement of relations as USA and Br allowed USSR to gain land and reached agreement on this.
What were two consequences of the Yalta conference (Feb 1945) ?
1) Official establishment and joining of UN
-Shows that nations willing to cooperate in future and settle future disputes more peacefully
-Improvement of international relations
2) Poland part of USSR’s ‘sphere of influence’ and run democratically
-Agreed upon however Stalin broke this as single comm. gov. ran Poland that wasn’t voted in, Truman didn’t approve.
-Deterioration of international relations
What were two consequences of the Potsdam conference (July 1945) ?
1) Germany divided into 4 zones.
-Agreed by nations split Gy into 4 zones: USA, USSR, Br, France. Berlin split similarly into zones of occupation. Agreed to run Gy in cooperation, but disagreed on reparations.
-Improvement of relations, reached agreement on splitting and future of Germany, eg denazification, demilitarisation
2) Truman revealed to Stalin the USA’s atomic bomb
-Truman felt he could push Stalin around at conference which Stalin disliked. He already knew due to spies but could now publicly make complaints.
-Deterioration of international relations, changes nature as Arms Race begins
What was Truman’s beliefs and attitudes?
- Hard-line anti-Communist who was uncompromising (Capitalist)
-Disliked Stalin and Soviets, thought he was aggressive and only cared about war.
What was Churchill’s beliefs and attitudes?
- Hard-line anti-Communist (Capitalist)
-Deeply suspicious of Stalin’s rule and communism. Very worried about Stalin’s expansion into Eastern Europe to provide buffer zones for USSR.
What was Stalin’s beliefs and attitudes?
- Communist who is deeply suspicious of the West, wanted protection and security for USSR by having buffer zones
-Suspicious of Anglo-US alliance and friendship as they were more similar in ideologies and he was isolated by them.
What were two consequences of the Long and Novikov Telegrams (1946) ?
1) US became suspicious of USSR
-US ambassador Kennan in Moscow told Truman that USSR saw capitalism as threat as lived in ‘capitalist encirclement’ which would result in conflict. USSR building military power. US must influence Europe otherwise USSR will.
-Increased tension between nations
2) USSR became suspicious of US
-Soviet ambassador in Washington told Stalin that US wanted world domination and was building up its military strength and expanding military bases, spread capitalism. USSR need buffer zone in Europe.
-Deterioration of international relations
What were two consequences of Soviet expansionism and establishment of satellite states in Eastern Europe?
1) Creation of the Iron Curtain
-Iron Curtain was the political boundary between Eastern and Western Europe. Eastern was Soviet sphere of influence in which they have lots of power, West was Western/US sphere of influence.
-Deterioration of international relations as there was clear divide between East and West
2) Strengthening of Communism
-USSR had a much greater sphere of influence and had a lot of power over Eastern European countries and their elections. Could introduce Communist parties into E. Europe to spread communism and have greater power.
-Increased tensions as USSR was expanding Communism, US worried about domino effect
What were two consequences of the Truman Doctrine (1947) ?
1) USSR created Cominform in response
-It organised all communist parties in Europe and arranged leadership more efficiently. Removed opposition to Soviet control in satellite states. Exemplifies division in Europe.
-Policy change and deterioration of international relations as there is a divided Europe, increasing tension
2) US create the Marshall Plan
- US sent 13 bn dollars to help rebuild Europe and prop up European country’s economies as Truman believed poverty made countries susceptible to Communism. Countries had to trade with US to get money. USSR criticised it as an attack as it threatened comm. control in Europe, creating economic reliance on US ‘dollar imperialism.’
-Policy change as US was supplying European countries with money and deterioration of international relations
What were two consequences of the Marshall Plan (1947) ?
1) Soviets criticised it as an attack and an attempt to create economic reliance on the US: ‘dollar imperialism’
-US provided money for non-comm. countries on condition that they trade with US, threatening comm. control in Europe. Successful in containing communism as countries strayed away from the USSR.
-Deterioration of international relations
2) USSR made Comecon
-Gave financial aid to communist countries as an alternative to the Marshall Plan. Built trade links between comm. countries and prevented them from receiving Marshall Plan Aid.
-Increased tensions as USSR and US competed for economic and trade superiority over European countries
What were two consequences of Cominform (1947) ?
1) Strengthened Soviet control over Eastern Europe
-Brought together communist parties in Eastern Europe and arranged leadership to remove opposition to Soviet Union’s control
-Increased prestige of Stalin as he was able to reinforce his power of Eastern Europe effectively and deteriorated international relations
2) Western Europe and Eastern Europe clearly divided
-Europe was separated in ideologies. W. had Marshall Plan and US policy of containment linked while E. was in Cominform with USSR. Exemplifies division between nations.
-Deterioration of international relations
What were two consequences of the Arms Race (1945-1955) ?
1) Introduction of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
-As both superpowers now had developed nuclear weapons, larger warheads and missile delivery systems, any nuclear war would lead to MAD. Had to find ways to settle disputes without war.
-Improved/ deteriorated international relations, mutual agreement of destruction meant there was a ‘balance of terror’ but also tension over new stronger weapons
2) Decline in USA’s military superiority
-US had been the only country with nuclear weapons however USSR now had nuclear weapons and a stronger military, so they were now more equal in strength
-Increased tension as they were now both heavily militarised superpowers, turning point as they were now more equal in military strength.
What were two consequences of the Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)?
1) USSR seemed more aggressive
-USSR wanted Western powers’ troops to leave their zones in Berlin, tried achieving this by blocking off supplies to W. Berlin. Stalin wanted to demonstrate they had power to stop a divided Gy from functioning and could starve out W. Berlin, which did not work due to the B. Airlift.
-Decreased prestige of Stalin as it was humiliating that the West could still supply necessary goods to W. Berliners
2) Showed that disputes between powers could be solved peacefully
-After the Berlin Blockade had been set up, blocking all major road, canal and railways from W. Gy to W. Berlin, the West were still able to fly in thousands of tonnes of supplies to Berlin, instead of pulling out of Berlin entirely.
-Improves international relations as the dispute was solved peacefully by the West
What were two consequences of the formation of NATO (1949)?
1) USSR sets up Warsaw Pact in response
- Stalin saw it as an “aggressive alliance” and so USSR set up their own version of NATO, a military treaty between Eastern European countries including USSR. Increased military strength of Eastern Bloc and Soviet control over it.
-Policy change as a new treaty was formed in E. Europe, increased tensions as there are now two divided strong, militarised groups of nations.
2) Unites the West against Soviet expansion and strengthens the alliance between the US and Western Europe
-NATO was a military alliance signed to prevent Soviet expansion between the US and W. Europe. It was set up after the Berlin Blockade and dev. of the Soviet atomic bomb.
-Deterioration of international relations as there are now two militarised groups of nations with clashing ideologies.
What were two consequences of Comecon (1949)?
1) Strengthened Communism and reduced threat of US intervention in Eastern Bloc
-It prevented Comecon countries from signing up to Marshall Plan and receiving aid from the US, forcing them to trade with the USSR. Reinforced trade links in Eastern Bloc and denied them access to trade with West.
-Deterioration of international relations as there are two distinct spheres of influence with different economic beliefs
2) Eastern and Western Europe made very clear to be separated in ideologies.
-E. and W. Europe now divided both politically and economically. W. Europe have Marshall Plan, NATO, capitalism and E. Europe have Comecon, Cominform and communism. Exemplifies division in Europe.
-Deterioration of international relations
What were two consequences of the formation of East and West Germany (1949)?
1) Complete collapse of Allied cooperation
-Germany was now formally divided into two separate countries: Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. This meant the East and West were no longer cooperating over running Germany, resulting in decreased cooperation together and creating a divide.
-Deterioration of international relations.
2) Ideological and economic divide created in Germany
-The US, British and French zones were joined together so W. Gy would be easier to control. Stalin was not consulted on this and felt it violated agreements made at Potsdam. He suspected the West was trying to permanently divide richer capitalist W. Gy and poorer communist E. Gy.
-Deterioration of international relations.
What were two consequences of the Warsaw Pact (1955)?
1) Two opposing military alliances in Europe established divided by the Iron Curtain.
-W. Europe was in NATO (1949) and Eastern Bloc was in Warsaw Pact so there is an increased sense of division in Europe as there were two militarised groups of nations, if one was attacked all would join to fight.
-Increased tension and deterioration of international relations.
2) Intensified Arms Race between the East and West.
-All countries in the Warsaw Pact were satellite states whose armed forces the USSR now had control over, intensifying the Arms Race as their military was stronger and larger.
-Increased tension and deterioration of international relations.
What were two consequences of the Death of Stalin and De-Stalinisation (1953-1956)?
1) Khrushchev came to power and proposed the idea of ‘peaceful co-existence’
-Khrushchev succeeded Stalin as Soviet Premier, changing Stalinist policy that war was inevitable to a theory that the US and USSR, and their respective ideologies, could exist alongside each other without conflict.
-Improvement in international relations as Khrushchev pushed against conflict and attended peace conferences
2) The Hungarian Uprising
-In Feb 1956, Khrushchev gave his ‘secret speech’ revealing the domestic policy of De-Stalinisation in which the USSR would be changed drastically from how it was under Stalin: prisons changed, locations renamed, monuments removed, foreign policy change, etc. It outlined a less strict control on satellite states, so Hungary tried to revolt.
-Deterioration of international relations as prospect of ‘peaceful co-existence’ was ruined by Khrushchev’s response.
What were some key events leading up to the Hungarian Uprising in 1956?
-October 1956: student demonstrations in Hungary began protesting for democratic freedoms, in response Khrushchev sent troops and tanks to Budapest to restore peace
-Nagy came to power published his reforms including: leaving the Warsaw Pact, holding free elections and have UN protection.
-November 1956: Nagy appealed for help from the UN. Due to pressure from Mao Zedong and the Suez Crisis, Khrushchev sent 200,000 troops to Hungary, crushing the rebellion and restoring Soviet control.
What were two consequences of the Hungarian Uprising (1956) ?
1) Nagy and his government were deposed.
-Nagy was PM of Hungary and wanted reforms such as leaving WP, having free elections and UN protection. USSR responded brutally, invading Hungary, shooting peaceful protestors, arresting and killing Nagy, replacing with Kadar.
-Deterioration of international relations due to violent retaliation from USSR.
2) Tighter Soviet control over satellite states.
-Soviet Union made an example out of Hungary during the invasion, killing 20,000 rebels and setting a precedent for brutally suppressing uprisings. This deterred other satellite states from revolting. US only verbally condemned invasion but didn’t intervene with military.
-Increased prestige of Khrushchev who looked like a stronger leader who protected Communism (Mao) and could control the Eastern Bloc.