U.S. History Unit 3 Flashcards
- Extractive economy
Imperial country takes raw materials from their colonies
- Imperialism
The policy by which strong nations extend their political, military,and economic control over weaker territories
- Alfred T Mahan
A military historian and an officer in the US Navy
- Fredrick Turner
A historian who used the frontier for resources
- Mathew Perry
Sailed a fleet of American warships into present day Tokyo bay , Japan
- Queen Lilioukalani
Hawaiian nationalist who abolished the constitution that gave power to whites
- Jose Marti
Cuban patriot who launched war for independence from Spain.
- Yellow press
Newspapers that featured a comic called the yellow kid
- Jingoism
Aggressive nationalism
- George Dewey
Commodore who fought war against Spanish. He quickly won
- Rough riders
Rugged westerners and upper class easterners created by Theodore Roosevelt
- Treaty of Paris
Ended war between Spain and US. Gave US control of Cuba Puerto Rico and Guam
- Insurrection
Another name for rebellion
- Guerilla warfare
Non traditional fighting technique where enemies are flanked secretly
- William Howard Taft
Future president of US and past president of Philippines
- Spheres of influence
.a region dominated and controlled by an outside power
- Boxer rebellion
Violence started by members of a secret society in China, which prompted the governments of Europe and America to send troops to squash the rebellion
- Open door policy
American statement that the government did not want colonies in China but favored free trade there
- Gentlemens Agreement
Pact between the United States and Japan to end segregation of Asian children in san fransico public schools. Japan agreed to limit immigration to US
- Great white fleet
Battleships sent by Roosevelt in 1907 on a good will cruise around the world
- Foraker Act
Law establishing a civil government in Puerto Rico
- Platt Amendment
Set of conditions under which Cuba was granted independence in 1902, including restrictions on rights of Cubans and granting the US the right to intervene to keep peace in Cuba
- “Big stick” diplomacy
Theodore Roosevelt policy of creating and using when necessary a strong military to achieve Americas goal
- Panama Canal
Human made water way linking the Atlantic to the pacific across the isthmus of Panama
- Roosevelt Corolly
Theodore Roosevelts reassertion of the Monroe doctrine to keep the western hemisphere free from European intervention
- Dollar diplomacy
President tafts policy of expanding American investments abroad
- Moral diplomacy
Woodrow Wilsons statement that the US will not use force to assert influence in the world, but to promote human rights
- Francisco “Pancho” Villa
top military leader of the Mexican Revolution
- Militarism
Glorification of the military
- Francis Ferdinand
Archduke of Austria este and Austria Hungary
- Western front
Battle front between the allies and central powers in Western Europe during world war 1
- Casualty
Soldiers killed, wounded and missing
- Contraband
Supplies captured from an enemy during war time
- U-boat
German submarine
- Lusitania
British passenger liner sunk by a German u-boat during ww1
- Zimmerman note
Telegram written by German foreign minister Zimmerman proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the US during ww1
- Selective service act
Act passed by congress in 1917 authorizing a draft of men for military service
- Bernard Baruch
Influential Wall Street broker who reported directly to the president
- Committee on public information (CPI)
Educate the public about the causes and nature of the war
- George Creel
Director of CPI