US History Exam #1 Flashcards
Thirteenth Amendment
ended slavery
Fourteenth Amendment
granted citizenship to freedmen
Fifteenth Amendment
right to vote could not be denied on account of race
freed blacks were unanimous in their
desire for independence from white control
Education in the South
reached over 10 percent of the school age population of former slaves
faction of the republicans who wanted to punish the confederacy
Plessy v Ferguson
separate but equal
Black codes
set of regulations that promoted white supremacy in the south
Recent historian believe that blacks in reconstruction
gained significant improvements
People in the west before white arrival did not include
freed slaves
THe homestead act
granted land to settlers willing and able to farm for five years
Morrill land grant college act was designed to
promote agricultural and techinacal education
The Grangers
Western Farmers
Sand Creek Massacre
American forces slaughtered peaceful Cheyenne
Helen Hunt Jackson
wrote a book about the mistreatment of native americans
Native americans maintained resistance to euro american settler by
maintaining their culture
Dawes Severalty act
created to force assimilation of Indians into society
Frontier Thesis by Frederick Jackson Turner
was about the western frontier. Whitemen= heroes
WHy assimilate native americans?
it was in their “best interest”
first big gusiness in US
no government influence in government. Liked by Conservative capitalists
Trustinvented by
Great Uprising
strike against railroad companies
Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Co. v. Illinois and Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, demonstrated that the Supreme Court in 1886 was
primarily conservative and supported big business
AFL excluded unskilled workers because
they were weak and unreliable
Unions accepted women?
false, they were not accepted most of the time
wome who did laundry and different pieces did
by 1900 southern and eastern europeans dominated
Many immigrants came to the US planning to stay temporarily
Gilded Age
1877-1900, amazing achivements distracted from inequality and poverty and social issues
Great Migration
African Americans left the sourth in Huge numbers 1890-1910
Multiple family dwellings 4-6 stories poor quality
inadequate street cleaning
political machines
powerful urban political organizations that mobilized large blocs of working class and immigrant voters (corrupt and illegal activity)
Boss Tweed
ran political machine in New York
Taminy Hall
Biggest political machine, located in New York
Immigrants and political machines
recieved help from political machines and were seenas bad by many americans
anti immigration views and sentiments
Urban Reform
Women’s suffrage, New woman (describing educated, independent, and politically and socially active women)
Social Darwinism
Poor are poor because they aren’t “fit”
Settlement House
institutions established in cities to help poor provided basic education
Jane Addams
founded most famous settlement house
Hull House
Jane Addams’ settlement house
City Beautiful movement
advocated comprehensive planning and grand redesign of urban space
Chicago’s World Fair
Columbian Exposition marked by the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ arrival to the new world to show off the rebuilt CHicago
White City
Fourteen main buildings designed and beautifully landscaped with featuring waterways and reflecting pools
People’s party populists
farmers aliiance turned into populists
Wanted gov’t intervention in the economy
William Jennings Bryant
populist party presidential candidate
1865-1877 hwere seceded states were controlled by the federal gov’t
10% plan
lincoln’s plan that once 10% of voters swore allegiance to union, the state could be readmitted
freedmans bureau
set up to help freedmen
Radical Republicans
anti slavery and had many scuttles with pres
put states into 5 military districts and led reconstruction
wade davis bill
1864 gave provisional gov’t to southern states and radicals pushed this bill through congress
Andrew Johnson
pres after lincoln. democrat who vetod many radical bills was on trial for impeachment
JOhnson’s plan
mix of amnesty (lincoln) and wade davis bill
johnson called his plan restoration rather than reconstruction
Black COdes
stated legislators in the south passed these to enforce white supremacy
Civil Rights act
included blacks as citizens was vetod by johnson but overturned by congress
Radical reconstruction
14th amendment gave blacks the right to vote; COngressional plan put south into 5 military districts
military reconstruction act
put south into 5 military districts where ppl were registered to cote on new state constituents 1867
Tenure of office act
pres needed approval from the senate in order to remove office holders 1867-1887
Carpet baggers
white men from the north who went south to farm
former whigs, disliked democrats and lived in isolated areas with little of no slaves
Used terrorism to bar blacks from voting
Panic of 1873
undermined support for reconstruction; financial crisis 1873-1879 closed railroad company Jay Cooke and CO
Mississippi plan
made by democrats to overthrow Republicans in Mississippi by threats of violence and suppression or purchase of black voters
powerful conservative oligarchy took control in south aka Bourbans
COmpromise of 1877
Congress made special electoral commission to break deadlock between rutherford B Hayes and Samuel T Tilden in pres election
New SOuth
supported vigorous industrial economy in the south; economic diversification
Jim Crow
laws enforced racial segregation in the south
Pacific Railway Act
created the union pacific and the central pacific railways
UNion Pacific
went west from nebraska
central pacific
went from california to the sierra nevada mts
prmontory point
where the central and union railways met in Utah
Transcontinental Railroad
Leland Stanford put in a golden spike joining the two railroads at promontory point
Great Plains
Stretched from texas up to the dakotas
ex slaves who worked to get land, work, better living conditions, and less violence
escaped persecution and went to Utah and the great Salt lake
The Grange
against powerful railroads
dangerous jobs, were white, blakc and hisoanic
Long drive
1000+ miles from Texas to the plains
Sand Creek Massacre
200 cheyenne Indians kille in COlorado
Battle of Little Big Horn
Cheyenne, Sioux, and arapho beat ct, George A Custer
Dawes act
forced assimilation; gave land to families not tribes, coudn’t sellland for 25 years
wounded knee massacre
Open fire on Sioux indians 200-300 died
Frontier thesis
Turner; Frontier was + on shaping character and institutions in the US
businesses owned by people who buy shares of stock in the company
control of an industry or market by one corp
andrew Carnegie
vertical integration
controlling all levels of manufacturing from production to selling
horisontal integration
One company buys out all competition
Robber Barons
Big business leaders. Term is suggesting they grew rich by devious business practices
an umbrella corporation
contraction of economic growth
CHild labor
paid less, no education, exposed to industrial hazards
a list of names who companies refused to hire becuase they were “troublemakers”
theory rejecting capitalism and advocated common ownership of propert and social and economic equity
CHinese exclusion act
1882 barred hcinese immigration for 10 years and was renewed several times
ended in 1943
knights of labor
founded in 1869 labor organization that accepted all workers in 1880s became worlds largest industrial union
haymarket incident
May 4 1886 bomb goes of in haymarket square chicago by group of police causing fear of worker unions and anarchy