Tri II Final Exam Flashcards
Thomas Peters
Slave who joined the black pioneers and established sierra leone
Black Pioneers
Escaped slaves who fought to maintain british rule in the colonies
Songhay Empire Location
Western Grasslands of Africa
Songhay Empire Religion
Songhay Empire Fall
Moroccan army with muskets overthrew gov’t, turned into regional kingdoms and city states
Fall of Swahili States
Vasco da Gama taxed states and the Portuguese navy came
Kongo’s relations with Portugal
Portugal provided people such as advisors, military garrisons, and artisans in exchange for the slave trade
Afonso I
Nzinga Mbemba, Kingdom of Kongo. Wrote letters to Portugal to stop slave trade but was unsuccessful. Was a very devout catholic.
Portuguese took control on Angola after Queen Nzinga died
(Angola) Small chiefdom to large regional empire. Big part of the slave trade
Queen Nzinga
Led resistance against Portuguese and allied with the Dutch. Fought to defend the lower Congo basin
Dutch in Africa
Allied with Queen Nzinga, had a trading post at Cape town.
Great Zimbabwe
Stone Complex built by the swahili people. Housed their kings and controlled trade.
West African center of learning
Timbuktu (Islamic learning)
Influence of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa
Most popular in commercial center of Africa. Was a blend of Islam and indigenous beliefs and customs.
Christianity in Kongo
Kings converted to establish closer relations with Portuguese. Christianity was similar to spirits that they already recognized. They transformed Christianity into the religion that they wanted.
Origins of Slave Trade
Slaves were war captives. African people would buy slaves to enlarge their families and powers. Slaves were treated pretty well.
Escalation of Slave Trade
Muslim merchant entered the Slave trade and began to sell them to the Mediterranean basin. Demand for slaves kept increasing.
Triangular Trade
Europe to Africa: Manufactured goods
Africa to Americas: Slaves
Americas to Europe: Sugar
Middle Passage
The voyage that slave took from Africa to the Americas
Slave revolts
Unsuccessful except for in the case of Saint-Domingue
End of slave trade
Influenced by American and French revolutions. Denmark was the first to abolish slave trade in 1803.
Matteo Ricci
An Italian Jesuit who went to the Ming dynasty to convert Chinese to Christianity.
Ming Dynasty
Drove out mongols, built a powerful centralized state, and restored Chinese traditions and Confucianism.
Supported the complication of the Yongle Encyclopedia. Supported naval expeditions, moved capital to beijing, and designed the Forbidden City.
Ming Foreign Policy
Eradicated Mongols and other foreign influences
Qing Dynasty ruling philosophy
Manchus held high positions, Centralized state, Confucianism
“Son of Heaven”
Believed they had heavenly powers on earth and they were in charge of maintaining order on earth. Lived in the Forbidden City.
Significance of Foot Binding
Showed wealth, better marriages, patriarchal dominance
Female Status in Ming and Qing Dynastys
Bad. Female infanticide, widow suicide.
Foreign trade during Ming Dynasty
Trade threatened scholar bureaucrats. Kangxi began to strictly control foreign trade.
China was weaker than the west because… (Ming and Qing dynasties)
The Ming and Qing dynasties found technology disruptive
Social Classes in Ming China
Peasants, workers/artisans, merchants
Confucian social classes
Noblemen, bureaucrats, mandarins, eunuchs, Peasants, Workers/artisans, merchants, mean people
Reason for lack of Chinese converts to Christianity
Christianity was an exclusive religion.
“Great Names” territorial lords who ruled Japan. Had to be controlled by Shoguns.
Military leader that led Japan and received political rights and land in exchange for service
Japanese foreign policy (1630)
Tightly restricted
Tokugawa Period
A period in Japan where Neo- Confucianism became popular and stability came to Japan.
Religion of Japan. Veneration of ancestors and the belief in nature spirits and deities.
Taj Mahal
Built by Shah Jahan as a mosque and tomb for his wife
Religion of Mughal, Safavid, and Ottomans
Muslim religious warriors
The law that every Christian family had to contribute a son to the Sultan for slavery
The boy slaves by law who became soldiers.
Fall of Constantinople
Mehmed the Conqueror and became Istanbul
Twelver Shiism
Ismail proclaimed this the religion of Tabriz. “Red Heads” Muslims thought this was blasphemy.
Safi al Din
Leader of the Sufis in NW Persia
Shah Ismail
Took over Tabriz and used propaganda. Was twelve when he took Tabriz.
Founding of the Mughal Dynasty
Babur, invaded India and seized Delhi
Mughal religious ideas
religious tolerance “Divine faith”
Mughal emperor reinstated the Jizya and was very pro Islam
combo of Hinduism and Islam (tolerated under Akbar)
Safavid Empire, was small with a natural setting.
Ottoman Empire, was very large
Decline of the Islamic Empires
Bad emperors and fights between powerful families
Most important accomplishment of the Sui Dynasty
Water project (canal)
Expansion during tang
Mongolia and Vietnam
Buddhism during Tang Dynasty
Was supported and popular
Founder of the Song Dynasty
Song Taizu
Hagia Sophia
Justinian’s biggest accomplishment. Church with dome
Hagia Sohia, codified roman laws (Corpus iuris civilus), Theodora=wife, plague happened while he was emperor
Beginning of Middle Ages
Political and Social order of medieval Europe.
Great Schism of 1054
The Church broke into two. Eastern and Western
Origins of Russia
Eastern Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples. Adopted Christianity from the byzantines.
Delhi Sultanate founder and where
Qutb-ud-din Aibak, North India
Mongol Khanates
Golden Horde, il khanate, khanate of Chagatai, and the Great Khan
Weakened Golden Horde, capital at Samarkand.
Bantu migrations
Bantu nomadic people moved all over spreading their language all over Africa
Mali Founding
Lion Prince Sundiati built mali Empire
Mali Economy
Taxed trans saharan trade
Viking Exploration
Found Greenland, Iceland, and the Americas
Spain took back Granada from muslims
Catholic Church sent out inquisitors to find heretics, this was when brutal torture methods were created.
Where Spain and Portugal are located
Islamic cities of Spain
The Reconquista drove out all muslims.
Origins and impacts of the Crusades
Pope Urban II launched them. Meant to stabilize and expand the borders of Christendom. Caused a large-scale exchange of ideas, technologies, and trade goods.
Aztec gov’t
The military elite ruled, just took tribute from those they conquered, no standing army
Aztec religion
Had gods which they gave human sacrifices to in order to prevent an apocalypse, honor the gods, ensure agricultural success, and show the gov’ts power
Aztec economy
Agriculture and Trade
Inca Gov’t
Emperor, military, and bureaucratic elite
Inca religion
Sun is a god with many other natural sources being divine. Sacrificed animals but not humans. Believed in sin, penance, and confession.
Inca Economy
No market economy, no large class of artisans, no independent merchants
Inca mnemonic device
Agriculture system used by the Aztecs, grew crops on floating islands made of straw
Ibn Battuta
Moroccan legal scholar who traveled extensively as an Islamic Judge
Seized by Afonso de Albuquerque
Marco Polo
Famous Venetian Scholar who stayed in the Court of Khubliai Khan
Origin of Cotton in Africa
Muslims introduced cotton to Africa.
a focus on glorification of the individual person
a focus on earthly matters
studying works on ancient Greece and Rome
Zheng He
Chinese admiral who made seven journeys of Exploration. Was a Eunuch
Brunelleshi’s dome. Cathedral in Florence Italy.
Motives for European exploration
the search for basic resources, establish new trade routes to Asian Markets, expand Christianity
Exploration of the Pacific Ocean
English looked for Northwest passage, Russians were also exploring there (Vitus Bering)
Spanish Trade
Had a commercial hub at Manila, Philippines
Russian expansion into Siberia
Fur caused the russians to expand eastward
Reasons for reformation
popes led extravagant lifestyles, clergy was uneducated, sale of indulgences
95 theses
made by Martin luther, were very opposed towards the sale of indulgences.
Causes of Reformation in England
Mostly Political, Henry VIII needed a divorce from his wife and the pope would not give him one.
John Calvin
Founded calvinism and a protestant community in Geneva, Switzerland
Council of Trent
Difined Catholic reformation and goals. Addressed matters of doctrine and reform. Looked at the works of Thomas Aquinas and set strict standards of morals for those worked in the church. Also required priests to be better educated
Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Jesuits were great missionaries. Believed in Education mixed with religion. Were very disciplined
Causes and Effects of witch hunts
Cause: People couldn’t explain the things around them
Effect: Blamed people who were outcasts in society
Charles V and the end of the Holy Roman Empire
Ended because he was unable to centralize authority
Ptolemaic Universe
Universal theory with earth at the center. Geocentric, church endorsed this theory
Early scientific discoveries of the 1500s
Telescope: Galileo Galilei
Globe: Martin Beham
Ideas of the Enlightenment
Rational analysis, Deism, and the Theory of Progress
Social Structure in Spanish America
- Penninsularies
- Creoles
- Mestizos
- Slaves
Spanish settlers
Spanish Colonial Gov’t
- King of Spain
- Viceroy
- Audiencias
- Settlers
Impact of Europeans on Native populations
Europeans brought disease, populations went down.
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 pope had Spain and Portugal sign a treaty which divided the world in half by the both south line of 370 league west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands. Spain gets west, Portugal east.
Economy of Brazil
Nobles won land grants and started to produce sugar
Economy of Spanish colonies
mostly based on mining but also some agriculture
Settlement of Australia
Settled by convicts from England
Magellan’s trip’s impact
Discovered Guam, and Manila in the Philippines (This was where magellan was killed), and were the first CREW to circumnavigate the world.
Conquest of Aztecs
Conquered by Hernan Cortes. Allied with surrounding tribes of the Aztecs and kidnapped emperor Motecuhzoma II.
Conquest of Incas
Francisco Pizarro. Followed the example of Hernan Cortes with the Aztecs by kidnapping king Atahualpa