Tri III Final Exam Flashcards
Indian national congress
Large prominent Indian organization that influenced Indian independence movement
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Member of Indian national congress working for autonomy. Also joined Muslim league and was elected its president
Sun yat sen
First pres of China. Founded the republic of China “father of China”
May fourth movement
Caused by the treaty of Versailles marked upsurge in Chinese nationalism
Mao Zedong
Communist leader in China
Influences on the Chinese communist party
Grigori voitinsky, Chen duxiu, and li dazhao
Long march
Communists abandoned base and marched north away from nationalists. Took two years
Peasantry, small scale industry, and agricultural collectivization
Impact of the Great Depression on Japan
Exports dropped. Exported mostly luxury products
Big five
U.S., Britain, Italy, Japan, France
Mukden incident
Staged event to let Japan invade Manchuria in China
Puppet state in ne China
Impact of wwi on colonies
Disappointments, exploitation, and rise of nationalism
Pan Africanism
From w hemisphere, one African race should unite into one African state
Dollar diplomacy
U.S. Guaranteed loans to foreign countries
Good neighbor policy
Fdr encouraged friendly relations and mutual defense in the w hemisphere
Nationalization of oil industry in Mexico
1938, president and general Lazaro Cardenas
Assassination of Gandhi
1948 killed by nathuram godse who was a militant Hindu nationalist
The great Calcutta killing who was involved
Hindus and Muslims
Gandhis view on partitioning India
Against dividing India
Bandung conference
Third world nations met to agree to non alignment during the Cold War
Began nonallignment movement. India prime minister
Ho chi Minh
Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader. Prime minister and president of Vietnam.
Dien bien phu
Victory by Vietnamese rebels that ended French efforts in Vietnam
Satyagraha/Gandhi philosophy
Nonviolence and civil disobedience
What influenced the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence?
The U.S. Declaration
Ngo dinh diem
First president of south Vietnam
U.S. In Vietnam 1960s president that escalated war
Lyndon b Johnson escalated the war with the Tonkin gulf resolution that gave him a blank check for war
Africa’s role in WW1
Compelled to serve and believed that they could win their independence for helping. Not very successful
Percentage of whites in South Africa during Apartheid
UN Mandate system in the Middle East after WWI
Division of Ottoman Empire to to to lead colonies to self governing countries
Which countries controlled which regions of the ottoman empire after its collapse?
Britain: Iraq, Tanzania, Palestine
France: Syria
Belgium: Ruanda
(There are more)
Balfour Declaration
Led Jews in America and Britain to believe that Great Britain would support the creation of Palestine
UN Plan for palestine
Partition it
Suez Crisis
AKA Tripartite Aggression or Kadesh Operation. Invasion of Egypt by Palestine and then Britain and France because their president Gamal Abdel Nasser Nationalized the canal
Year of Africa
1960 17 African nations won their independence
Algerian Independence 1962
Independence Referendum was held and the people voted to be freed so France freed them
Wretched Earth
Book by Frantz Fanon about effects of colonization on the colonized
Black Heritage and pride
Kwame Nkrumah
Led Ghana to Independence and was their first prime minister
Mau Mau Uprising Kenya
Caused Slaughter and displacement. Ended British Military campaign
Jomo Kenyatta
First leader of Kenya after independence as prime minister and president
Great Leap Forward
Mao Zedong, surpass england, Socialism to communism, Five year plans
Deng Xiaoping
Took over after Mao Zedong, Market-economy reforms
Indira Gandhi’s Population policies
Promoted Birth Control
Islamist Ideas in 1970s
Islamism, Islam should be in everything (Gov’t included)
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Nationalized Suez Canal causing invasions by Britain, france, and israel
Iranian Revolution of 1979
Overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi who was supported by US. Islamic republic took over and Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was in power
Yasser Arafat
Head of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) thought that Israel shouldn’t exist. Used terror tactics against Israel
Iran Iraq War
Saddam Hussein in Iraq invaded Iran to topple Islamic Government there (Leads to Iran Contra Scandal)
Mexican PRI Party length of rule
71 years
Juan Peron
Military officer and politician. Elected president of Argentina. Overthrown in Coup d’etat
Argentina in the 1970s and 1980s
Experienced conflict called the dirty war while under the rule of a military dictatorship. Lots of terrorism
Somoza family vs Sandinistas
Somoza dictatorship vs Sandinista national Liberation Front (Fsln) Contra war happens afterwards
Legacy of colonial boundaries in Africa
Split of tribes and grouped disagreeable tribes together. Conflict came from this
Afrikaner Party
In South africa consisted of Whites who were the minority but the superiority at the time. Started “separateness” Wanted to stop black independence
Nelson Mandela and The African National Congress
Direct action campaign to end Apartheid
Impact of the Sharpeville Massacre
South Africa, government declared all enemies to be communists and escalated actions against black activists. New era of radical activism
Mikhail Gorbachev 1985
Started Perestroika and Glasnost in the USSR
Encouragement of foreign investors in russia
Openness where people’s opinions were heard
Solidarity Movement
led by Lech Walesa gave polish workers the right to form labor unions
Velvet revolution
Czechoslovakia and brought Vaclac Havel to power
China’s one child policy
Forced abortions, sterilizations, and unbalanced sex rations. Often killed babies that were girls