Chapters 31 and 32 Flashcards
Heavenly kingdom of Great Peace
Territiories lost in Ottoman Empire decline
Egypt, North Africa, North and West Ottoman Empire, Greece, and Serbia
Muhammad Ali
Egyptian leader opposed Ottomans and built a powerful army
Ottoman capitulations
Europeans didn’t have to follow laws in Ottoman empire
Tanzimat Reforms
Ottoman Empire reforms (Civil code, penal code etc.) no democracy and young ottomans opposed
Serfdom in Russia
Ended under Alexander II
Elected direct assemblies in Russia
Sergei Witte
stimulated economic development in Russian with the construction of railways
Effects of Alexander II’s assassination
Nicholas II came to power, oppression and police brutality came
Russian Japanese War
Destroyed russian fleet and showed japans power
Bloody Sunday
Peasants tried to peacefully rebel and were killed leading to more uprisings
Self strengthening movement
movement in China to blend tradition with industrial technology
Boxer Rebellion
Society of Righteous fists was chosen by Cixi to kick the europeans out of China
Meiji Restoration
“Enlightened Rule” returned authority to Japanese Emperor
Opium wars
british wanted to sell opium so they went to war with chinese to be able to. Treaty of Nanjing ended war
Social darwinism
The belief that the laws of evolution apply to society
Cecil Rhodes
South african supported British Imperialism, diamonds, prime minister of colony
Suez Canal
Made traveling to India from Britain easier
battle that showed european’s superiority in battle over the africans
Sepoy Rebellion
Effort in India to resist British colonial authority
French Colonies in SE Asia
French Indochina, Laos, Cambodia, and Veitnam
Congo Free State
King Leopold II from beliguim. Was very harsh with slaves
Berlin Conference
Set rules for colonizing africa
First settlers in Australia
Convicted Criminals
Queen Liliuokalani
last Hawaiian princess
Monroe Doctrine
US protects americas from colonization
Indian National congress
educate indians to communicate their view on public affairs to clonal official
treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ended Mexican american war. Gave land to US in exchange for money.
Emiliano Aguinaldo
Organized rebellion against US troops in the phillipines
Young Turks
Wanted a constitutional monarchy
Young ottomans
Opposed the tanzimat reforms and wanted a constitutional monarchy but came before the young Turks