US History Flashcards
1815 treaty that officially ended the War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent (Belgium)
Famous Tombstone - AZ - gunfight - 1881
Gunfight at the OK Corral
Knife inventor killed at the Alamo
Jim Bowie
Tennessee frontiersman killed at Alamo
Davy Crockett
Commander at the Alamo - 1836
William Travis
San Antonio shrine of Texas War of Independence
It rang for the last time in 1835
Liberty Bell
He led unsuccessful slave rebellion - 1831
Nat Turner
Man-made waterway that opened in 1825
Erie Canal
Doctrine warning Europe not to interfere in Western Hemisphere - 1823
Monroe Doctrine
1820 compromise that temporarily ended slavery dispute
Missouri Compromise
Political party established by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
States fighting in the Toledo war
Ohio and Michigan
“Old Fuss and Feathers;” he captured Mexico City in 1847
Winfield Scott
“The Great Compromiser;” he negotiated the Treaty of Ghent
Henry Clay
Treaty that ended Mexican-American War
Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidgalgo
Pirate who aided in Battle of New Orleans
Jean Lafitte
Man who captured New Orleans in 1815
Andrew Jackson
Man who wrote Star Spangled Banner in 1814
Francis Scott Key
Fort bombed by British in 1814
Fort McHenry
Winner of the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813
Oliver Hazard Perry
Louisiana Purchase explorer of southern territory
Zebulon Pike (Pike’s peak)
William Clark’s fronteirsman brother
George Rogers Clark
Louisiana Purchase explorers of northern territory
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
“The Pathfinder” who was governor of the Arizona Territory
John C. Fremont
Man who burned the Philadelphia in Tripoli harbor - 1804
Stephen Decatur
Case declared unconstitutional by Supreme court in 1803
Marberry vs. Madison
US land purchase of 1803
Louisiana purchase (15M)
Territory of states in the Ohio Valley and northward
Northwest Territory
Supreme court decision - 1857 (a slave is not a citizen)
Dred Scott Decision
What was the first permanent settlement in North America - 1565?
St. Augustine
Laws enacted for segregation in the 1880s
Jim Crow laws
City of the Great Fire - 1871
Railroads that met at Promontory Point
Union Pacific and Central Pacific
Utah point where the transcontinental railroad met
Promontory Point
Transportation route - completed 1869
Transcontinental Railroad
He instituted the national banking system
Salmon P. Chase
Land purchase - 1867 - a.k.a. Seward’s Folley
Alaska Territory (7.2M)
Congressional act giving land to settlers - 1862
Homestead Act
Pony Express Terminals
St. Joseph - MO and Sacramento - CA
Mail delivery service - 1860-61
Pony Express
“The boss of Tammany Hall” in the 1860s
(William Marcy) “Boss” Tweed
Northwest land dispute motto - 1844
“54-40 or fight”
He debated with Abe Lincoln - 1858
Stephen Douglas
Liquor tax rebellion of 1794
Whiskey Rebellion
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s preacher brother
Henry Ward Beecher
“Ignorant party”
Know Nothings
“Paper note party”
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) party
Prohibition party
1854 act that nullified Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska act
Territory bought from Mexico in 1853
Gadsden Purchase
First U.S. steamship commander - he negotiated a trading treaty with Japan in 1853
Commodore Matthew Perry
Site where gold was discovered in1848
Sutter’s Mill
Settlers trapped in Sierra Madres - 1846-47
Donner Party
Birthplace of the Conestoga wagon
Lacaster - PA
Short-lived U.S. state in western Tennessee
Langtree - Texas judge - “The law west of the Pecos”
Judge Roy Bean
He raided Harpers’ Ferry - 1859
John Brown
Colonial capital of Virginia
Pocahontas’ father
He married Pocahontas
John Rolfe
Increase Mather’s son
Cotton Mather
Puritan husband of Maria Cotton
Increase Mather
Colonial silversmith - engraver and gunpowder maker
Paul Revere
Philadelphia founder
William Penn
Fort Orange location
Georgia founder
James Oglethorpe
Maryland founder
Cecil Calvert (second Lord Baltimore)
Dutch governor of New Netherlands
Peter Stuyvesant
Providence and Rhode Island founder
Roger Williams
He purchased Manhattan from the Indians
Peter Minuit
American Frigate launched in Boston - 1797
USS Constitution (Old Ironsides)
Virginia namesake
Queen Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen)
Detroit founder
Antoine Cadillac
Virginia rebellion - 1676
Bacon’s rebellion
Boston to New York road established in 1672
Boston Post Road
New York City’s original name
New Amsterdam
Dutch settlement in the Americas - 1624
New Netherlands
First legislature in Virginia - 1619
House of Burgesses
Pilgrim known as “Little Shrimp”
Miles Standish
Plymouth father - elected Plymouth governor 30 times
William Bradford
First governor of Plymouth - died during first winter
John Carver
First pilgrim at Plymouth Rock and colonial barrel maker
John Alden
Massachusetts colony - 1620
Virginia colony - 1607
First English colony in the Americas - 1588
Roanoke Island
Man who claimed Virginia for England
Sir Walter Raleigh
First president under the Articles of Confederation
John Hanson
Feuding families of West Virginia and Kentucky - 1882
Hatfields and McCoys
Eli Whitney’s invention - 1791
Cotton gin
He founded the Bank of America - 1791
Alexander Hamilton
Document established in 1787
U.S. Constitution
Massachusetts farmers rebellion of 1786
Shays’ Rebellion
U.S. capital from 1789-1790
New York City
U.S. capital - 1783
U.S. capital from 1775-1783
Designer of the American Flag
Francis Hopkins
Roadway across the Appalachians
Cumberland Road
Party of the first two presidents
Continental Congress last president
Cyrus Griffin
Man Pocahontas saved
John Smith
Body representing the colonies - 1774-1789
Continental Congress
Pocahontas’ burial place
Gravesend Church - England
First constitution - Nov. 15 - 1777
Articles of Confederation
Kentucky frontiersman - 1775
Daniel Boone
Colonial legislature established in 1774
First continental Congress
British acts legislated because of the Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Street clash that killed five colonists in 1770
Boston Massacre
Act passed by British Parliament in 1763
Stamp Act
Father of the Great Awakening - fire and brimstone preacher
Jonathan Edwards
New England religious revival - 1730-1750
Great Awakening
Pre-Revolutionary War patriotic societies
Sons of Liberty
Boston hall - “The Cradle of Liberty”
Faneuil Hall
Colonial seamstress
Betsy Ross
John Adams’ cousin and Boston Tea Party organizer
Samuel Adams
Diplomatic incident with France in 1797
XYZ affair
Continental Congress president - 1775-1777
John Hancock
Man given the correct answers to quiz show questions
Charles Van Doren
Tombstone - AZ - marshall - 1881
Wyatt Earp
Spring - 1968 - North Vietnam offensive
Tet Offensive
Law that opened up governemnt files - 1966
Freedom of Information Act
LBJ’s social program
Great Society
Cities of Martin Luther King’s 1965 Freedom March
Selma to Montgomery
Commission set up to investigate JFK assassination
Warren Commission
Nuclear weapons treaty of 1963
Test Ban Treaty
American pilot exchanged for Soviet spy Rudolph Abel
Francis Gary Powers
Member of the Weavers and political activist
Pete Seeger
Doctor defended by F. Lee Bailey before the Supreme Court in 1962
Sam Shepard
Nightclub comedian arrested for obscenity - 1961
Lenny Bruce
Failed Cuban invasion site - 1961
Bay of Pigs
Name of the Apollo 11 space capsule
J.F. Dulles’ brother and head of the CIA
Allen Dulles
Rock concert at Bethyl - New York - 1969
He was 14-year-old U.S. chess champion in 1957
Bobby Fischer
High school integration city - 1957
Little Rock
Man who created first state board of education
Horace Mann
Bus boycott city - 1955
Supreme Court anti-segregation decision - 1954
Brown vs. Board of Education
Generation that followed baby boomers
“Generation X”
Post WWII generation
“Baby Boomers”
First U.S. nuclear powered submarine - 1954
“Hollywood Ten” spokesman
Humhrey Bogart
“Hollywood Ten” were investigated by this committee
Pacific site of first H-bomb test -1951
Tennessee senator who held organized crime hearings - 1951
Estes Kefauver
They participated in the “Kitchen Debate” - 1959
Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushschev
This became an American territory in 1978
American Samoa
World Trade agreement ratified 1994
Trade agreement ratified in 1993
Banker whose conviction was overturned in 1993
Charles Keating
Idaho site of FBI standoff - 1992
Ruby Ridge
Gun bill named for White House press secretary
Brady Bill
Bill intended to balance U.S. budget - 1985
Grahan-Rudman (Hollings)
Commission that presided over Iran-Contra hearings
Tower Commission
Admiral indicted over Iran-Contra affair
John Poindexter
He funneled arms sales profits to Nicaraguan Contras
Oliver North
Volcano that erupted in 1980
Mt. St. Helens
Peace agreement worked out by President Carter - 1979
Camp David Accords
Site of nuclear power accident - 1979
Three Mile Island
Base on the Moon - 1969
Tranquility Base
News program established to cover Iran hostage crisis
Great Robbery of 1950
Brinks robbery
Oil artery finished in 1977
Alaska pipeline
Disease first recognized in Philadelphia - 1976
Legionaire’s Disease
Environmental act of 1973
Engangered Species Act
Company given 1.5 billion governemnt bailout in 1973
Head of committee investigating Watergate
Sam Irvin
White House lawyer caught up in Watergate
John Dean
He directed the Watergate Hotel burglary
E. Howard Hunt
Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff
H.R. Haldeman
Analyst who leaded the Pentagon Papers
Daniel Ellsberg
Nixon’s attorney-general who resigned in1972
John Mitchell
Ads banned - 1971
Cigarette ads
Air quality standards act of 1970
Clean Air Act
Number of days of the Iran hostage crisis
Disaster that killed 6000 in 1900
Galveston Hurricane
Major police strike - 1919
Boston police strike
Law that banned export of alcohol - 1919
Volsted Act
He chased Pancho Villo into Mexico
John (Black Jack) Pershing
Teddy Roosevelt’s independent party
Progressive or Bull Moose Party
Agency created to prevent unfair business practices - 1914
Federal Trade Commission
He established the first auto assembly line - 1913
Henry Ford
Central US banking authority created in 1913
Federal Reserve System
1912 health claims act
Pure Food and Drug Act
William Howard Taft’s policy toward Latin America
Dollar Diplomacy
“Saloon Smasher “ 1910
Carry Nation
Oil baron who was first billionaire in the U.S.
J.D. Rockefeller
Railroad “robber baron” who organized U.S. Steel in 1901
J.P. Morgan
Computer used by U.S. Census Bureau - 1951
Five-time Socialist presidential candidate - starting 1900
Eugene Debs
U.S. declined to join this body in 1920
League of Nations
He won the Battle of Manila Bay - 1898
Commodore George Dewey
War that commenced in 1898
Spanish-American War
Ship that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898
1896 William Jennings Bryan Speech
“Cross of Gold”
“Separate - but equal” Supreme Court Decision - 1896
Plessy vs. Ferguson
1894 rail workers strike
Pullman Strike
American Railway Union founder - 1893
Eugene Debs
1890 trust busting act
Sherman anti-trust act
Pennsylvania flood of 1889
Johnstown flood
Chicago riots - 1886
Haymarket riots
Statue that was dedicated in 1886
Statue of Liberty
“The Son of Morning Star” who died at Little Big Horn
George Armstrong Custer
Disaster that killed 500 - 1906
San Francisco earthquake
Louisiana senator shot - 1935
Huey Long
Militia who had an 81 day standoff with the U.S. government - 1996
Montana Freemen
Time magazine editor involved with Alger Hiss
Whitaker Chambers
Statesman convicted of lying to HUAC - 1948
Alger Hiss
Sex researcher at Indiana University - 1948
Alfred Kinsey
Army Chief of Staff - 1948
Omar Bradley (last five star general)
Law that banned closed union shops - 1948
Taft-Hartley Act
He broke the sound barrier in 1947
Chuck Yeager
Site of first postwar atomic bomb test in 1946
Bikini Atoll
Statesman awarded Nobel Peace Prize - 1945
Cordell Hull
Boston night club fire in which 491 people were killed - 1942
Coconut Grove
He broadcast “The War of the Worlds” in 1938
Orson Welles
He set around-the-world flying record - 1938
Howard Hughes
He organized the U.S. Communist Party in 1919
John Reed
U.S. gold repository - established in 1935
Fort Knox
Baseball scandal 1919-20
“Black Sox” Scandal
Group of dams built as part of the New Deal
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
FDR’s 1933 program to end the depression
New Deal
FDR established this holiday in 1933
Bank Holiday
Date of the stock market crash
October 29 - 1929 (“Black Tuesday”)
Secretary of Interior convicted of taking bribes - 1929
Albert Fall
Beaumont - Texas oil field
Spindle Top Field
Voting league established - 1928
League of Women Voters
First U.S. underwater tunnel - 1927
Holland Tunnel
He launched first liquid fuel rocket - 1926
Robert Goddard
Tennessee trial on teaching evolution in schools - 1925
Scopes (monkey) trial
Wyoming oil leasing scandal - 1923
Teapot Dome Scandal
Harding pardoned this Socialist in 1921
Eugene Debs
First computer - 1950
Chicago to L.A. highway; “Main Street of America”
Route 66