Art & Artists Jeopardy Flashcards
ART & ARTISTS–400–This Dutch painter, a member of the Delft Guild, had a total output of only about 40 pictures (one with a pearl)
VALUES (Jan) Vermeer

ART & ARTISTS–800–This Englishman described his work as modern moral subjects… similar to representations on the stage
VALUES (William) Hogarth
THE ART WORLD–200–Rembrandt sold paintings from his anteroom, usually meeting clients with a chilled glass of this potent potable
THE ART WORLD–400–In 1966 this Russian painted a pair of large murals for the opening of the NYC’s Metropolitan Opera House
Marc Chagall
ART & ARTISTS–1600–His Jolly Toper of the 1600s is seen here
Franz Hals
THE ART WORLD–600–In this Brit’s etching Myself and My Heroes , he pictured himself with Walt Whitman & Mahatma Gandhi
David Hockney
ART & ARTISTS–2000–Minerva, Venus & Juno are the 3 being judged in this famous Claude Lorrain painting
The Judgment of Paris
ART SUBJECTS–0– 5 other wealthy men made themselves hostages to free this city
Calais (from Rodin’s The Burghers of Calais)
THE ART WORLD–800–In the late 1700s this painter of the The Family of Charles IV created designs for tapestries in Madrid
THE ART WORLD–1000–In 1874 this American moved permanently to France where she developed a friendship with Edgar Degas
Mary Cassatt
RENAISSANCE ART–400–The architect Brunelleschi created this engineering wonder for the Florence Cathedral
the dome
RENAISSANCE ART–800–Cosimo de Medici’s patronage of Donatello led to the creation of this life-size nude, bronze sculpture in the 1430s
RENAISSANCE ART–1200–Lorenzo Ghiberti created doors for the Baptistry of St. John; the luminous result was named this by Michelangelo
The Gates of Paradise
RENAISSANCE ART–1600–Known for his Madonnas, this early 16th century artist designed tapestries for Pope Leo X for the Sistine Chapel
RENAISSANCE ART–2000–Pyres of Vanity, the bonfires that destroyed works of art, were lit by this monk, the Medici’s most virulent enemy
VALUES (Girolamo) Savonarola
ART APPRECIATION–1200–In 1953 he had 3 TV shows on air with his name in the titles & in 2001 he was inducted into the Ukulele Hall of Fame
Arthur Godfrey
ART APPRECIATION–1600–This French poet’s stormy friendship with Paul Verlaine almost cost him his life as Verlaine took a shot at him
VALUES (Arthur) Rimbaud
ART APPRECIATION–2000–In 1917 this man sent a telegram to the German minister in Mexico, with a means for Mexico to reclaim lost Texas lands
VALUES (Arthur) Zimmerman
ARTS & CRAFTS–200–Also a geographic term, to quilters it’s the equivalent of a picture frame
a border
ARTS & CRAFTS–400–Patton knew nobody ever won a war by doing this craft, the tinting of fabrics, for his country
ARTS & CRAFTS–600–Thistype of picture takes its name from a medieval term for decorations of shrines to the muses
a mosaic
ARTS & CRAFTS–800–Make your own Johnny Gilbert T-shirt using this artistic process where ink is forced through stretched fabric
ARTS & CRAFTS–1000–It’s the word for the alloy that’s heated to join the lead strips surrounding pieces of stained glass
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–400–This man’s 1642 work, seenhere is today found in an Amsterdam museum
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–800–Seenhere is one of many denizens of the American West depicted by this man
VALUES (Frederick) Remington
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–1200–All that the Empire came to symbolize is seenhere in this artist’s portrait of Madame Recamier
VALUES (Jacques-Louis) David
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–1600–The characteristic style of this Frenchman is seen here in his 1890s work, Turning Road at Montgeroult
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–2000–This poet and painter whose work is seenhere had the same first name as a poet born in 1265
Dante Rossetti
ART SCHOOL–200–The most common one used by artists is probably the X-acto
a knife
ART SCHOOL–400–Turning tools are used to shape the clay on one of these
a potter’s wheel
ART SCHOOL–600–A halftone screen breaks up a sold image into a pattern of these
ART SCHOOL–800–Traditionally in drypoint, you use a steel needle to scratch your drawing into a plate of this metal
ART SCHOOL–1000–When a sculptor is doing this he isn’t fishing, but using the lost wax method to make a mold
VALUES (Sarah of the Clue Crew points to an image of a painting on a screen.) You can see why John Constable said that in this type of work, the sky is the chief organ of sentiment
a landscape
VALUES (Sarah of the Clue Crew points to an image of a painting on a screen.) As painters began to portray domestic life, The Merode Altarpiece gave this humble character his due
VALUES (Sarah of the Clue Crew points to an image of a painting on a screen.) In Monet’s work, we see the impressionist’s varied colors, known as the rainbow this
ART HISTORY–400–6th century B.C. Greece must have been a happy place, as this facial expression is characteristic of its sculpture
a smile
ART HISTORY–800–Carlo Carlone’s team painted these, originally an Italian term, on palace & church walls across Europe
ART HISTORY–9800–The analytic type of this style broke the world into fragments; the synthetic type put it together
ART HISTORY–2000–Georges de la Tour mastered candlelight in the type of painting called this, also a musical term
ARTISTS–200–Thomas Nast’s caricatures of this corrupt New York City political organization led to its demise
Tammany Hall
ARTISTS–400–When he turned 90, the Louvre hung eight of his works in the Tribune of Honor , where the Mona Lisa has hung
ARTISTS–1000–Name of the artist and name of the famed statue 16th century Italians called Il Gigante
Michelangelo and ‘David’
ARTISTS–800–In Lust for Life , Anthony Quinn won an Oscar for playing this painter, a close friend of Van Gogh’s
ARTISTS–1000–Leader of the French Romantics; critics claimed he painted with a drunken broom
Eugene Delacroix
ARTS AND CRAFTS–100–From Greek kola , or glue, its a picture made by gluing various objects onto a surface
a collage
ARTS AND CRAFTS–200–To fire clay, you don’t give it a pink slip, but put it in this
ARTS AND CRAFTS–300–Process in which you bind a piece of clothing, so that only certain parts of the article absorb color
ARTS AND CRAFTS–400–Twining, coiling, and weaving are the three basic methods of making these
ARTS AND CRAFTS–500–From Latin to close , this process closes off colored enamels from each other with thin metal strips
ART–200–El Greco told Pope Pius V he could improve this room by getting rid of Michelangelo’s frescoes
the Sistine Chapel
ART–400–Name shared by father and son 16th century German painters known as The Older and The Younger
Hans Holbein
ART–600–He’s the man in A Man of Sorrows ‘s image
ART–800–Vincent Van Gogh’s brother Theo did this for a living
worked in an art gallery (or sold art)
ART–1000–His 1872 work Impression Sunrise not only left an impression, but named a whole movement
Claude Monet
AT THE ART MUSEUM–200–The Metropolitan Museum of Art allows still photography but you must shoot without using this
a flash
AT THE ART MUSEUM–400–As well as an establishment that sells art, it can be one room or area in a museum
a gallery
AT THE ART MUSEUM–600–You may have antiques in your house; the Louvre has this similar but longer word for ancient relics
AT THE ART MUSEUM–800–If you liked the exhibition, stop by the museum shop to buy this book about it, from the Greek for to list
the catalog
AT THE ART MUSEUM–1000–The museum with the world’s largest Van Gogh collection is in this European city
THE WORLD OF ART–0– The Creation of Eve
the Sistine Chapel
ARTISTS–200–His Last Supper in Milan was already a wreck by the end of his lifetime
Leonardo Da Vinci
ARTISTS–400–In the 1930’s this Spaniard was expelled from the Surrealist movement
Salvador Dali
ARTISTS–600–Van Dyck’s influence on this artist is apparent in works such as The Blue Boy
Thomas Gainsborough
ARTISTS–2001–He said, One night I dreamt I painted a large American flag
Jasper Johns
ARTISTS–1000–The youngest of the three great creators of the High Renaissance, he was the son of Giovanni Santi
ART–200–Born Anna Mary Robertson, this artist died in 1961 at age 101
Grandma Moses
ART–400–In 1534 Pope Paul III named him painter, sculptor & architect of the Vatican Palace
ART–600–As a teenager, Andrew Wyeth was inspired by this American seascape artist
Winslow Homer
ART–2000–In 1888 Vincent van Gogh threatened to kill this artist who was his roommate at the time
Paul Gauguin
ARTISTS–200–This Maja artist said he recognized only three masters: Velazquez, Rembrandt, and nature
VALUES (Francisco) Goya
ARTISTS–400–In 1922 Marc Chagall left this country, his native land
ARTISTS–600–He painted one of his most famous pictures, Christina’s World , 40 years ago
Andrew Wyeth
ARTISTS–800–This Iowan was a leader of regionalism, a movement that dominated U.S. art in the 1930s
Grant Wood
ARTISTS–1000–In 1485 this Italian painted Madonna of the Rocks , his earliest major work that survives in complete form
Leonardo Da Vinci
VALUES (Alex reports from the Barnes Foundation.) While confined to a French sanitarium in Saint-Remy, this artist painted the Dutch landscape of Brabant in Reminiscence of the North
Van Gogh
VALUES (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Barnes Foundation.) In Three Ballet Dancers , he used pastels to transform awkward natural movements into balletic gestures
VALUES (Alex reports from the Barnes Foundation.) Dr. Barnes asked this French artist to create a mural for the main hall; he said it was like the rose window of a cathedral
VALUES (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Barnes Foundation.) CÌÄå©zanne drew upon Greek mythology when he painted this title pair
Leda and the Swan
VALUES (Alex reports from the Barnes Foundation.) Though she never had children of her own, this American sensitively portrayed maternal love in Woman with a Nude Boy
Mary Cassatt
ART–100–Term for Spain’s Islamic art, it comes from the Muslim group that conquered the country in the eighth century
ART–200–The starting point and center of early Renaissance art was in this Italian city
ART & ARTISTS–200–From 1899-1904 Claude Monet created a series of paintings of this English river
ART–300–Many Rembrandt masterpieces hang in this national museum in Amsterdam
ART–400–John Constable is best known for painting these
ART & ARTISTS–400–Samuel Morse’s 1825 painting of this marquis is one of the finest American romantic portraits
ART–500–With works titled White LIne and Blue Segment , this Russian has been called the first abstract painter
Wassily Kandinsky
ART & ARTISTS–600–Manfredi, Saraceni, & other followers of this artist were known as the Caravaggisti
ART–100–Utrillo’s White Period lasted circa 1908-1914, longer than this artist’s Rose Period from 1904-1906
Pablo Picasso
ART & ARTISTS–800–In 1482 Leonardo Da Vinci moved to this city to become its court artist to Ludovico Sforza
ART & ARTISTS–1000–This Italian painted a characteristically elongated self-portrait in 1919, shortly before his death
ART–200–In 1892 he painted Vahine No Te Vi. Woman With Mango
Paul Gauguin
ART–300–It’s the common English term for the type of painting the French call une nature morte
Still Life
ART–400–Dancer Louise Weber, one of his most famous subjects, was known as La Goulue – The Glutton
ART–500–Hats off to this Belgian whose 1926 painting The Menaced Assassin features men in bowler hats
Rene Magritte
DE ARTS–200–The son of a surgeon, this director brought some gore to the screen in Carrie & Scarface
VALUES (Brian) De Palma
DE ARTS–400–Seen here, the work of Tamara De Lempicka typifies this art style
Art Deco
DE ARTS–600–Now in his 70s, he designed Laura Bush’s 2005 Inauguaration Day wear
Oscar de la Renta
DE ARTS–1000–In 1964 LBJ gave this abstract expressionist the Medal of Freedom
Willem de Kooning
THE NUDE IN ART–200–Like another famous painter, William-Adolphe Bouguereau shows her nude on a shell for her birth
THE NUDE IN ART–400–The seated nude in his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon shows the beginnings of his Cubism
Pablo Picasso
THE NUDE IN ART–600–When Durer painted this pair in 1507, he had them hold tree branches whose leaves blocked out certain parts
VALUES (VIDEO Daily Double) - Shortly after his Luncheon , this impressionist exhibited the nude seen here:
Edouard Manet
THE NUDE IN ART–1000–People said his male nude The Age of Bronze was so lifelike, he must have made casts from live models
Auguste Rodin
GRAPHIC ARTS–200–Term for the circle that encloses a comic strip character’s dialogue
a balloon
GRAPHIC ARTS–400–Typesetters may use the Dvorak layout on one of these; it reduces their finger movements from Qwerty
a keyboard
GRAPHIC ARTS–600–This term refers to printing beyond the edges & trimming back the sheet; first aid isn’t required
GRAPHIC ARTS–800–Term for non-copyrighted pictures or drawings you can snip out & include in your own work
clip art
GRAPHIC ARTS–1000–A color separator produces four negatives: cyan, magenta, yellow & this color
ARTISTIC MASTERPIECES–0– Shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? the artist wrote of this work
The Starry Night (by Vincent Van Gogh)
MODERN ARTISTS–0–Artist who said, On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting
Jackson Pollock
ART -ISMs–200–After WWI, George Grosz & Max Beckmann found comfort in this country’s expressionism
ART -ISMs–400–Suprematism, made famous by Kazimir Malevich, was this country’s first pure 20th century art movement
ART -ISMs–600–This neo 18th century style of Benjamin West developed after Herculaneum & Pompeii were excavated
ART -ISMs–800–This early 19th century movement encompassed the disparate styles of Goya, Delacroix, & Constable
ART -ISMs–1000–From the visual medium that influenced it, the art movement Super-realism is also called this realism
CONTEMPORARY ART–400–Basquiat got attention, not detention, for this type of wall writing in Hollywood Africans
CONTEMPORARY ART–800–Her large installations The Dinner Party & The Holocaust Project have been published in book form
Judy Chicago
CONTEMPORARY ART–900–Christo had the idea for the Central Park project with this title in 1979; it was finally realized in 2005
The Gates
ARTISTS–200–In the 1870s, before he moved to Tahiti, he was strongly influenced by Camille Pissarro
ARTISTS–400–You can see his unfinished Rondanini Pieta at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan
ARTISTS–1000–A new museum devoted to this artist, whose work is seen here, opened in Santa Fe in 1997:
Georgia O’Keeffe
ARTISTS–800–In 1888 he painted a Cafe Terrace at Night as well as The Night Cafe
Van Gogh
ARTISTS–1000– The White Blackbird is a bio of painter Margarett Sargent, a cousin of this society portraitist
VALUES (John) Singer Sargent
ART & ARTISTS–400–During his career he produced about 240 paintings & drawings of the same woman–Helga Testorf
Andrew Wyeth
VALUES (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a slide of a painting.) Arcimboldo portraits, using non-human elements, anticipate by 350 years this movement, founded in the 1920s
ART & ARTISTS–1200–This New England painter once said, Never put more than two waves in a picture; it’s fussy
VALUES (Winslow) Homer
VALUES (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a slide of a painting.) GÌÄå©ricault was just 21 in 1812 when he painted our next work, which displays the turbulence of this movement
ART & ARTISTS–2000–In 1943 Jackson Pollock had his first solo exhibit at Art of this Century , this woman’s NYC gallery
Peggy Guggenheim
ART & ARTISTS–200–In the 1550s this artist & sculptor was architect for the Palazzo Farnese
ART & ARTISTS–400–First name shared by French artists Toulouse-Lautrec & Matisse
ART & ARTISTS–600–Out of favor with the leftists in Mexico, he created murals in the U.S., like one in the Detroit Inst. of Arts
Diego Rivera
ART & ARTISTS–800– The Hay Wain helped this British landscape artist win a gold medal at the Paris Salon of 1824
John Constable
ART & ARTISTS–1000–They shut the lid on this Dutch master after his death, March 19, 1997
Willem de Kooning
SHOCKING ART–400–1485 Florence was shocked by this artist’s large nude painting of the birth of a goddess
SHOCKING ART–3600–His mural at Rockefeller Center was destroyed because it included a depiction of Lenin
Diego Rivera
SHOCKING ART–1200–In 1892 Berlin authorities screamed & closed the exhibit by this Scandinavian artist
VALUES (Edvard) Munch
SHOCKING ART–1600–This impressionist’s Christ paintings of 1864 & 1865 were crucified for being unidealized
Ìĉۡdouard Manet
SHOCKING ART–2000–Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase caused a stir at this 1913 show in New York City
the Armory Show
ART BIENNIALS–200–This Italian city’s biennial, the oldest in the world, has exhibits on the Lido & the Island of San Giorgio
ART BIENNIALS–400–This country’s first Documenta highlighted the artists of the Degenerate Art propaganda exhibit of 1937
ART BIENNIALS–600–Anselm Kiefer & Richard Serra shared the Carnegie Prize at this city’s International
ART BIENNIALS–800–This Vanderbilt-funded museum in NYC has held a renowned biennial since 1973
the Whitney
ART BIENNIALS–1000–Venues for this country’s biennial have included the Hagia Eirene Museum & the Yerebatan Cistern
DECORATIVE ARTS–100–Developed in the 1500s, the Mogul style of this country was greatly influenced by Persian art
DECORATIVE ARTS–200–The Tarasco Indians, who live in this country’s state of Michoacan, are noted for their pottery & weaving
DECORATIVE ARTS–300–This streamline geometrical style popular in the 1920s is also known as Art Moderne
Art Deco
DECORATIVE ARTS–400–Rococo artist Francois Bouchet designed the Loves of the Gods series of these wall hangings in 1749
DECORATIVE ARTS–500–It’s the term for bone or ivory objects once carved by sailors and often decorated with whaling scenes
ART & ARTISTS–200–Fittingly, Francois Boucher painted The Toilet of this Roman goddess for Madame de Pompadour
ART & ARTISTS–400–Donatello was born in this city, where he assisted Ghiberti in finishing the bronze doors of the baptistery
ART & ARTISTS–600–Acteress Ellen Andre posed as the dejected woman for his famous 1876 painting The Absinthe Drinkers
VALUES (Edgar) Degas
ART & ARTISTS–800–Antonic Canova created 2 gigantic nude statues of this emperor (oddly, one was given to the Duke of Wellington)
ART & ARTISTS–1000–Known for his religious art, Sebastien Bourdon served as court painter to this queen of Sweden in the 1650s
DECORATIVE ARTS–400–The novel Moby-Dick calls this decorative art skrimshander
VALUES (Cheryl of the Clue Crew spins a clay pot on a wheel in Greece.) Keramos, a Greek word for clay , gave us this English word for pottery
DECORATIVE ARTS–1600–From the French for partition, it’s enamel work in which colored areas are separated by thin metal bands
THE ARTIST–200–This artist collaged color strips onto a photo of Mick Jagger & silkscreened them into prints
Andy Warhol
THE ARTIST–400–In 1933 Otto Dix was charged with obscenity by this political party; he was later drafted to fight for them
the Nazis
THE ARTIST–600–Dirck, the younger brother of this Laughing Cavalier artist, was also big in Haarlem
VALUES (Frans) Hals
THE ARTIST–800–16th century author Pietro Aretino is seenhere in a portrait by this Venetian pal of his
THE ARTIST–1000–This Philadelphia painter of Death of Wolfe headed east to Italy in 1760 to learn new directions in art
VALUES (Benjamin) West
ART–200–This impressionist was as skilled at painting people as he was at painting fields & sunsets
ART–400–One of the hundreds of portraits painted by this artist is seenhere
ART–600–Life in the tenements of New York was a favorite subject of this Robert Henri School
the Ashcan School
ART–800–He painted the 1784 Neoclassical masterpiece seenhere
VALUES (Jacques-Louis) David
ART–1000–First name of the son seenhere in a 1655 portrait by his father
19th CENTURY AMERICAN ART–0–Some versions of this painting based on a Bible verse show William Penn making a treaty with the Indians in the background
Hicks’s Peaceable Kingdom
ART & ARTISTS–200–He commisioned Jacques-Louis David to paint his 1804 imperial coronation
Napoleon Bonaparte
ART & ARTISTS–400–Honore Daumier created several works portraying Don Quixote & this squire
Sancho Panza
ART & ARTISTS–600–He painted Vampire in 1893, the same year he painted The Scream
Edvard Munch
ART & ARTISTS–3000– Unpleasant Surprise by this primitive painter of The Hungry Lion shows a woman menaced by a bear
Henri Rousseau
ART & ARTISTS–1000–This American woman impressionist posed for several of Degas’ works, including At The Milliner’s
Mary Cassatt
EUROPEAN ART–400–1940’s The Visage of War , a surreal work from this artist, is seenhere
EUROPEAN ART–800–The influence of Rembrandt can be seen in Carel Fabritius’ painting The Raising of this biblical man
EUROPEAN ART–1200–When you think of Renaissance art, the Italian name of thismasterpiece should spring to mind
La primavera
EUROPEAN ART–1600–This Liberty Leading the People artist also painted The Battle of Poitiers
EUROPEAN ART–1000–This Flemish artist created a 15th-centuryportrait that’s spoofed in the opening of TV’s Desperate Housewives
Jan van Eyck
RICH-ARTs & ROB-ARTs–400–Richard Diebenkorn’s Ocean Park series is named for an area in this beach city near L.A.
Santa Monica
RICH-ARTs & ROB-ARTs–800–In houses like the one seen here, Richard Morris Hunt brought America this style, from the French for fine art
Beaux Arts
RICH-ARTs & ROB-ARTs–2000–Around 1912 Robert Delaunay brought color to the forefront of this -ism, thereby creating Orphism
RICH-ARTs & ROB-ARTs–1600–In 2005 the woman in Robert Doisneau’s photo called this at the Hotel de Ville sold her copy for $242,000
The Kiss
ART–200–This artist’s mother could have told you he was greatly influenced by French painter Gustave Courbet
James Whistler
RICH-ARTs & ROB-ARTs–2000–This architect partnered with Rudolph Schindler & pioneered steel-frame housing with the Lovell House, seenhere
VALUES (Richard) Neutra
ART–600–This Spaniard’s brother-in-law, court painter Francisco Bayeu, helped him get commissions in the 1770s
Francisco Goya
ART–800–This Flemish artist painted a unique triple portrait of England’s King Charles I around 1637
Anthony van Dyck
ART–1000– Strolling Actresses Dressing In a Barn is a 1738 engraving by this English satirist
William Hogarth
ART & ARTISTS–200– Dying Centaur artist Antoine Bourdelle spent years as chief assistant to this more famous French sculptor
ART & ARTISTS–400–This British abstract sculptor of Madonna and Child drew Londoners in the Underground during the blitz
Henry Moore
ART & ARTISTS–600–He was in his prime–or should we say his Primavera –when he painted Fortitude in 1470
ART & ARTISTS–800–This Nude Descending a Staircase artist also painted The King and Queen Surrounded by Swift Nudes
VALUES (Marcel) Duchamp
ART & ARTISTS–1000–This Romanian known for his Endless Column also sculpted the scandalous Princess X
VALUES (Constantin) Brancusi
ART–200–A painting of inanimate objects, not people
a still life
ART–200–Maurice Utrillo was famous for his paintings of this city, especially of Montmartre
ART–400–One of Andy Warhol’s favorite subjects was this founder of the People’s Republic of China
Mao Tse-tung
ART–600–In 1961 the Met purchased his Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer for $2.3 million
ART–700–In 1978 3 of his bronzes, including The Clenched Hand , were stolen from the St. Louis Art Museum
ART–1000–His son Jamie is the day-dreaming boy with the coonskin hat in his 1952 watercolor Faraway
Andrew Wyeth
ARTISTS–100–It was the last name of Mexican muralist Diego; we don’t know if he was related to Geraldo
ARTISTS–200–He said he ate the same soup for lunch for years; maybe that’s why he painted soup cans
Andy Warhol
ARTISTS–300–In 1901 he left Tahiti for the Marquesas Islands where he died in poverty in 1903
Paul Gauguin
ARTISTS–400–He was the most famous artist born on the island of Crete
El Greco (Domenicos Theotokopolous)
ARTISTS–400–Many of his works are also known by their Tahitian names, such as Ia Orana Maria & Ta Matete
ARTISTS–800–This 17th-century Flemish artist brought women to vivid life in paintings like the one seen here
ARTISTS–1200–This painter’s riffs on the comics include Look, Mickey! , in which Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck are fishing
VALUES (Roy) Lichtenstein
ARTISTS–1600–His 1814 work Tres de Mayo , or The Third of May , depicts a French firing squad shooting Spanish citizens in Madrid
ARTISTS–1000–In a 1909 still life he included a section of his earlier painting La Danse
VALUES (Henri) Matisse
ART & ARTISTS–200– The Holy Family is the only surviving panel painting by this Pieta artist
ART & ARTISTS–400–Hugo van der Goes painted The Adoration of the Shepherds & The Adoration of this trio
the Magi
ART & ARTISTS–600–In 1810 Jacques-Louis David painted this emperor distributing eagle-topped standards
ART & ARTISTS–800–17th C. Dutch painter Samuel Von Hoogstraten was profiecient in this fool the eye style
tromp l’oile
ART & ARTISTS–1200–After a nervous breakdown in 1908, he became more positive & painted lovely murals for the University of Oslo
Edvard Munch
VALUES (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) The classical ruins in Montagna’s St. Sebastian typify this movement’s discovery of ancient culture
the Renaissance
VALUES (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) The triangle formed by the figures in the Raphael work seen here is a symbol of this key Christian concept
the Trinity
VALUES (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) Here, this great American artist contrasts the warm colors of nature with the harsh light of civilization
VALUES (Edward) Hopper
VALUES (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projected slide of a painting.) Dutch still lifes often remind us of this Latin word for pride and mortality–the skull is a rather stern reminder
ART & ARTISTS–200–He was in his 20’s when he sculpted the Pieta , now in St. Peter’s Basilica
ART & ARTISTS–400–He painted tropical landscapes on Martinique before he moved to Tahiti
Paul Gauguin
ART & ARTISTS–600–This Frenchman painted many portraits of ballet dancers including Dancer With a Fan in 1879
Edgar Degas
ART & ARTISTS–800–This Spanish court artist’s 1620s painting Los Borachos or The Drinkers is in the Prado
Diego Velasquez
ART & ARTISTS–2000–This Dutchman’s brother Adrian may have been the model for his The Man With the Golden Helmet
ARTISTS–200–When this Spanish surrealist died, there was no rush to buy his prints because there were so many of them
Salvador Dali
ART & ARTISTS–100–Gauguin’s mom was Peruvian, & from 1851 to 1855 he lived with her in this capital city
ART & ARTISTS–200–In 1766 George Stubbs, a noted painter of these animals, published a book on their anatomy
ARTISTS–400–His photo silkscreens include Liz , Jackie & Elvis as well as Marilyn
Andy Warhol
ART & ARTISTS–300–Masterpieces in this Manhattan museum include Starry Night & Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
Museum of Modern Art
ARTISTS–600–It was recently said of this artist He’s far more than cowboys & indians. (He) is uncannily modern.
Frederic Remington
ART & ARTISTS–400–This abstract artist’s method of applying paint, as in Autumn Rhythm , earned him the nickname Jack the Dripper
Jackson Pollock
ARTISTS–800–The New Yorker 1st published 1 of this cartoonist’s ghoulish works in 1935, long before the TV show
Charles Addams
ART & ARTISTS–500–This American woman scoffed at charges that her close-up paintings of flowers had sexual imagery
Georgia O’Keeffe
ARTISTS–1000–German-born artist famous for his portraits of the court of Henry VIII
Hans Holbein the Younger
ART–200–The Mona Lisa was painted in oil on this, not canvas
Wood Panel
ART–400–Winslow Homer’s Prisoners from the Front is a scene from this war
The Civil War
ART–600–On May 9, 1989 a self-portrait by this artist went for a whopping $47.85 million
Pablo Picasso
ART–800–Meaning like a wild beast , it’s the art movement associated with Matisse
ARTISTS–200–In 1639 this Dutch master bought a home in Amsterdam that later became a museum
ARTISTS–400–His 1770 work The Blue Boy resides in the Huntington Art Gallery in San Marino, California
Thomas Gainsborough
ARTISTS–600–His Birth of Venus was painted for the Medici villa at Castello, Italy
ARTISTS–800–In 1916 she met her future husband, Alfred Stieglitz
Georgia O’Keeffe
ARTISTS–1000–The father of this Marriage of the Virgin Renaissance artist was a court painter to the Duke of Urbino
ARTISTS–200–He was one of the finest American portrait artists, but he’s best remembered for his code
Samuel Morse
ARTISTS–400–Jan Vermeer lived his entire life in this city known for its pottery
ARTISTS–600–Sir Joshua Reynolds was knighted by this king in 1769
George III
ARTISTS–800–Norwegian whose painting The Cry , or The Scream , has been called an icon of existential anguish
Edvard Munch
ARTISTS–0–At a May 1995 auction, a painting by her sold for $3.2 million, barely topping one by her husband
Frida Kahlo
ART–200–Emanuel Leutze used the Rhine as a model for his painting of Washington Crossing this river
the Delaware
ART–400–A pieta now in the cathedral of Florence was originally meant for this artist’s tomb
ART–600–He painted a series of Haystacks before turning to water lilies
Claude Monet
ART–800–His Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp established him as one of Amsterdam’s great portrait painters
ART–1000– Northeaster , an 1895 painting by this American artist, depicts the ocean striking the Maine shore
Winslow Homer
THE ARTFUL–400–In 1926 this surrealist was expelled from art school for refusing to allow his professors to critique his work
VALUES (Salvador) DalÌÄå_
THE ARTFUL–600–The leisurely life of this island is depicted in the masterwork seen here from about 1894
THE ARTFUL–800–This artist who painted many revealing self-potraits was portrayed on film by Salma Hayek in 2002
Frida Kahlo
ARTS & CRAFTS–100–Punch a wick hole in the bottom of an empty milk carton, melt some wax & you’re on your way to making this
a candle
THE ARTFUL–1000–Luis Tristan was a student of this artist, studying in his Toledo studio from 1603 to 1608
El Greco
ARTS & CRAFTS–200–Go dotty & make a pair of these out of clay; the opposite sides should add up to 7
ARTS & CRAFTS–300–String together one of these Hawaiian necklaces using construction paper flowers, straws & yarn
a lei
ARTS & CRAFTS–400–With a brown lunch bag, white yarn for the top stitching & a little imagination, you can make one of these; hike!
a football
ARTS & CRAFTS–500–You can shake things up after making this wintry item using a baby food jar, water, sparkles & tiny figures
a snow globe
EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS–400–This artist adored Camembert cheese because it could assume the shape of the limp watches he was noted for painting
Salvador DalÌÄå_
EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS–800–His statue of Bacchus led to a commission to create the famous Pieta now in St. Peter’s Basilica
EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS–1200–Picasso depicted this bird on his posters promoting world peace, & his daughter Paloma is named for it
a dove
EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS–1600–El Greco probably received his early training painting icons on this, his native island
EUROPEAN ART & ARTISTS–2000–Manhattan’s Frick collection is home to a 1644 portrait of King Philip IV by this great Spanish artist
ART MUSEUMS–200–2 old palaces in Barcelona house a museum of this cubist’s works
Pablo Picasso
ART MUSEUMS–400–This prestigious art museum in London recently opened a new & separate gallery of modern art
Tate Gallery
ART MUSEUMS–600–It houses the largest collection of art in the Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum
ART MUSEUMS–600–If you get a chance, visit the Munch Museum in this world capital; it’s a real scream!
Oslo, Norway
ART–200–Medieval artists gave triangular ones to the trinity, round to the angels & rectangular to living holy people
ART–400–Originally full of light & color, his 1642 work was so darkened by grime & smoke it’s now called The Night Watch
ART–1500–Artist who was the initiator & leader of the impressionist movement; he’s famous for his haystacks
Claude Monet
ART–800–Flemish painter known for his Venus & Adonis ; he negotiated a 1630 peace treaty between England & Spain
Peter Paul Rubens
ART–1000–This nihilistic movement in the arts is named for a French word for hobby horse
INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS–200–This Pieta artist was born in Caprese, a village in Tuscany, in 1475
Michelangelo (Buonarroti)
INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS–400–This Dutchman’s 1660s painting of The Jewish Bride is in the Rijksmuseum
INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS–800–The name of his 1896 painting No Te Aha Oe Riri means Why Are You Angry ?
Paul Gauguin
INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS–1000–This Belgian surrealist painted a 1957 mural called La Fee Ignorante – The Ignorant Elf
Rene Magritte
ART & DESIGN–200–This new art style was popular in France just before Art Deco
Art Nouveau
ART & DESIGN–400–A walkway or porch with a roof supported by columns, it’s featured in Greek architecture
ART & DESIGN–600–This name refers to any depiction of the Virgin holding the dead Christ, not just Michelangelo’s sculpture
ART TECHNIQUE–400–In the 1700s Rosalba Carriera, whose work is seen here, was the first to popularize these pigment sticks
VALUES (Kelly of the Clue Crew makes some cartoon trees grow.) By enlarging the nearest part of the image, this technique adds the illusion of depth
ART & DESIGN–800–A praying desk with a knee bench, its name means Pray God
ART TECHNIQUE–1200–Encaustic painting, used since ancient times, applies this animal product to a rigid surface & fixes it with heat
ART & DESIGN–1000–Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe & Philip Johnson designed this NYC skyscraper named for a liquor company
Seagram’s Building/Tower
VALUES (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows off a blank canvas.) This step in prepping a canvas doesn’t mean measuring; it means adding a layer of glue so the paint doesn’t sink in & lose its color
to size your canvas
VALUES (Kelly of the Clue Crew fiddles with some classical whiskers.) This term for deliberately blurring an area, as Titian did here, sounds like a combination of scramble & jumble
NAME THE ARTIST–200– The Starry Night
Van Gogh
NAME THE ARTIST–400– 2 Tahitian Women
NAME THE ARTIST–600– Luncheon on the Grass
Eduouard Manet
NAME THE ARTIST–800– View of Toledo
El Greco
NAME THE ARTIST–1000– The Dance Class
ART–200–A recent show of her works at the Whitney Museum included bronzes of her art made before she was Mrs. John Lennon
Yoko Ono
ART–2000–Back in 1961 his Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer brought a record price of $2.3 million
ART–600–Jean Arp coined this term to describe the non-mobile works of Alexander Calder
ART–800–One of Goya’s works depicts this father of Jupiter devouring his children
ART–1000–Also known as Beaubourg , the Paris Center for the Contemporary Art is named after this French president
Georges Pompidou
ART–200–These colored chalklike sticks are made with a pigment & a weak adhesive such as gum tragacanth
ART–400–In 1546 Pope Paul III appointed this artist architect of St. Peter’s Basilica
ART–600–The final layer of plaster prepared for this type of wall painting is called intonaco
ART–800–In 1930 Grant Wood’s reputation was established by a Chicago showing of this painting
American Gothic’
ART–1000–She was commissioned to paint a mural for the woman’s building at the 1893 Columbian Exposition
Mary Cassatt
COLONIAL ARTS–400–This South Carolina city that gave us a popular dance in the 1930s was the site of the first opera in America in 1735
COLONIAL ARTS–800–In 1750 theater was banned in this then-colonial capital as a form of Mass. entertainment
COLONIAL ARTS–1200–Some of the earliest surviving colonial portraits are of Richard & Increase, members of this family
the Mathers
COLONIAL ARTS–1600–Meaning tobacco peddler , it’s the title of a 1708 Ebenezer Cooke poem & a 1960 John Barth novel about Cooke
The Sot-Weed Factor
COLONIAL ARTS–2000–James Alexander, whose doggerel contributed to this publisher’s arrest, helped defend him as a lawyer
ART–200–In 1922 he painted his 1st major mural, Creation , at the National Preparatory School in Mexico City
Diego Rivera
ART–1900–Botticelli featured members of this prominent family in his Adoration of the Magi
The Medicis
ART–600–It’s what Alexander Calder called his stationary sculptures
ART–800–You can see his Majas on a Balcony at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Francisco Goya
ART–1000–In 1983 he skirted 11 islands in Biscayne Bay with sheets of pink plastic
ART & ARTISTS–200–She’s the subject of Andy Warhol’s 1962 Marilyn Diptych
Marilyn Monroe
ART & ARTISTS–400–An X-ray of his Blue Boy has revealed the figure of a small dog that was painted out
Thomas Gainsborough
ART & ARTISTS–600–In 1481 Botticelli led a group of painters in frescoing this newly erected Vatican chapel
The Sistine Chapel
ART & ARTISTS–800–His portrait of the Duchess of Alba in a Maja costume is at NYC’s Hispanic Society of America
Francisco Goya
ART & ARTISTS–1000–In 1797 Ingres entered the studio of this Death Of Marat painter
Jacques-Louis David
ART TERMS–400–Originally a term for a full-size sketch ready for transfer to a canvas or wall, it now refers to any humorous drawing
a cartoon
ART TERMS–1200–This term usually refers to a binder of egg yolk thinned with water
egg tempera
ART TERMS–1600–This type of work means fresh in Italian
ART TERMS–2000–Borrowed from the German, it’s a term for art exhibiting sentimental bad taste
ART & ARTISTS–200–He painted Irises & Pink Roses as well as Sunflowers
Vincent Van Gogh
ART & ARTISTS–400–This drip artist was born in Cody, Wyoming in 1912
Jackson Pollock
ART & ARTISTS–600–He spent several summers painting pointillist seascapes including Le Bec Du Hoc, Grandcamp
Georges Seurat
ART & ARTISTS–800–His sculpture, The Age of Bronze , exhibited in 1877, was inspired by Michelangelo
Auguste Rodin
ART & ARTISTS–1000–You can see this British sculptor’s Reclining Mother And Child at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis
Henry Moore
ARTS & CRAFTS–500–On a cloisonne pin, this material is poured into hollows between wires soldered onto metal
A CLOSE LOOK AT ART–800–In his Night Watch , hierarchy is shown by the shadow of the militia captain’s hand on an underling’s coat
VALUES (Kelly of the Clue Crew poses with a Pontormo painting.) As painters often do, Pontormo inserted one of these into his work called Deposition
a self-portait
A CLOSE LOOK AT ART–1600–The message of healing in Friedrich’s Winter Landscape includes a discarded pair of these supports
VALUES (Jon of the Clue Crew poses with a seascape.) W.H. Auden wrote, Everything turns away quite leisurely from a disaster in Bruegel’s Landscape with the Fall of this mythical flier
CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS–400–One of the largest contemp. art orgs., N.Y.’s P.S. 1, uses a building that began as this type of institution
a (public) school
CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS–800–Tokyo’s Museum of Contemporary Art exhibited this woman’s art, including her Bed-In for Peace photos
VALUES (Yoko) Ono
CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS–1200–This museum’s ducts are color coded, blue for air, green for fluids, yellow for electrical, & red for movement
Le Centre Pompidou
CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS–1600–This influential artist said of some Aboriginal art in Sydney’s museum, This is what I have been trying to achieve
Pablo Picasso
CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS–6000–Founded in 1939, this city’s Contemporary Arts Center was at the center of a 1990s 1st Amendment case
MATTERS OF THE ART–400–Items recently uncovered at her home & museum include dresses from Oaxaca & earrings probably from Picasso
Frida Kahlo
MATTERS OF THE ART–600–He’s the French artist whose work is seen here, if you get our Pointillism
VALUES (Georges) Seurat
MATTERS OF THE ART–1000–This group of British painters exhibited anonymously, signing their paintings PRB
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–200–Joseph Karl Stieler’s early 19th-century portrait of this man captures his energy & ferocity
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–400–He’s the former stockbroker who painted Woman with Mango , seenhere
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–600–This influential Italian also worked in sculpture
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–800–She’s the Pennsylvania-born expatriate whose work is seen here
VALUES (Mary) Cassatt
ART FOR ART’S SAKE–1000–The unique modern stylings of this abstract Dutchman are seen in his Broadway Boogie Woogie
Piet Mondrian
ART–200–Coptic art, which developed in this river valley, was inspired by the Hellenistic style of Alexandria
ART–400–Encaustic painting, practiced by the ancient Greeks, uses this melted insect substance as a binder
ART–600–This muralist was only 10 when he began studying at Mexico City’s Academy of San Carlos
Diego Rivera
ART–800–Giovanni Antonio Canal was the real name of this artist known for his paintings of Venice
ART–1000–The Bronze Family Group sculpted by this Englishman in the 1940s is in the Museum of Modern Art
Henry Moore
ART–200–Renaissance writers gave medieval architecture this barbarian name because they thought it ugly
ART–400–The roots of this kind of expressionism are seen in the works of Wassily Kandinsky
Abstract expressionism
ART–600–Fathers of this modern style include Claes Oldenburg, George Segal & Roy Lichtenstein
Pop Art
ART–800–Cezanne said, Treat nature in terms of the cylinder, this shape & the cone, all in perspective
ART–1000–This 20th century Spanish artist called his works Hand-painted dream photographs
Salvador Dali
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–200–Gustave Moreau’s 19th century painting of this saint & the dragon is in London’s National Gallery
St. George
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–400–His 1892 painting Manao Tupapau depicts a young Tahitian girl & a scary-looking spirit
Paul Gauguin
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–600–The Dying Slave , sculpted by this Italian master in the early 1500s, is in the Louvre
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–800–Not surprisingly, his 1872 painting Musicians Of The Orchestra shows ballet dancers in the background
Edgar Degas
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–1000–Her 1936 painting Summer Days shows an animal skull & flowers floating above a desert landscape
Georgia O’Keeffe
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–200–His 1891 painting of a street in Tahiti is in the Toledo Museum of Art
Paul Gauguin
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–400–Thomas Solie’s 1815 portrait of this orator is in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection
Patrick Henry
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–600– The Madonna of the Magnificat is one of many paintings of the Virgin & child by this Birth of Venus artist
Sandro Botticelli
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–800–In 1930 she created a series of paintings of a jack-in-the-pulpit
Georgia O’ Keeffe
ARTISTS & THEIR SUBJECTS–1000–In 1797 Goya painted this duchess, his mistress, pointing to the words Solo Goya ( Only Goya )
Duchess of Alba
ART & ARTISTS–200–The influence of Van Dyck can be seen in his Blue Boy & other works
Thomas Gainesborough
ART & ARTISTS–400–Ilya Yefimovich Repin’s Ivan The Terrible With The Body Of His Son is in this city’s Tretyakov Gallery
ART & ARTISTS–600–Vasari said this Renaissance man painted the left-hand angel in Verrocchio’s Baptism of Christ
Leonardo Da Vinci
ART & ARTISTS–800–Francois Boucher painted several portraits of this patron, the mistress of Louis XV
Madame de Pompadour
ART & ARTISTS–1000–Carel Fabritius, Rembrandt’s finest student, died in a 1654 explosion in this Dutch pottery city
ART–100–This gemlike carving material was obtained from walruses as well as elephants
ART–200–This diminutive poster artist broke his legs in childhood falls, inhibiting their growth
ART–500–The animal featured both in Rousseau’s The Sleeping Gypsy & The Dream
a lion
ART–400–New & unknown in Paris, at 22 he painted The Old Guitarist in shades of blue that reflected his mood
ART–500–The most famous Sunday Afternoon this pointillist painted was on the Grand Jatte
VALUES (Georges) Seurat
ART EXHIBITS–200–A 1995 exhibit at California’s Laguna Art Museum traced the history of this body art
ART EXHIBITS–400–In 1995 this art movement was on view in a Monet exhibit & in a Caillebotte show
ART EXHIBITS–600–A recent exhibit at this St. Petersburg museum focused on art plundered by the Red Army during WWII
the Hermitage
ART EXHIBITS–800–An 1877 exhibit moved John Ruskin to libel this American-born artist, but not his mother
James McNeill Whistler
ART EXHIBITS–1000–In 1990 a Cincinnati museum faced obscenity charges after showing the work of this late photographer
Robert Mapplethorpe
ART–100–This late artist was also a jewelry designer; you might expect his watches to be limp
Salvador DalÌÄå_
ART–200–The Thinker guards the entrance to the Philadelphia museum devoted to this sculptor
ART–300–An artist dedicated to reviving early Renaissance style & methods is described as pre- this
ART–400–Egypt’s temple of Abu Simbel features 4 figures of this pharaoh carved out of the rock
Ramses II
ART–500–His paintings of flags & targets at a one-man show in 1958 unleashed a storm of controversy
Jasper Johns
EARLY ART–200–This animal that raised Romulus & Remus was the subject of one of the finest Etruscan sculptures
EARLY ART–400–The innermost of his 3 coffins discovered by Howard Carter is solid gold & painted in his likeness
King Tut
EARLY ART–600–This art form of setting stones or glass into mortar was the main decorative art of the Byzantine Empire
EARLY ART–800– Winged Victory is the common name of a statue of this Greek goddess whose name means victory
ARTISTS–200–A fine series of these paintings on fresh plaster in Assisi is tentatively attributed to Giotto
EARLY ART–1000–A religious work consisting of 3 hinged or folded panels often used as an altarpiece
ARTISTS–400–His father, Auguste Manet, worked for the Ministry of Justice & wanted him to become a lawyer
Edouard Manet
ARTISTS–600–As an art student in Madrid he met director Luis Bunuel with whom he later made the film An Andalusian Dog
Salvador Dali
ARTISTS–800–He was 24 when he first painted Spain’s Philip IV who became his patron
Diego Velasquez
ARTISTS–1000–In 1906 Rodin invited this Romanian sculptor to work in his studio, but he refused
Constantin Brancusi
ART–200–In Hieronymus Bosch’s 3-panel The Garden of Earthly Delights , it’s the garden on the left
Garden of Eden
ART–400–This style of Picasso & Braque was broken into 2 phases, analytic & synthetic
ART–600–He poured & splattered paint onto the canvas to make his Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950
Jackson Pollock
ART–800–Anthony Janson says only 2 Flemish Baroque artists achieved international status, Van Dyck & this man
Peter Paul Rubens
ART–1000–This Younger German’s 1540 portrait of England’s Henry VIII is in Rome’s Galleria Nazionale
Hans Holbein
ARTISTS–200–He began his Sistine Chapel work with the Noah scenes over the entrance door
ARTISTS–400–In 1921, after 10 years of self-imposed exile, this muralist returned to Mexico
Diego Rivera
ARTISTS–600–While still in his teens, this artist, for whom a trim pointed beard is named, was Rubens’ chief assistant
Anthony VanDyck
ARTISTS–800– The Supreme Poster Artist of the 19th Century , he was famous for his Parisian nightlife scenes
ARTISTS–1000–He signed one of his earliest works, the Modena Triptych, Master Domenikos
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
WOMEN IN THE ARTS–200–In 1996 the Screen Actors Guild chose this Murder, She Wrote star for a lifetime achievement award
Angela Lansbury
WOMEN IN THE ARTS–800–In the 1920s, her home at 27 Rue de Fleurus in Paris was a gathering place for other writers & artists
Gertrude Stein
WOMEN IN THE ARTS–1000–This playwright’s The Sisters Rosensweig opened off-Broadway in 1992
Wendy Wasserstein
ARTISTS–0– King David (1951)
A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO ART–400–Baroque classicism is seen in the temple-like design of this Paris museum where the Venus de Milo lives
the Louvre
A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO ART–800–From about 1305, the work seenhere is one of Italy’s first great masterpieces in this, a type of mural painting
A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO ART–1200–After buying a country house, Rubens turned to this type of work, like this with a view of Het Steen
A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO ART–1600–An iconic work showing the American frontier as Bingham’s these Traders Descending the Missouri
fur traders
A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO ART–2000–Cezanne used this style in the 1870s but found it mushy; he wanted to make it solid and durable
ART & ARTISTS–200–For one of his works, Marcel Duchamp added a beard & mustache to a print of this da Vinci lady
Mona Lisa
ART & ARTISTS–400–In the 1570s Tintoretto painted this Biblical figure Striking The Rock
ART & ARTISTS–600–Picasso described this art movement as An art dealing primarily with forms
ART & ARTISTS–800–This impressionist’s depiction of a nude picnicker in Luncheon On The Grass created a scandal in 1863
Edouard Manet
ART & ARTISTS–1000–You can see his most famous work, Nighthawks , at the Art Institute of Chicago
Edward Hopper
ART–100–The artists known as The Four Wangs rose to prominence under this country’s Ch’ing Dynasty
ART–200–Delacroix’ dramatic historical painting of the Massacre At Chios is in this Paris museum
The Louvre
ART–300–It’s the shape of a tondo, a type of painting popular in the 15th century
ART–400–Once a cubist, this Spaniard from Figueras turned to surrealism after going to Paris in 1928
Salvador Dali
ART–500–This word that often precedes expressionism is derived from the Latin for drawn off or drawn away
WHO’S THE ARTIST?–200–In the 1640s he painted his young son, Titus
WHO’S THE ARTIST?–400–Perceptive analysis of movement was a hallmark of this artist
Edgar Degas
WHO’S THE ARTIST?–600–Come straight to the point & name this artist
Georges Seurat
VALUES (VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE):This artist burned brightly as a poet as well
William Blake (‘The Illustration of God’)
WHO’S THE ARTIST?–1000–A neo-classicist, this artist often painted the high & mighty
Jacques-Louis David
ART & ARTISTS–400–Jonathan Buttall is the young man in this colorful work by Thomas Gainsborough
The Blue Boy
ART & ARTISTS–800–The pop art stylings of this artist are exemplified by his Nurse , seen here
ART & ARTISTS–1200–Impressionism got its name thanks to his painting Impression: Sunrise
VALUES (Claude) Monet
ART & ARTISTS–1600–A reddish-brown color is named for this Venetian artist who used the color frequently in his paintings
VALUES (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue in front of a projection screen.) Correggio got an almost religious ecstasy into his mythological paintings, such as this Roman god & Io
ARTISTS–200–Thomas Hart Benton was once a cartoonist for the Joplin American in this, his home state
ARTISTS–400–Of Miro, Marisol or Morisot, the one who isn’t female
VALUES (Joan) MirÌÄå_
ARTISTS–600–Jose Orozco, a colleague of Diego Rivera, was one of this country’s greatest muralists
ARTISTS–800–Goya’s wall paintings decorate the Church of San Antonio de la Florida in this capital city
ARTISTS–1000–The modern artist who was born Milton Rauschenberg changed his first name to this
ART & ARTISTS–200–Delacroix’ 1859 painting of this Shakespearean hero And Horatio In The Graveyard is in the Louvre
ART & ARTISTS–400–This artist related the human figure to geometrical figures in the famous drawing seen here
Leonardo Da Vinci
ART & ARTISTS–600–David Roberts, who has been called the Scottish Canaletto , was born in this capital in 1796
ART & ARTISTS–1000–Voluptuous women fill this Flemish artist’s 1630 painting The Garden Of Love
Peter Paul Rubens
20th CENTURY ARTISTS–0–In 1912 he began creating abstact sculptures of Maiastra, a bird in Romanian legends
Constantin Brancusi
ART & ARTISTS–100–This American Gothic artist was an asst. professor of fine arts at the Univ. of Iowa in 1934
Grant Wood
ART & ARTISTS–200–Artist of the 1893 lithograph seen here
ART & ARTISTS–1000–Known for such works as Blam! , he drew maps for the U.S. Army in Europe during WWII
Roy Lichtenstein
ART & ARTISTS–400–This muralist’s birthplace in Guanajuato, Mexico is now a museum devoted to him
Diego Rivera
ART & ARTISTS–500–The group led by Robert Henri & known as The Eight later became known as this school
Ashcan School
ART FOR ART’S SAKE!–200– The Union of Earth & Water , seen here, was painted by this zaftig-loving Baroque artist
ART FOR ART’S SAKE!–400–He’s the unique neoimpressionist whose work Study for Le Chahut is seen here
Georges Seurat
ART FOR ART’S SAKE!–600–As evidenced here, this artist’s Neoclassic style made him a favorite of French rulers
20th CENTURY ART–200–Like painters, modern artists in this form turned to abstraction, as in David Smith’s work in steel
20th CENTURY ART–400–The expressionist CoBrA group acronymed its name from Copenhagen, Brussels & this Dutch city
20th CENTURY ART–600–Franz Kline’s palette in the ’50s was generally restricted to this, like TV at the time
20th CENTURY ART–1000–This controversial painter was a descendant of the 17th C. English essayist of the same name
Francis Bacon
20th CENTURY ART–1000–Austrian who painted the much-reproduced work seen here
Gustav Klimt (‘The Kiss’)
LARCENY DELL’ARTE–400–20 paintings by this man, including the one seenhere, were stolen briefly from the Stedelijk Museum in 1991
Van Gogh
LARCENY DELL’ARTE–800–This Spaniard’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington was stolen from the U.K. in 1961
LARCENY DELL’ARTE–1200–$300 million worth of art was stolen from the Gardener Museum including the only marine painting by this Dutchman
LARCENY DELL’ARTE–1600–NYC’s largest art theft happened in 1988 & saw the loss of 2 of this Renaissance friar’s masterpieces
Fra Angelico
LARCENY DELL’ARTE–2000–The august painting seen here by this Frenchman was stolen from Paris, along with 8 others, in 1985
VALUES (Pierre-Auguste) Renoir
ART & ARTISTS–200–This Thinker sculptor was denied admission to the School of Fine Arts in Paris 3 times
Auguste Rodin
ART & ARTISTS–400–This Spaniard included Velazquez’s Las Meninas in his Family of Charles IV seen here
Francisco Goya
ART & ARTISTS–600–His 1911 oil painting I And The Village depicted scenes of life in his native Vitebsk, Russia
Marc Chagall
ART & ARTISTS–800–Question that completes the title of the 1897 Gauguin work, Where Do We Come From? What Are We?….
Where Are We Going?
ART & ARTISTS–1000–The name of this art style is derived from a Paris shop opened in the 1890s by dealer Siegfried Bing
Art Nouveau
ART–400–This movement began in 1950s Britain, but it’s based on American mass media & advertising images
Pop Art
ART–800–Around 1450, with big commissions drying up, sculptors turned to these head-& -shoulders portrait pieces
ART–1200–Noun for a work in which ideas are personified, like the book Pilgrim’s Progress or de Troy’s Time Unveiling Truth
ART–1600–This Rake’s Progress satirist was a British patriot, as seen in his 1748 work O the Roast Beef of Old England
VALUES (William) Hogarth
ART–2000–The puzzling, distorted skull in his 1533 portrait The Ambassadors may refer to his name, meaning hollow bone
VALUES (Hans) Holbein (the Younger)