Literary Facts Flashcards
Bestselling book of all time
The Bible
Second-Best Selling book of all time
Quotations of Mao Tse-Tung
Bestselling Continuously Updated Book of all time
Guinness Book of World Records
Storyteller from Thrace
Virgil WRites that this man is the ancestor of all romans
5th or 6th Century Saxon Saga
First century satire of roman empire
Beowulf Monster
8th Century Anglo-Saxon Monk and Translator
Venerable Bede
William 1 Survey of England, 1085
Domesday Book
Classic Medieval Mortality Plays
14th Century “Father of English Lit”
Geoffrey Chaucer
The Wife of Bath Appears in this book
The Canterbury Tales
Crystal City is in this work
Pilgrim’s Progress – is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February, 1678. It is regarded as one of the most significant works of religious English literature
1653 Book on Fishing
The Compleat Angler
Dante’s Love
Samuel Johnson Biographer
James Bozwell –
arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history
James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson.[2]
Milton Work about the fall of Satan
Paradise Lost
Mephistopheles is the devil in this Work
Dr. Faustus
Vlad the Impaler is the basis for this character
Count Dracula
Cryano De Bergerac’s Love
Sir Galahad’s Father
King Arthur’s Island
Edmond Dantes is this man
The Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote’s Squire
Sancho Panza
Count Vronsky’s Love
Anna Karenina
Land in “Lost Horizon”
Subject of the Agony and the Ecstasy
Baroness Orczy’s Hero
The Scarlet Pimpernel (aka Sir Percy Blakeney,
Oscar Wilde’s never aging murderer
Dorian Gray
C.S. Forester’s Naval hero
Captain Horatio Hornblower
Jules Verne’s Captain
Captain Nemo
Captain Nemo’s Sub
Philease Fogg is in this novel
Around the world in 80 Days
Fogg’s Sidekick
Creator of the Character Jane Valjean
Victor Hugo
Main Character in the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Quasimodo’s love
Character Oliver Mellor was known as
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (DH Lawrence)
Philip Nolan is the title character
The Man Without a Country
19th Century Writer of Dime Novels
Ned Buntline
James Fenimore Cooper’s Hometown
Cooperstown, NY
Cooper’s 5-novel Tales
The Leather-stocking Tales
The First Leather Stocking Tale
The Pioneers
Cooper’s Scout in the Pathfinder and the Deerslayer
Natty Bumppo
Natty Bumppo’s Nickname
Cooper’s Last Mohican
First American Man of Letters, From Tarrytown, NY
Washington Irving
Ichabod Crane Appears in this Novel
The Legend of Sleepy Hallow
Irving’s Sleepy Hallow Rider
The Headless Horseman
Mountains where Rip Van Winkle Slept for 20 years
The Catskills
Louisa May Alcott’s Literary Alter Ego
Jo March
Salem, Massachusetts Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne
She wore the scarlett letter
Hester Prynne
Hester Prynne’s Daughter
Vanity Fair Lady
Becky Sharp
Albany NY AUthor
Herman Melville
Melville’s award-winning short story
Billy Budd
Moby-Dick Story Teller and Sole Survivor
First Female Writer in US Writer’s Hall of Fame
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Villian
Simon Legree
Little Girl for Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Little Eva
Sherlock Holme’s Address
221B Baker Street
Sherlock Holmes’ Sidekick
Dr. Watson
Sherlock Holme’s Arch Villian
Professor Moriarty
Author and Anthropologist raised in Samoa
Margaret Mead
Scottish Author from Edinburgh
Sir. Walter Scott
Scottish Robin Hodd
Rob Roy
Innovative 20th Century Irish Novelist
James Joyce
Stephan Daedalus is a character in this novel
Humbert Humbert is a character in this novel
Alexander Selkirk’s life is the basis for this novel
Robinson Crusoe
Author who saw the Alaska gold rush
Jack London
Jack London’s Sea Captain
Wolf Larson (The Sea Wolf)
Call of the Wild Dog
Scottish Author Who lived in America and Samoa
Robert Louis Stevenson
Boy in Treasure Island
Jim Hawkins
Treasure Island Peg-Legged Pirate
Long John Silver
Author from Hannibal Missouri
Mark Twain
Mark Twain Title Lawyer
Pudd’nHead wilson
Tom Sawyer’s Girlfriend
Becky Thatcher
Tom Sawyer’s Aunt
Aunt Polly
Huckleberry Finn’s Black Friend
Mark Twain Worked for this author
Bret Harte
He was Pen-named Boz
Charles Dickens
Charles Dicken’s Unfinished Novel
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The two cities in tale of two cities
London and Paris
Pop and Mrs. Haversham appear in this novel
Great Expectations
Uriah Heep appears in this novel
David Copperfield
Quilp appears in this novel
the Old Curiosity Shop
Ebeneezer Scrooge’s Deceased Partner
Jacob Marley (First Ghost)
Bob Cratchit’s Son
Tiny Tim
Lucy Manett and Sydney Carton are in this novel
A Tale of Two Cities
Hans Brinker appears in this novel
The silver skates
English Novelist, Wrote of social injustice and totalitarianism
George Orwell
Napolean and snowball appear in this novel
Animal Farm
Big Brother watched Winston smith and Julia in this novel
Hester Prynne and pearl are in this novel
The scarlet letter
Nicknamed “papa” he commited suicide in Idaho
Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway’s novel of the Spanish Civil War
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Hemingway novel of the low generation
The Sun also rises
Hemingway novel of bullfighting
Death in the afternoon
Hemingway’s novel of WWi in italy
A farewell to arms
Character in Old Man and the Sea
Sauk Center, Minnesota Author
Sinclair Lewis
Town in Our Town
Grover’s Corners
Sinclair Lewis’ Vermont Doctor
Sinclair Lewis’ Real Estate Agent
Sinclair Lewis’ Novel of European Travels
Monterey, CA Author
John Steinbeck
Steinbeck Story of Friends in Monterey after WW1
Tortilla Flat
Stienbeck Popular Short Story
The Red Pony
Joad Family Appears in this novel
The Grapes of Wrath
Steinbeck’s Fish Factory Tale
Cannery Row
Steinbeck’s Poodle Tale
Travels with Charlie
Adam Trask Appears in This Novel
East of Eden
Russian-American Author Born in St. Petersburg
Ayn Rand
Dagney Taggart is a Character in this novel
Atlas Shrugged
Howard Roark is a Character in this novel
The Fountainhead
Deer Park Author
Norman Mailer
Normal Mailer Novel set in WW11
The Naked and the Dead
The Executioner’s Song was about him
Gary Gilmore
After the Fall was about her
Marilyn Monroe
Taos, New Mexico Author
DH Lawrence
Paul Morel is a character in this third DH Lawrence Novel
Sons and Lovers
DH Lawrence’s Highly-Censored Novel of 1928
Lady Chatterly’s Lover
London Author of a Room with a view
E.M. Forester
E.M. Forster’s Country Home
Howard’s End
EM Forster Novel of India Independence Movement
A Passage to India
Lifelong Friend of Gertrude STein
Alice B. Toklas
Mansion in Rebecca
Mr. Rochester Appears in this novel
Jane Eyre
Mansion in Jane Eyre
Thornfield Hall
Heathcliff is a character in this novel
Wuthering Heights
The Little House on the Prairie Family
Novel in which “Scout” Finch Appeared
To Kill a Mockingbird
Novel in which Willie stark Appeared
All the King’s Men
Novel in which billie Pilgrim appeared
Slaughterhouse Five
Novel in Which Howard Roark Appeared
Atlas Shrugged
Ed McBain’s Precinct
87th Precinct
Salesman in Death of a Salesman
WIlly Loman
Poe’s Rue Morgue and Perloined Letter Detective
C. August Dupain
Jeeve’s Creator
PG Wodehouse
Nero Wolfe Creator
Rex Stout
Father Brown Creator
GK Chesterton (English Detective)
Lord Peter Wimsey Creator
Dorothy Sayer (Gentleman detective)
Nick and Nora Charles Creator
Dashiell Hammet (married detectives in The Thin Man)
Kay Scarpetta Creator
Patricia Cornwell (detective – uses forensics)
Kinsey Millhone Creator
Sue Grafton “alphabet mysteries”
Doctor Fu Manchu Creator
Sax Rohmer an archetype of the evil criminal genius while lending the name to the Fu Manchu moustache
Mr. Moto
Mr. Moto is a fictional Japanese secret agent -Created after Charlie Chan creator died
Charlie Chan
Earl Derr Biggers
Perry Mason Creator
Erle Stanley Gardner
Nathan Zuckerman Creator
Phillip Roth (his alter ego)
Mike Hammer’s Creator
Mickey Spillane (pulp detective)
Philip Marlowe’s Creator
Raymond Chandler (pulp detective)
Sam Spade Creator
Dashiell Hammet (pulp detective)
Travis McGee Creator
John MacDonald (pulp detective)
Jim Chee Creator
Tony Hillerman (Navajo Policeman)
Alex Cross Creator
James Patterson (former FBI agent, physiologist)
Harry Potter Creator
JK Rowling
The Working Author
Studs Terkel ( “The Good War”, and is best remembered for his oral histories of common Americans, and for hosting a long-running radio show in Chicago.
Lincoln Biographer
Carl Sandburg
The Queen of Suspense
Mary Higgins Clark
Pygmalion Professor
Henry Higgins
Lady in Portrait of a Lady
Isabel Archer
Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness Narrator
Marlow (hunting for Kurtz)
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Namesake
Francis Scott Key
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Wife
Salesman in the great gatsby
Nick Carroway
The Great Gatsby’s Love
Daisy Buchanan
Main Character in the Natural
Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobb’s Bat
Hero of Catcher in the Rye
Holden Caulfield
Winnie the Pooh’s Human Friend
Christopher Robin
Pig in Charlotte’s Web
The “Lady” in a Streetcar Named Desire
Blanche Dubois
Leading man in a streetcar named desire
Stanley Kowalski
French-Born American Diarist
Anais nin
King of the Techno-Thriller
Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy’s Government Agent
Jack Ryan
Castle Rock or Main Author
Stephen King
French Short Story Writer
Guy De Maupassant
Winner of the First US Nobel Prize for Lit
Eugene O’Neill
2001: a Space Odyssey Computer
Never one the nobel for lit
Tolstoy, Ibsen and Henry James