U.S. Employment Laws and Regulations Flashcards
Civil Rights Act 1991
AllowAllows employees who win discrimination cases to collect punitive and compensatory damages. Allows for there to be a jury trial.
U.S. act that expands the possible damage awards available to victims of intentional discrimination to include compensatory and punitive damages; gives plaintiffs in cases of alleged discrimination the right to a jury trial.
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
U.S. Act provides individuals and dependents who may lose healthcare coverage with the opportunity to pay to continue coverage. Administered through DOL. Must apply for COBRA within 60 days of the event.
Max coverage length (18-36months) depends on the type of qualifying event
Department of Labor
Burlington Industries INC Vs. Ellerth
Court ruling distinguishes between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action (such as discharge, no promotion, or demotion) and supervisor harassment that does not.
Vicarious liability
a legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party.
Ex: Employers are legally responsible for the discriminatory actions od their supervisors and managagers
Ways to reduce liability for harassment claims
- train employees and leadership on a regular basis
- employee to report any incident of harassment
- investigate promptly and thoroughly
- implement corrective measures
Disparate Treatment
Type of discrimination that occurs when an individual is treated differently because of his or her membership in a protected class.
Disparate treatment characteristics
Direct discrimination
unequal treatment
prejudice actions
different standards
Disparate impact characteristics
Indirect discrimination
unequal consequence or result
Neutral actions
Same standards but different consequences
Disparate impact
Results, when a policy appears to be neutral but has a discriminatory effect.
Protected Class
Describes people who are covered under a particular federal, state, or local antidiscrimination law. Individuals are protected if they are in the membership class or are perceived to be a member.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
U.S. Act that made it unlawful to intercept messages in transmission, access stored information on electronic communication services, or disclose any of that information
Employers can’t monitor emails or while they are in a website but only when it has already been sent or visited
Comparable worth
It deals with the pay differentials between men and women who work comparable-not equal- jobs. The equal pay act doesn’t consider this.
The concept is that jobs filled primarily by women that require skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions comparable to similar jobs filled by men should have the same classifications and salaries.
Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one’s major life activities.
Major life activities
Walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, thinking, communicating, and operating of major bodily functions, caring for and dressing for themselves
Drug-Free Workplace Act
U.S. law requires federal contractors with contracts of $100,000 or more, as well as recipients of grants from the federal government, to certify that they are maintaining a drug-free workplace.
A Policy and specified actions that will be taken with those who violate the policy
Civila Rights Act of 1964
First comprehensive U.S. law making it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Individuals who exchange work for wages or salary;
workers who are covered by Fair Labor Standards Act regulations as determined by the IRS.
Individuals who exchange work for wages or salary;
workers who are covered by Fair Labor Standards Act regulations as determined by the IRS.
Characteristics of an Independent Contractor
Being able to set their own hours and determine the order of their work
Working on a project for an employer something that isn’t a continuous relationship
being paid for the job
Having profits and loses
Furninshing their own equipment
Being self-employed
Equal Pay Act (EPA)
U.S. Act prohibits wage discrimination by requiring equal pay for equal work performed by men and women.
Equal Pay Act (EPA)
U.S. Act prohibits wage discrimination by requiring equal pay for equal work performed by men and women.
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
U.S. Act that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman and permitted states not to recognize same-sex marriages recognized by other states; ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. supreme courts
Davis-Bacon Act
Applies to certain federal contractors and sunbcontractors with construction projects in excess of $2000. Requires contractors to pay laborers and mechanics no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for corresponding work on federal contracts. Also required the retention of record conataing data for all employees.