Us Congress Flashcards
What are positive thing about interest group
Interest group supply information as the Congress lack information capacity to provide 8nformation by itself
How interest group pressure government
Though campaign contributions and lobby
Problem of interest group
They do not check each other to preserve public good, they redirect public resource to their private end
Fanny Mae and Freddy
Whicg law is fundamental for campaign finance?
Federal election campaign act
What are pac
Is electoral arm of interest group
What is lobby
Provision of information from trusted source
What are lobbyists do
To leglators of crucial information Help legislators write bills
The problem of lobbyists
The information they provide tie with their interests not necessary public interests
The weakness of lobbyists
Lobbyist struggle to win floor votes when issues are highly salient , legislator preference are well known , or partisanship is an important factor .
Business tend to be more effective on. On influencing roll call votes on tax an regulatory policy , where their interests are harder to detect . Than on direct subsidies, where there are not obvious.
Where lobbyists can do better
In the committees and subcommittee universe.
Benefit fotr lobby
Companies spend more money in lobby per year tend to pay less in tax.
Companies that spen more on lobby are ;less likely being scrutinized by EPA.
What are three major interest at a stake in Fanny Mae
Private interest of Stockholders
Private interests of home builders
Private interests of affordable housing advocate
What are the Rules and procedures of the House.
They are a set of guidelines that govern the legislative process, debate, and general operations within the chamber
What is the purpose of the Rules and Procedures in the House.
These rules help maintain order and ensure that the legislative process proceeds in an organized and efficient manner.
What the Rules Committees can do?
- Determine the Rules for Floor Debate: The Rules Committee sets the specific rules for debate on each bill that comes before the House. This includes determining the length of debate, as well as whether amendments can be offered
- Grant or Deny Amendments: The Rules Committee has significant control over the amendment process for bills on the House floor.
- Manage the Legislative Calendar: The Rules Committee plays an important role in managing the legislative calendar and prioritizing the bills that will be considered by the full House.
- Waive Points of Order: The Rules Committee can waive points of order against a bill or specific provisions within a bill. This
- Originate Legislation: Although it is not the primary function of the Rules Committee, it has the authority to originate legislation, particularly if it pertains to the rules and procedures of the House. This power allows the committee to propose changes to the standing rules of the House or address procedural issues that arise during a session.
- Emergency Authority: In certain circumstances, the Rules Committee has the authority to act quickly to address urgent legislative matters
Limit power of opposition party
Limit amandment
Dependent reading
Limit length of debate
What is the role of the floor manager ?
Employ by the majority and minority party to manage debate , plan strategy , and parliamentary maneuver.
Make sure the bill proceeds in an orderly fashion
The process of floor debating :
Adopting the special rule governing debate
The speaker declare the House resolve into the committee of the whole
Presenting the Bill: The floor manager, who is typically a member of the committee that reported the bill, presents the legislation to the chamber and gives an overview of its purpose and provisions
Debate: 5 minutes rule : which allows members to speak for up to five minutes on any topic related to the bill.
Amendments: During the debate, members may propose amendments to the bill. In the House, the type and number of amendments allowed are determined by the rule established by the Rules Committee.
Voting on Amendments: After the debate on each amendment, the chamber votes on whether to adopt or reject it.
Closing Debate: Once all amendments have been considered and voted on, the floor manager may move to close debate on the bill.
Voting on the Bill: After the debate has concluded and all amendments have been considered, the chamber votes on the final version of the bill
What is the procedure of voting :
Vote last for a minimum 15 minutes Voting on the Bill: After the debate has concluded and all amendments have been considered, the chamber votes on the final version of the bill.
What are four type of Amendment in the Hous :
- Germane Amendment: Germane amendments are changes that are directly related to the subject matter of the bill
- An amendment to a pending amendment .
- A substitute to a pending Amendment .
- An Amendment to the substitute. Substituting amendments replace a portion or the entirety of a bill with new language
What amandment is allowed?
The open amandment and Germane amandment .,
What are five legislative calendars in the House
Union calendar: deal with raising , authorizing and spending money. (Most important)
House Calendar: The House Calendar contains all public bills and resolutions that do not involve revenue, appropriations, or national credit.
Private Calendar: The Private Calendar lists private bills and resolutions, which are measures that affect specific individuals, organizations, or entities rather than the general public
Corrections Calendar: Th, also known as the Consensus Calendar, is designed to expedite the consideration of non-controversial bills and resolutions
Discharge Calendar: Discharge Calendar: The Discharge Calendar lists petitions to discharge a bill or resolution from a committee that has not reported it to the House.
What are sent floor procedure
- Scheduling: The Senate Majority Leader is responsible for setting the floor schedule, determining which bills or issues will be considered, and managing the legislative calendar
- Quorum: A quorum is the minimum number of Senators (51) required to be present for the Senate to conduct business. If a quorum is not present, the Senate can only take limited actions, such as adjourning or requesting the attendance of absent Senators.
- Debate : the Senate allows for unlimited debate on bills and other matters, unless limited by unanimous consent agreements or cloture.
- Unanimous convent agreement : These agreements are negotiated between the Majority and Minority Leaders to set the terms for considering a specific bill or issue, including time limits for debate, the order of amendments,
- Filibuster and Clture : A filibuster is an attempt by one or more Senators to delay or block a vote on a bill or other matter by extending debate indefinitely. To end a filibuster and proceed to a vote, the Senate can invoke cloture, which requires the support of three-fifths of the Senate (60 votes). Cloture limits further debate to 30 hours and prevents the introduction of additional amendments not already pending.
- Amandment : Senators can propose amendments to bills during floor debate. Amendments can be germane (related to the subject matter of the bill) or non-germane, which allows for a broader range of issues to be considered
- Voting: After debate and the consideration of amendments, the Senate proceeds to vote on the bill. Voting can be done by voice vote, standing vote, or roll call vote, where each Senator’s vote is recorded individually.
- Conference Committee : If the Senate and House pass different versions of the same bill, a conference committee is formed to reconcile the differences.
Structure difference between the chamber
- The House is more than four time of the size of the senate.(435 in the House vs 100 in the Senate)
- The Germaneness requirement for Amendment in the House but not the senate.
- The speaker has discretionary and unchallengeable recognization compare to the Senate presiding officer
- A Rules committee in the House but not the senate that can determine the ground rule for debating and amending the legislation on the floor.. (House rule permit a majority rule at will , the senate rule permit to slow down or even defer action on legislation by individual members and determined minority . 60 votes are necessary to broke filibuster )