SSFT Flashcards
What Aristotle believes the age of the earth?
The earth always existed
What Basil think the length of creation day
24 hours
What Calvin beleve how long the estate is created
6 days.
What does Bishop Usher beleve creation dates ?
Biblical geology give an old idea of new popularity
What Charle Hodge think about age of the earth
Gaps theory
What Warfield think about age of the earth
Day age theory
What does Philips Henry Goose about the creation?
If the earth is young , the earth was created with the mark of age
What does Stillman, Jameson , and Cuvier believe about the age of the earth
Old earth
What Chalmers an Buckland believes about age of the apartheid
The gap theory.
What is Herodotus’s view on earth’s geology.
Most feartures in Nile were result of sudden violent process
What Aristotle recognize fossil ?
They were once living animals
What is Theophrase known about
He wrote mineralogy book , concerning stones, but he also suggest fossils might not be the remain of once animals.
What is Eratosthenes known for
He calculated the circumference of the earth by measuring noontime shadows at two localities of different latitude
Who initiated BC AD time scale
St Augstine
What Leonardo Da Vinci thought about fossils
Materials carried by the river was eventually compacted into sedimentary river.
What Loys le Roy believe that sea and mountain
Sea and moutain had change places
James Usher
Calculated the age of the earth based on the Scripture
James Hutton
Heat From within earth drives creation to new rock.
True did displacement did not happen in short time but by process still happen on earth .
Created uniformitarianism
Charles lay
Attempt to explain changes process now in operation.
Who discovered the first evidence of big bang
Edwin Hubble
Who is the Father of big bang
George’s Lemaitre
What is Hudge’s view of Darwinism
Darwinism is atheism because Darwin means to exclude design from nature.
Darwinism use the word nature selection. , as antithetical to supernatural.
THe naturalistic explanation of the origin of the universe.
The Big Bang
The universes was a dense hot black body, microwaves are stretched out gamma rays produced during early post space expansion.
Expanding universe.
Cosmic background radiation.
H/He traction explained
Explanatory and predictive power of mathematical model.
Weakness:voice no satfactory explanation for cosmic background radiation.
Spiral galaxy rotate like a spoke on a giant wheel.
Light speed might be slowed while as apace expand
Evidence for expansion of space stretching the wavelength of light . All galaxy are red shifted unless they are close neighbors .
Gravity between many clusters close enough to each other should mean that they are attracting each other , overcoming the expansion.
The naturalist explanatioin of living to non living