UROLOGY Flashcards
Newborn with prenatal ultrasound (US) positive
for hydronephrosis (> 10 mm AP diameter of the renal pelvis. What is the next best step?
Renal US after 48 h of life
What is the best test to confirm the diagnosis of
urinary tract infection (UTI)
Urine culture
What is the gold standard test for the diagnosis of anatomical details of the renal system and degree of reflux?
Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). It should
not be routinely performed in children after a
first febrile UTI
A one-year-old child presents with the first febrile UTI. What is the appropriate imaging study?
Renal-bladder US (RBUS)
What are the indications of VCUG?
Findings on RBUS that suggest the presence of
high-grade vesicoureteral reflux or the recurrence of febrile UTIs
What is the main difference between cystitis and acute pyelonephritis?
Presence of fever and urine infection is highly
suggestive of pyelonephritis
Prevalent cause of recurrent UTIs in children
Child with an indwelling catheter and a urine
dipstick analysis negative for nitrites
Enterococcal UTI
Empiric antibiotics in patients suspected of having an enterococcal UTI
Combination of ampicillin or amoxicillin and,
third-generation cephalosporin or aminoglycoside
A 4-year-old female with a history of chronic
constipation presenting with vaginal bleeding and urethral mass
Female urethral prolapse
A 4-year-old boy with weak urine stream, failure
to thrive, recurrent UTIs, enuresis. The renal US is positive for bilateral hydronephrosis. What is the best test to establish the diagnosis?
VCUG for the possibility of a posterior urethral
A 6-year-old female with persistently damp
underwear (day and night)
Ectopic ureter
A 7-year-old uncircumcised boy with penile pain, swollen foreskin O/E: head of the penis is enlarged and congested with a collar of edematous foreskin. A constricting band of retracted foreskin is noted past the head of the penis. What is the best treatment?
Emergent reduction of the foreskin to its
anatomical position. May apply compression,
sugar, pin-pricks to decrease the edema
What are the most common anatomical
contraindications of circumcision?
Hypospadias with incomplete foreskin,
epispadias, ambiguous genitalia
An uncircumcised 3-year-old boy presents with a nonpainful, white, mobile mass just distal to thecorona of the boy’s penis
Reassurance (normal smegma)