urology Flashcards
Which scan gives information about the renal cortex and medulla but not the ureter and draining systems
DMSA scan
What type of info does a MAG3 renogram give
Imaging for patients with pre-existing renal impairment
Gives info on renal function
Which scan gives poor image quality in patients with reduced GFR/ chronic renal impairment
DTPA scan
Describe the nervous control of an erection
Erection is controlled by both Autonomic (sym/parasympathetic) and somatic nerves
Autonomic- nervi erigentes/ pelvic splanchnic nerves S2-4:
-para= causes erection
-symp= causes ejaculation/ detumescence
-onufs nucleus- origin of pudendal nerve in the anterior horn of the sacral part of the spinal cord (S2-4)
[controls muscles of continence + orgasm]
-dorsal penile nerve
What are the muscles involved in an erection
What is priapism
unwanted, sustained erection for >4hours
Causes of priapism
blood: leukaemia/ sickle cell
neuro: spinal cord transection
trauma: causing arteriovenous malformation in the penis
drugs: ED meds
Tx of priapism
-ice/ cold shower
-aspirate blood from carvernosum
-injected cavernus with alpha adrenergic agonists
Investigations for priapism
-blood test for leukaemia/SCA
-aspirate blood from cavernosa to determine if high/low flow priapism
How to alpha adrenergic agonists treat priapism
they cause constriction of blood vessels
What is high vs low flow priapism
High= priapism due to unregulated arterial flow into the cavernosa, PAINLESS
Low= due to veno-occlusion, high intra-cervenosal pressures, PAINFUL, needs emergency tx
Commonest type of bladder cancer
Transitional cell carcinoma
Commonest type of penile cancer
Tx of penile cancer
Orchidectomy via the inguinal approach (not scrotal)
Presentation of a patient with posterior urethral valves
Age: child
PC: urinary hesitancy/ poor flow/ renal scarring
What investigations would you carry out for an incidental adrenal lesion found on CT
Hormonal assay includes:
-serum morning and midnight cortisol levels
-serum K, aldosterone + renin
-24hr urine cortisol excretion
-24hr urine catecholamine excretion
-dexamethasone suppression test