urological emergencies Flashcards
what events can cause precipitated acute urinary retention?
non-prostate related surgery, catheterisation or urethral instrumentation, anaesthesia, medication with sympathomimetic or anticholinergic effects
what is post-obstructive diuresis?
Diuresis due to solute diuresis (retained urea, sodium and water) + defect in concentrating ability of kidney
Often present in patients with chronic bladder outflow obstruction in association with uraemia, oedema, CCF, hypertension
what is the management of post-obstructive diuresis?
Monitor fluid balance and beware if urine output > 200ml/hr. Usually resolves in 24-48hr but in severe cases may require IV fluid and sodium replacement
what is it important to rule out in a patient presenting with acute loin pain?
how long should you wait to see if a renal stone passes itself before intervening?
1 month
(unless there is extreme pain, renal impairment or infection)
what is the most common cause of spermatic cord torsion?
spontaneous - adolescent suddenly woken in their sleep with severe pain
what is the management of spermatic cord torsion?
- Prompt exploration. Irreversible ischaemic injury may begin as soon as 4hrs
- 2 or 3-point fixation with fine non-absorbable sutures
- If testis necrotic then remove
- MUST fix contralateral side (bell clapper deformity)
what is epididymitis?
Inflammation of the testis and epididymis secondary to infection
what are the investigations for epididymitis?
Cremasteric reflex present
Suspect if pyuria
Doppler – swollen epididymis, increased bloodflow
Send urine for culture + Chlamydia PCR
what is the management for epididymitis?
Analgesia + scrotal support, bed rest
Ofloxacin 400mg/day for 14 days
what is paraphimosis?
Painful swelling of the foreskin distal to a phimotic ring
foreskin stuck back
what is a cause of paraphimosis in hospital?
after foreskin retracted for catheterization or cystoscopy and staff member forgets to replace it in its natural position
what is the management of paraphimosis?
- Under penile block, manual compression of glans with distal traction on oedematous skin
- If fails - dorsal slit
what is priapism?
Prolonged unwanted erection (> 4hrs), often painful and not associated with sexual arousal
what can cause priapism?
- Intracorporeal injection for ED, e.g. papaverine
- Trauma (penile / perineal)
- Haematologic dyscrasias e.g. sickle cell
- Neurological conditions
- Idiopathic
what is ischaemic priapism?
(veno-occlusive or low-flow).
Vascular stasis in penis and decreased venous outflow, a true compartment syndrome.
Corpora cavernosa are rigid and tender, penis often painful
what is non ischaemic priapism?
arterial or high flow
Traumatic disruption of penile vasculature results in unregulated blood entry and filling of corpora.
Fistula formation between cavernous artery and lacunar spaces allows blood to by-pass the normal helicine arteriolar bed
what is the treatment of ischaemic priapism?
Aspiration +/- irrigation with saline
injection of alpha-agonist, e.g. phenylephrine 100-200ug every 5-10 mins up to max 1000ug
Surgical shunt
in delayed presentation (>48 hours) can consider penile prosthesis
what is the treatment of non-ischaemic priapism?
Observe, may resolve spontaneously
Selective arterial embolization with non-permanent materials
what is fournier’s gangrene?
A form of necrotizing fasciitis occurring about the male genitalia
Most commonly arises from skin, urethra or rectal region
what are predisposing factors for fournier’s gangrene?
diabetes, local trauma, periurethral extravasation, perianal infection
what is the presentation of fournier’s gangrene?
Starts as cellulitis – swollen, erythematous, tender. Marked pain, fever, systemic toxicity
Swelling + crepitus of scrotum, dark purple areas
Often marked toxicity out of proportion to the local findings
what is the treatment of fournier’s gangrene?
Plain X-ray or USS may confirm gas in tissues
Antibiotics + surgical debridement
Mortality 20%, higher in diabetics and alcoholics
what is emphysematous pyelonephritis?
An acute necrotizing parenchymal and perirenal infection caused by gas-forming uropathogens, usually E coli, usually seen in diabetics