URO - Urinary incontinence Flashcards
Differentiate urinary incontinences and enuresis
Urinary incontinence: condition where involuntary loss of urine is a social/hygienic problem and is objectively demonstrable
Enuresis: any involuntary loss of urine
Nocturnal enuresis is normal in babies/ kids
Describe the physiological mechanisms for urinary continence
Anatomical support by
→ Intact pelvic floor holding bladder neck + urethra in place (esp in F)
Intrinsic urethral mechanism by
→ Coaptation of mucosa
→ Compression by submucosa and internal/external sphincters
Prostate as continence device in M → above factors less important
Neurological control by CNS and spinal cord
Somatic neural control of micturition
Anatomical structures involved in coordination and control
Parasympathetic, sympathetic and reflex control
- Pudendal nerve: from S2-S4 Onuf’s nucleus (anterior horn)
» Innervates striated sphincter, anterior levators, superficial perineal muscles
» Close external sphincter muscle in urethra - Pontine micturition center
Inputs (3):
» Corticol input from frontal lobes to inhibit micturition
» Afferent sensory input from stretch receptors in bladder Detrussor muscles
» Cerebellar input for coordinated voiding
Output (1):
» Sympathetic output from T10-L2 to Hypogastric nerve, merge with parasympathetic fibers to form pelvic plexus
» Contracts internal sphincter muscle in urethra - Sacral micturition center
» Communicates with pontine center for micturition reflex
Define normal void volume, residual volume
Define urinary frequency and nocturia
Normal void: 200-400mL
Normal residual: <150mL
Frequency: >8 voids during daytime, >Q2H
Nocturia: >2 voids during sleep, each void preceded and followed by sleep
Physiology of urine storage and voiding
Anatomical structures involved
High pressure or low pressure?
Urine storage:
- Bladder expands for low-pressure storage
- Bladder outlet closed at rest and even at high intra-abdominal pressure
- No involuntary bladder contraction
Urine voiding:
- Periodic voluntary urine expulsion at low pressure
- Coordinated contraction of bladder smooth muscles + relax sphincter muscles to remove anatomical obstruction at outlet
Anatomical abnormalities that lead to urinary incontinence?
- Detrussor overactivity (idiopathic, neurogenic)
- Low bladder compliance (SCI, cystitis, hysterectomy)
Sphincter abnormalities
- Extrinsic sphincter = Urethral HJypermobility due to weak pelvic floor muscle support
- Intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) = abnormal urethral muscle, blood flow, innervation
Physiological pathway for micturition reflex and voluntary inhibition of micturition
Involuntary micturition/ micturition reflex:
- Intravesical pressure in bladder»_space; sensory input into pontine micturition center»_space; relaxation of sphincter muscles and THEN detrusor contraction»_space; induce involuntary emptying
Voluntary micturition: block somatic neural efferent activities
Stop micturition:
- Cortical input from frontal lobe into pontine micturition center»_space; inhibit micturition
Prevalence of urinary incontinence
Most prevalent type
F»_space; M Mostly post-menopausal women
50-70 years old
Stress incontinence at 50%, Mix incontinence at 36%
5 major types of incontinence
Urge incontinence (UUI)
Stress incontinence (SUI)
Overflow incontinence
Functional incontinence
Mixed incontinence: urge + stress incontinence
Define Urge incontinence and underlying mechanism
Urge incontinence (UUI): strong desire to void that is difficult to defer and a/w leakage → Often mixed with SUI (mixed incontinence) and may be worsened by anxiety/stress → Mechanism: detrusor overactivity leading to inappropriate bladder contraction
Define stress incontinence and underlying mechanisms
Stress incontinence (SUI): leakage a/w Increase abdominal pressure → Mechanism: due to poor urethral sphincter function → Triggers: cough, sneeze, laughing, heavy lifting
Define overflow incontinence and underlying mechanism
Overflow incontinence: constant dribbling (esp at night) with associated retention of urine
→ Mechanism: BOO/DUA leads to abnormally distended bladder with large residual volume→ bladder over-distension with continuous dribbling
→ Signs: significant post-void residual, palpable bladder
→ Complications: UTI, bladder stones, obstructive uropathy
Define functional incontinence and underlying mechanism
Functional incontinence: urine leakage due to inability to get to toilet
→ Causes: impaired mobility (eg. elderly), dementia, lack of carer
→ Usually dx of exclusion as other types also present in functionally limited individuals
List general modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors of urinary incontinence (not specific to type)
- White ethnicity
- Age > 50, post-menopausal
- Female sex
- Smoking, Caffeine
- Obesity, Poor mobility
- Fluid intake level
Diseases/ Conditions associated with Urinary incontinence
Urogenital tract damage:
- Vaginal childbirth
- Anatomical disorders - VVF, ectopic ureter, urethral diverticulum
- Iatrogenic: pelvic, perineal and prostate surgery
- Radiation therapy
Neurological damage:
- Parkinsons
Ddx structural causes of urinary incontinence
Congenital duplex ureter
Iatrogenic - e.g. post-postatectomy sphincteric injury
Birth injury: vesico-vaginal fistula, stress incontinence
Mechanisms of poor bladder compliance
- Increase viscoelasticity of bladder wall
- Filing rate exceeds rate of stress relaxation
- Over-filling beyond distensibility
Reversible, transient causes of urinary incontinence
D – delirium I – infection A – atrophic vaginitis or urethritis P – pharmaceuticals (see RHS) P – psychological disorders E – endocrine disorders R – restricted mobility S – stool impaction
Drug and food causes of urinary incontinence
Diuretics – urge Caffeine – urge Alcohol – urge Anticholinergics – overflow Alpha-agonists – overflow Beta-agonists – overflow Sedatives/antidepressants – overflow ACEI (cough) – stress
Ketamine cystitis
- Cause
- Physiological defect
- Presentation
Cause: Chronic ketamine abuse
Defect: Small, poor compliance bladder
Presentation: Urge incontinence, urinary frequency, obstructive uropathy
Urge incontinence
- Common causes
- Idiopathic overactive bladder (OAB)**
a) Neurogenic OAB:
- Brain: CVA, PD, Tumor, MS …etc
- Spine: injury, tumor, myelodysplasia …etc
b) Non-neurogenic OAB:
- Chronic BOO: BPH, urethral strictures, Pelvic mass
- Cystitis, bladder cancer
- Bladder stones
- Drugs: Diuretics, Caffeine, Alcohol
Stress incontinence
- Most common causes in male and female
- Prostate surgery**
- Spinal cord injury
- Drugs: a-blockers, ACEi
- Urethral hypermobility - poor pelvic floor support to urethra/ bladder neck, caused by birth trauma, increase IAP
- Intrinsic sphincteric deficiency: neuromuscular damage after pelvic surgeries
Overflow incontinence
Common causes in Male and female
1. Bladder outlet obstruction: BPH**, Spinal cord lesions
- Detrussor underactivity:
- Neuropathies and lower spinal cord disease
- Acute overdistension (e.g. post-op)
- Drugs: a-agonist, anticholinergics, antidepressants
- Detrussor underactivity: (more common)
- post-menopausal UG atrophy
- neuropathies and lower SC diseases
- Acute overdistension, eg. post-operative
- Drugs: α-agonists, anticholinergics, antidepressants - Bladder outlet obstruction
- External compression: fibroids, pelvic tumours
- Others: advanced POP, over-correction from prev OT
Patient presents with Incontinence a/w sense of urgency, triggered by running water, hand-washing, cold exposure
Most likely cause of incontinence?
Relevant history/ risk factors/ etiologies
Urge incontinence
Relevant history:
- Other LUTS, esp storage symptoms
- Hx of bladder pathologies, eg. UTI, stones, BPH
- Hx of neurological conditions, eg. stroke, SCI, and DM
- Drug Hx, eg. diuretics, and fluid intake incl caffeine/alcohol
Patient presents with Incontinence a/w physical exertion, coughing, laughing, lifting, rising from bed
Most likely type
Relevant history/ risk factors/ etiologies
Stress incontinence
- Chronic ↑abd pressure: chronic cough, obesity
- Obstetric history: multiparity, perineal tears
- Hx of prostate surgery: radical prostatectomy, TURP (usu not)
Patient presents with feeling of incomplete emptying, suprapubic discomfort, dribbling without any warning/ triggers
Most likely type of incontinence
Relevant history/ risk factors/ etiologies
Overflow incontinence
Relevant history:
- Other LUTS, esp voiding symptoms
- LL neurological symptoms and Hx of spinal cord diseases
- Hx of BPH or any other prostate pathology
- Gynaecological history, eg. fibroids, pelvic organ prolapse
- Drug history, eg. α-agonists, anticholinergics, antidepressants
Idiopathic overactive bladder
- Cause of which type of urinary incontinence
- Presentation
- Triggers
- Etiologies
Urge incontinence***
- Strong sense to void, then involuntary loss of urine
- worsened by anxiety/stress
- Etiologies:
Neurogenic OAB:
Brain: CVA, NPH, PD, brain tumour, TBI, MS
SC: injury, tumour, transverse myelitis, myelodysplasia
Non-neurogenic OAB due to bladder pathology
Chronic BOO: BPH, urethral stricture
Cystitis (infection/inflammation) and tumour
Bladder stones and bladder foreign body
Drugs: diuretics, caffeine, alcohol
Complications of overflow incontinence
- Bladder stone formation
- Obstructive uropathy, worsen renal function
Patient presents with leaking of urine before reaching toilet, old-age
Most likely type of incontinence, causes
Functional incontinence: urine leakage due to inability to get to toilet
Causes: impaired mobility (eg. elderly), dementia, lack of carer
Outline history taking for urinary incontinence
Patient: Old age? Post-menopausal?
Incontinence: Duration, type, frequency, volume/ number of pads, triggers and constant vs intermittent
Associated symptoms: Obstructive symptoms
Voiding/drinking habit: voiding diary if possible
Neurological and mental health history
Gynaecological and Obstetic, Menstrual history
Urological history: UTI, surgeries …etc
Medication and social history: drug abuse, chronic drug use, caffeine/ smoking/ alcohol
Impact on quality of life
Outline list of P/E for urinary incontinence
- Post-void abdominal examination:
→ Palpable bladder indicates urinary retention - overflow incontinence
→ Abdominal mass compress on bladder - Pelvic examination in women → pelvic masses, organ prolapse, atrophic changes
- Rectal examination:
→ Feel for: anal tone (± faecal soiling), faecal impaction, rectal mass, BPH
→ Test reflexes: anal reflex, bulbocavernous reflex (BCR, S2-4) - Genital examination:
- Atrophy, cystocele, rectocele, skin excoriations, pelvic masses - Neurological examination if any suspicion of spinal cord/brain pathologies
First-line investigations for urinary incontinence
- Voiding diary: Frequency/ Volume charts
- Urinalysis, C/ST to r/o UTI
- RFT, Fasting glucose - obstructive uropathy, diabetic nephropathy
- Uroflowmetry - flow rate and post-void residual volume
- Urodynamic studies - Gold standard, for complicated incontinence:
Outline the recorded metrics and estimated metrics in Voiding Diary
Recorded: 24-72h
- Fluid intake, physical activity
- Frequency
- Void volume
- Incontinence episodes and triggers
- 24h urine volume
- Frequency
- Nocturia
- Functional bladder capacity
Urodynamic studies
- Indications
- Functions
Indication: Gold standard, for complicated incontinence
- Detrusor overactivity
- Voiding dysfunction
- Unclear clinical diagnosis
- Previous surgery for stress incontinence
- Any neurological deficits
- Find etiology of incontinence
- Assess Detrusor function
- Assess pelvic floor prolapse
- Find urodynamic risk factors for urinary tract deterioration
List all metrics measured in Urodynamic studies
+ advantage of video UDS
- Flowmetry - Flow rate and residual urine
- Filling phase - Instability or hypotonia
- Voiding phase - Obstruction
- Video: shape of bladder, bladder neck, any reflux
- Better evaluation of bladder neck descent and urethra, clearly quantify anterior wall prolapse - Electromyography - striated sphincter function:
→ Leak point pressure (LPP): Pabd or Pdet required to overcome outlet resistance and produce incontinence
→ Urethral pressure profilometry (UPP): measures urethral pressure along its length
General lifestyle management for all types of urinary incontinence
Lifestyle modifications:
- Weight-reduction
- Less caffeine, alcohol intake, don’t reduce fluid intake
- Use incontinence pads
List non-pharmacological/ physiotherapy for urinary incontinence
Pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises
Biofeedback: placement of vaginal pressure sensor → live feedback of strength of pelvic floor contractions
Bladder training: timed voiding with controlling of urgency by distraction or mental relaxation techniques
List medical treatment options for urinary incontinence
Medical therapy: check for C/I to anticholinergics, usually require ~4w to see full benefit
- Anticholinergics, eg. oxybutynin, tolterodine, solifenacin
- Beta-3 agonist: Mirabegrone
- Vaginal oestrogen: suitable for postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy
- Desmopressin: suitable for persistent nocturia
List surgical treatment options for urinary incontinence (excluding stress incontinence)
Surgical therapy:
- Sacral Nerve neuromodulation
- Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS)
- botox injection
- augmentation cystoplasty
- urinary diversion
Surgical treatment options specific to stress incontinence
For stress incontinence only:
- Transurethral injection: bulking agents (eg. silicon, collagen)
- Mid-urethral sling (MUS): tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) in F, trans-obturator tape (TOT) in M
- Burch coloposuspension: suture lateral vaginal walls to iliopectineal ligaments
- Artificial urinary sphincter: most effective Tx for M, pump to deflate sphincter
Describe bladder training for urinary incontinence
Train Central control of voiding: timed voiding according to a schedule, stop voiding under urgency
controlling urgency by distraction or mental relaxation techniques
Antimuscarinic therapy for urinary incontinence
Effective time
MoA: Bladder contraction involves M3 receptors
Antimuscarinic drug acts as competitive antagonist against muscarinic receptros
> > Inhibits post-synaptic M3 receptors, stop Phospholipase3/IP3 pathway and Calcium influx
> > Reduce smooth muscle contaction
Time: 3-4 weeks before effect
List examples of antimuscarinic therapy for urinary incontinence and differences
Options if dry mouth cannot be tolerated?
Oxybutyninmost common: extended release, in transdermal or intravesical gel or rectal suppository, less systemic S/E
Tolterodine: less salivary gland S/E
Solifenacin: selective to M2, M3
Darifenacin: selective to M3
Quaternary: Less CNS S/E, e.g. Trospium chloride, Propantheline
Change to Tolterodine/ Transdermal, intravesical oxybutynin
S/E of antimuscarinic therapy
M1: Cognitive impairment
M2: Tachycardia, constipation
M3: Dry mouth, blurry vision, dizziness
C/I: Uncontrolled acute close angle glaucoma UC/ Toxic megacolon MG IO
Beta-3 agonists for urinary incontinence
Activate adenyl-cyclase, ATP to cAMP > PKA > lower Ca influx > Smooth muscle relaxation
Hypertension, Headache, UTI, Nasopharyngitis
Severe S/S:
Botox injection for urinary incontinence
Onset, repeat time
Botulinum toxin A injection - Intradetrusor injection
Heavy chain binds to SV2 receptor
> endocytosis into presynaptic nerve terminal
> Light chain cleaves SNAP-25 protein on SNARE protein complex
> Stop exocytosis of Ach vesicles into NMJ
> Paralyze detrusor muscle
Block expression of TPRV1 and P2X3 receptors in Type C nerve
> decrease urgency
Onset: 1-2 weeks, repeat every 6-9 months
Botox injection for urinary incontinence
S/E: Urinary retention needing CISC UTI Haematuria Systemic absorption (rare)
C/I: Active UTI Bleeding diathesis MG Pregnancy/ breast feeding Allergy
Sacral neuromodulation for urinary incontinence
Temporary electrode inserted percutaneously»_space; into S3 sacral foramen with sacral nerve
Modulate local neural reflexes, inhibit bladder contraction
Stimulation shows big toe dorsiflexion, anal wink, cremasteric reflex
- Surgery: Bleeding, infection, pain
- Implant: Mechanical failure, migration, Battery life (7y), Lower limb weakness
Augmentation cystoplasty for urinary incontinence
Open bladder down to urethral orifice, patch defect with bowel segment (distal ileum)
Impair bladder contraction, lower detrusor pressure, increase bladder capacity, decrease strength of contraction
Surgical: bleed, infection, leakage, ileus
Long term:
- CISC, mucus perforation, rupture
- Hypercholremic hypokalemic metabolic acidosis
- Malabsorption: fat, Vitamin B12, Bile acid»_space; Calcium oxalate stones, gallstones, anaemia
- Malignancy: Adenocarcinoma
Outline specific medical and surgical treatment options for Stress incontinence
- Stop smoking, fluid management, lose weight
- Use incontinence pad
- Duloxetine: SNRI → ↑5HT/NA activity in Onuf’s nucleus → ↑urethral sphincter activity
- Estrogen therapy
- Transurethral injection: bulking agents (eg. silicon, collagen) injected
- Mid-urethral sling (MUS): tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) in F, trans-obturator tape (TOT) in M
- Burch coloposuspension: suture lateral vaginal walls to iliopectineal ligaments
- Artificial urinary sphincter: most effective Tx for M, pump to deflate sphincter
Transvaginal tape for stress incontinence
MoA Complications (intra-op and post-op)
Reinforce functional pubourethral ligaments
Secure fixation of midurethra to pubic bone, reinforce suburethral vaginal hammock
Intra-op complications: - Bladder, urethral perforation - Hematoma, hemorrhage - Nerve damage Post-op complications: - Urinary retention - De novo urgency - UTI - Tape erosion
Gold standard treatment for male stress urinary incontinence
Artificial urinary sphincter: pump to deflate sphincter every time before voiding