Urinary System Picture Questions Flashcards
What is your diagnosis?
What cell types are pointed at here (there are two different types)?
Top: Intercalated Cells
Bottom: Light cell
What is at the tip of the arrows?
Collecting duct.
What is at the tip of the arrows?
Thick loop of Henle
What is at the tip of the arrows?
Thin loop of Henle
What is your diagnosis?
Kidney cortex
Name the structure indicated. Explain.
Collecting duct. Simple columnar epi
Name the structures indicated. Explain.
Kidney tubules. Simple cuboidal epi.
What is your diagnosis? Explain.
DCT cell. Has mitochondria like PCT cells, but few microvilli (PCT cells have microvilli)
What is your diagnosis?
What cell is type is shown at the tip of the arrow and in which tubule are they found?
Macula densa cell, found in the DCT.
What structure is seen at “e?”
Interlobular vein.
Interlobular veins have wider lumens and narrower walls than do interlobular arteries. “a” would be an interlobular artery.
1) This epithelium would NOT be present in which location?
a) minor calyx
b) renal pelvis
c) ureter
d) papillary ducts
e) urinary bladder
Not present in renal pelvis. Urothelium starts at the calyces.
Which of the following INCORRECTLY describes the region indicated?
a) it monitors salt concentrations
b) is located at the vascular pole
c) is located within a proximal
convoluted tubule
d) lies adjacent to juxtaglomerular
e) is located within a distal
convoluted tubule
C - It is located within a proximal concoluted tubule
Macula densa cells are in the DCT
What has been mislabeled?
a) medullary ray
b) renal corpuscle
c) medulla
d) cortical labyrinth
e) arcuate artery & vein
E - Arcuate artery and vein
E is actually an interlobular artery