Urinary System Flashcards
Urinary System
kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
Urinary Tract
ureters, bladder and urethra(To make way out of body, everything but kidney)
Urinary System Main Function
filter blood, and transportthe liquid waste (urine) out of the body
* kidneys responsible for filtering blood and turning the filtrate into urine
Urinary System Main Function (2)
- urinary tract transports the urine
* process of releasing urine:urination, ormicturition (Means peeing)
Why does blood need to be filtered?
- Waste products (We take waste from the cells into the blood)
- pH levels
Process Involved with Urinary System
Filtration - Initial removal from the blood
Tubular Reabsorption
“Oops, sorry. Need that back”
Recovery of nutrients, ions, etc that the body still needs takes It back from the tube into the blood
Tubular Secretion
“Oh, forgot to give you this”
Transport of additional things that the body does NOT want from the blood into the urine
Kidney External Gross Anatomy
– on posterior abdominal wall
– right kidney more inferior than the left - WHY?The liver gets in the way
Kidney Internal Gross Anatomy
– outercortex
– innermedulla
–renal column:
–renal pyramids: (This is where urine is actively being produced)
Kidney Internal Gross Anatomy (2)
– each renal pyramid drains urine into aminor calyx
– several minor calyces unite to form amajor calyx
– major calyces drain into therenal pelvis which connects to the ureter
Blood Supply (1-3)
1.renal artery: receives arterial blood from aorta
2.segmental arteries
3.interlobar arteries
* travel in the renal columns
Blood Supply (4-6)
4.arcuate arteries
5.interlobular arteries
6.afferent arterioles(Means going into)
Blood Supply (7-9)
- each afferent arteriole brings blood to aglomerulus
* glomerulus = a capillary “ball”
* blood is filtrated here!
8.efferent arteriole
9.peritubular capillariesorvasa recta
* gas/nutrient exchange (b/t kidney tissues and the blood) occurs here
Blood Supply (10-13)
10.interlobular veins
11.arcuate veins (Run along cortex-medulla junction)
12.interlobar veins
13.renal vein(back to inferior vena cava)
Nephron of Kidneys
functional filtration unit of the kidney
Nephron of Kidneys Function
filters blood and then modifies this “filtrate”
– each kidney contains over 1 million nephrons!
Nephrons Consist of (1)
Renal Corpuscle (Glomerulus + Glomerular Capsule) (Glomerulus and the Capsule that covers it)
Nephrons Consist of (2)
Proximal Convoluted Tubule(All folded up on each other)
Nephrons Consist of (3)
Nephron Loop (Loop of Henle)(Makes a big “U”)
Nephrons Consist of (4)
Distal Convoluted Tubule
Renal Corpuscle Components
glomerulusplusglomerular capsule
What sounds the glomerulus?
Bowman Capsule
Bowmans Capsule Components
o Made of cells called podocytes (These are arranged into layers)
o Parietal layer (This is the outside of the balloon)
Bowmans Capsule Components (2)
o Visceral layer (Cells that are on the surface of the capillary)
o Capsular space
** filtrate is squeezed into here!(All of the stuff initially filtered out of the blood goes onto this space)
Proximal Convoluted Tubule Function
to resorb “the good stuff” from the filtrate(Ions, Fluid, Etc.)
- resorbed material is sent to theblood in the peritubular capillaries
- then the filtrate passes into the:Nephron Loop
Nephron Loop (Loop of Henle) Function
to resorb more materials and water in the filtrate
- resorbed material is sent to theblood in the vasa recta
- remaining filtrate then travels to the: DCT
Distal Convoluted Tubule
last segment of the nephron
–function: to resorb more materials and water in the filtrate
* resorbed material is sent to the blood in the peritubular capillaries
Flow of Filtrate/Urine (1-3)
filtrate is squeezed out of glomerulus, enterscapsular space
- proximal convoluted tubule
- nephron loop
Flow of Filtrate/Urine (4-6)
- distal convoluted tubule
- collecting duct (target of ADH – what was that again??) (Made in the hypothalamus and released through the posterior pituitary, and caused you not to pee a lot. This ADH kicks on and tells the collecting duct to save more water).
* when filtrate leaves the collecting duct, it now may be calledurine
6.minor calyx
Flow of Filtrate/Urine (7-9)
7.major calyx
8.renal pelvis
Flow of Filtrate/Urine (10-11)
10.urinary bladder
11. urine exits the body via theurethra
Ureters Function
long, thin, paired muscular tubes
–function: transport urine (via peristalsis) from kidney to urinary bladder
Why do the ureters use peristalsis (as opposed to relying on gravity) to pump urine to the urinary bladder?
The reason why is because if you’re standing on your head, you do not want the urine to go from the urinary bladder back to the kidney.
Ureters Layers
Ureter - Mucosa
Transitional Epithelium (What was that again?) Mushroom shaped, or dome cells on the edge which allows the epithelium to stretch.
Ureter - Muscularis
2 layers of smooth muscle
Ureter - Adventitia
Areolar Connective Tissue
REnal Calculi (Kidney Stones)
Calcifications/Crystals. Biggest factor of getting this is frequent dehydration. The body is so used to saving water so often that this water actually turns into crystal stones. If everything gets backed up, it can cause serious problems to the kidneys.
Urinary Bladder Function
urine reservoir (muscular storage sac for urine)
Urinary Bladder Empty Shape
upside-down pyramid, in true pelvis (Adults)
Urinary Bladder Full Shape
oval, bulging into abdominal cavity
Neck of the bladder =
Narrow base of bladder
Urinary Bladder Layers
Urinary Bladder - Mucosa
transitional epithelium
Urinary Bladder - Submucosa
dense irregular CT (We want it to be dense in order to allow it to stretch but not stretch too much.)
Urinary Bladder - Muscularis
–3 layers of smooth muscle:
– together, these layers are known as thedetrusor muscle
–internal urethral sphincter
**involuntary (ANS) sphincter(When you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, it is because this sphincter gave way)
Urinary Bladder - Adventitia
Areolar CT
– single muscular tube running from bladder to exterior of body
Urethra Function
expels urine from body
Urethra Information
- urethra pierces a group of skeletal muscles called theurogenital diaphragm
- some of the skeletal muscle fibers thicken and formanExternal urethral sphincter around urethra) **voluntarysphincter(Pudendal Nerve; a Spinal Nerve. Comes from the Sacral Plexus, and it going to be the main innervation for the genitalia. )
Female Urethra
- short
- - distensible
Male Urethra
- longer
- - carries both urine and semen