Reproductive System; Female Flashcards
Male and Female Organs consist of
Accessory Reproductive Organs
(primary sex organs):testesin the male,ovariesin the female
Accessory Reproductive Organs
uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, external
genitalia, and mammary glands
Accessory Reproductive Organs (2)
– at puberty: anterior pituitary releasesFSH(follicle stimulating hormone) andLH(Luteinizing hormone)
– be familiar with male vs. female reproductive homologues (similar organs)
Ovary Functions
1) to produce oocytes (eggs) - (the female gametes)
2) to produce female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone)
Ovary External Anatomy
- each is oval shaped
- -within pelvic cavity
Ovary Internal Anatomy
– has an outercortexand an innermedulla
- Medulla contains blood vessels
- Cortex contains ovarian follicles
- -ovarian folliclesconsist of anoocyte plus follicle (or granulosa) cells that surround the oocyte
Ovary Follicles - Primordial Follicle
primaryoocyte surrounded by a single layerofflattened (squamos) follicle cells
Ovary Follicles - Primary Follicle
primary oocyte surrounded by one or more layers of cuboidal follicle (granulosa) cells
Ovary Follicles - Secondary Follicle
primaryoocyte + follicle (granulosa) cells +antrum (fluid-filled space)
Ovary Follicles - Vesicular Follicle
secondary oocyte + follicle(granulosa) cells + very LARGE antrum
process where a secondary oocyte is expelled from the ovary
Corpus Luteum
the ruptured follicle that underwent ovulation
* yellowish
Corpus Luteum Function
To secrete estrogen and progesterone (which helps the functional layer of the uterus to develop)
Corpus Albicans
Degenerated Corpus Luteum, White CT Scar
Oogenesis; Before Birth; Ovary..
ovary/containsoogonia(oocyte “stem cells” or ‘parent cells’)
** oogonia contain 23 pairs of chromosomes
Oogenesis; Before Birth; Primary Oocytes..
are oogonia that start the process of Meiosis!!
** meiosis
Oogenesis; Before Birth; So before birth..
the ovary will contain primarilyprimordial follicles
(whichhaveprimary oocytesin them!)
Oogenesis; During Childhood
ovary inactive(They just hangout for 10 years before the hormones are kicked in)
Oogenesis; At Puberty
anterior pituitary secretes FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)and LH (luteinizing hormone): stimulates follicle to continue (re-developing) again
Oogenesis; At Puberty; Each month..
each month from puberty to menopause (when ovulation/menses cease entirely):
- about 20 primordial follicles develop intoprimary follicles
- some primary follicles degenerate, while others becomesecondary follicles
Oogenesis; At Puberty; One secondary follicle..
one secondary follicle becomes “dominant” and matures into avesicular follicle(95% of them did not make it to this stage)
- in thevesicular follicle, the primary oocyte completes Meiosis I,but gets (re-)stopped at Metaphase II
- at this point, you now have asecondary oocyte!
Oogenesis; At Puberty; LH Levels
a peak in LH levels at about day 14(of a 28-day ovarian cycle) will induceovulation
** the structure expelled is asecondary oocyte
** this oocyte is still suspended at metaphase II - it will not complete
meiosis UNLESS it is fertilized by a sperm (This is the only time that it will ever be able to complete Meiosis.)
Oogenesis; At Puberty; After Ovulation
after ovulation, FSH and LH levels decline
** ruptured ovarian follicle becomes acorpus luteum
** corpus luteum eventually becomes acorpus albicans
Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes
paired tubes that attach to the uterus
– each uterine tube is close to (but not attached to) the ovary!
– at the ends of each tube are fimbriae
Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes Functions
1) to “pick up” secondary oocyte and transport it to uterus
2) site for fertilization(Where egg and sperm meet) of the secondary oocyte!
site for implantation and development of the fertilized oocyte (soon to become an embryo and a fetus)
* when a fertilized oocyte doesn’t implant, it is the site of menstruation (shedding of part of the uterine wall)
Uterus Gross Anatomy
single, pear-shaped organ, in pelvic cavity
- -cervix: the inferior, constricted part of the uterus
- projects (sticks out) into the vagina
Uterus Microscopic Anatomy Components
Uterus Microscopic Anatomy; Perimetrium
outermost layer
* visceral peritoneum + areolar CT
Uterus Microscopic Anatomy; Myometrium
middle layer
- THICKEST layer
- 3 layers of smooth muscle (Muscle for contraction at child birth)
Uterus Microscopic Anatomy; Endometrium
innermost layer
- highly vascular
- columnar epithelium and CT
- fertilized oocyte implants here
- it is subdivided into 2 sublayers:
Uterus Microscopic Anatomy; 2 Sublayers of Endometrium
Basal Layer
Functional Layer
Basal Layer
he deeper layer immediately adjacent tothe myometrium (Bae..sal layer: Never Leaves)
* this is a permanent layer
Functional Layer
- it will grow and develop during the ovarian cycle
- if a fertilized oocyte doesn’t implant, this layer is shed duringmenstruation (Due to dropping progesterone levels, and still controlled by hormones)
– muscular tube that opens to the outside
– lies behind bladder and in front of rectum
Vagina Functions
1) it is the copulatory organ of the female
2) it is a passageway for menstruation and/or a baby to leave the body!
External Genitalia Components
Mons Pubis
Labia Majora
Labia Minora
Mons Pubis
fatty, rounded area -covered with pubic hair
Labia Majora
two elongated, skinfolds between legs - covered with pubic hair*Some fat
* homologous to: male scrotum (Same/Same … but different)
Labia Minora
thin, hairless skin folds (No fat)
* between the labia minora are: Four Components
Components of Labia Minora
Urethral Orifice (Opening)
Vaginal Orifice (Opening)
Openings for the greater vestibular glands
Openings For The Greater Vestibular Glands
- homologous to: Bulbourethral Gland
* function: secrete mucus as a lubricant
- homologous to: Male Penis
- contains two columns of erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa) (Where Labia Minora Meet)
(3rd erectile tissue surrounds opening of vagina)
Mammary Glands; Apocrine Glands
Pinch off part of cell and is secreted (Smelly glands)
Mammary Gland
each mammary gland has glandular tissue,adipose tissue, and ligaments to
connect it to thoracic wall
Mammary Gland Function
to produce milk for a baby
*lactation= breast milk production
Mammary Gland; Prolactin
Stimulates milk production
Mammary Gland; Oxytocin
Expels breastmilk in response to a stimulus (stimulus such as sucking/crying)