Urinary Sediment Analysis Flashcards
Urinary Sediment Analysis Refer to?
- Detects abnormalities not seen on gross examination &/or biochemical analysis
- Confirms Results from Biochemical Analysis
Urine collected for sediment analysis should be?
- Fresh Sample
- Concentrated Urine Sample
- Collected by Cystocentesis
Urine for sediment analysis should be collected by?
Urinary Sediment Component: Red Blood Cells
- Indicated bleeding from somewhere in the urinary tract
Urinary Sediment Component: Red Blood Cells Indicates
- Bacterial UTI
- Urolithiasis
- Interstitial Cystitis
Urinary Sediment Component: White Blood Cells
Leukocytes / White blood cells in the urine
*Indicates inflammation of the urinary tract
Urinary Sediment Component: White Blood Cells Causes
- Bacterial UTI
- Urolithiasis
- Neoplasia
Urinary Sediment Component: Epithelia Cells Found?
- Squamous
- Transitional
- Renal Tubular
Squamous Epithelial cells are found in the?
Distal urethra
Squamous epithelial cells appearance?
Flat w/ circular nucleus in the middle
(Looks like a fried egg)
Transitional Epithelial cells are found?
Renal Pelvis
Urinary Bladder
Proximal Urethra
Transitional Epithelial cell apperance
Round w/ circle shapes w/ a bouncy appearance & a round nucleus in the middle
Renal Tubular epithelial cells are found in the?
Renal Tubules
Renal tubular epithelial cells appearance?
Large round w/ big large nucleus in the middle
Casts are?
Cylindrical structures made of precipitates protein that assume the shape of the renal tubular lumen where they form.
*May be indicative of renal disease
Casts may be indicative of?
Renal Disease
What are the different casts?
- Hyaline Cast (Least Severe)
- Cellular Cast
- Granular Cast
- Waxy Cast (Most Severe)
- Fatty Casts (Form when fat is present & when other casts are present)
Hyaline Cast consists of?
Precipitated Protein
Hyaline Cast consists of?
Precipitated Protein
Hyaline Cast findings that are considered normal?
0-2 LPF may be considered normal
Which cast is the least severe?
Hyaline Cast
Hyaline cast appearance
Colorless with squared edges
Cellular Casts are the incorporations of?
White blood cells, red blood cels, and renal tubular epithelial cells that are percipated into protein matrix
*Most likely indicates inflammation in the renal tubule
Granular Cast
Al represent different stages of degeneration
Waxy cast of a cellular cast severity?
Most Severe
Waxy cast appearance?
Wider edges w/ squared off ends and opaque in color
Crystals in the urine refer to?
- Crystals form when the constituent minerals are present in the urine
- Presence in urine may be considered normal or abnormal
What decipher which certain type of crystal forms?
- Concentration of the constituent minerals in the urine
- The pH of the urine
- The temperature of the urine
What crystals like alkaline urine pH?
- Struvite Crystals
- MAP Crystals
- Triple Phosphate Crystals
What type of crystals like acidic urine pH?
Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate Crystals
Amorphous Crystals
Immature crystals that are waiting to see what the urine pH is before deciding what type of crystal they will grow up to be
Toxicity Crystal
The Crystals that form after an animal drinks antifreeze.
*Antifreeze: Ethylene Glycol Toxicity
Crystal Name: Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate
Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate
Toxicity Crystal / Ethylene Glycol Toxicity / From drinking antifreeze
Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate Cyrstals
Acidic Urine pH Cyrstals
Struvite Crystals
Alkaline Urine pH
MAP Crystals
Struvite Crystals / Alkaline urine pH crystals
Triple Phosphate Crystals
Struvite Crystals / Alkaline Urine pH Crystals
Calcium Carbonate Crystals are normal in what species?
Normal in rabbits, horses & guinea pigs since they have alkaline urine pH
Rabbits have what acidity of urine?
Alkaline urine pH
Horses have what acidity of urine?
Alkaline urine pH
Guinea Pigs have what acidity of urine?
Alkaline urine pH
Herbavoirs will always have what urine pH
Urate (Biurate) Crystals are normal in what breeds?
Bulldogs & Dalmatans
*They are also predisposed to urate stones (Bladder stones)
Urate Crystals are commonly called?
Crab Apple Crystals
Urate (Biurate) Crystals appearance?
Irregular in shape
True/False: Normal urine should be free of microbes?
When does contamination of urine samples most commonly happen?
When collecting
What type of microorganisms are often seen in urine?
Bacteria & yeast
*Rod bacteria is most common
What bacteria is most commonly seen in a urine sample?
Rod Bacteria
Bacteria present in a urinary sample is a sign of?
Bacteria present in great numbers in UTI
What are some miscalleneous items found in urine?
- Mucus Threads
- Spermatozoa
- Fat Droplets
- Plant fiber including hair
- Plant Pollen
- Starch Granules
- Parasite Eggs
Fat droplets in urine are normal in what species?
Fat droplets are normal to see in what patients in hospital?
Cath patients w/ sterile lubricant
Starch Granules are not common anymore because?
Starch powder latex gloves are not commonly used anymore
What parasite eggs are commonly seen in urine?
- Capillaria plica
- Trichuris vulpis
Urinalysis Documentation: How to document Red Blood Cells (RBC) seen in urine:
◦ <5 RBC/HPF = Normal
‣ /HPF: Per high powered field (40x)
‣ If less than 5 red blood cells are seen no need to notate this since its considered normal
◦ 3-8 RBC/HPF = 1+
◦ 9 -30 RBC/HPF = 2+
◦ >30 RBC/Hpf but less than packed = 3+
◦ Packed Field / TNTC = 4+
‣ TNTC: To numerous to count
Urinalysis Documentation: How to document White Blood Cells (WBC) seen in urine:
◦ <10 WBC/hpf = Normal
‣ Less than 10 white blood cells seen in urine no need to notate as this is considered normal
◦ 6-20 WBC/hpf = 1+
◦ 21-50 WBC/hpf = 2+
◦ >50 WBC but less than packed field = 3+
◦ Packed Field / TNTC = 4+
‣ TNTC: To numerous to count
Urinalysis Documentation: How to document Bacteria seen in urine
Notate any bacteria seen
Badder Calculi (Stones)
Bladder Calculi
Bladder Stones
Stones composed of various minerals
Uroliths Treatment
1 Surgical Removal
2. Diet Change
Common types of uroliths?
- Triple Phosphate
- Urate
- Cystine
- Oxalate
Most common type of Urolith?
Triple Phosphate
Triple phosphate crystals are made of?
Salts of magnesium, ammonium, calcium, and phosphate
Triple phosphate urolith appearance?
‣ Radioopaque, hard, white or yellow
Means that the stone can be seen under X-ray
Triple phosphate are common in what type of urine pH?
Common in alkaline urine
Urate is composed of
Ammonium urate
Urate appearance?
‣ Radioluscent, yellow, brittle
• Radioluscent (light is going through them): Cannot be seen on a radiographic
Urate is only visible on?
• Only visble in ultrasounds
Urate is common in what breeds?
Cystine is composed of?
Amino acid cystine
Cystine urolith apperance
yellow & smooth
Cystine are easily?
Pulverized (reduce to fine particles)
Oxalate is composed of?
Calcium oxalate
Oxalate appearance?
Radiopaque, hard, sharp protrusions that can severely traumatize the bladder