Urgh, way to too detailed stuff we prbly don't have to know Flashcards
As a summary…
List the intermediates of the purine synthesis.
starts w/ PRPP
ends w/ IMP
Which enzyme catalyzes the first reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
Gln PRPP amidotransferase
N9 from Gln attached to ribose-5-P
→ 5-phosphoribosyl-amine (PRA)

PRPP + H2O + Gln → PRA + Glu + PPi
Which enzyme catalyzes the second reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
GAR synthetase
C4, 5, 7 from Gly attached to PRA
→ 5’PR-glycinamide (GAR)

PRA + Gly + ATP → ADP + Pi + GAR
Which enzyme catalyzes the third reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
GAR transformylase
C8 from N10-formyl H4F attached to GAR
→ 5’PR-formyl-glycinamide (FGAR)
GAR + N10-formyl H4F → FGAR + H4F

Which enzyme catalyzes the fourth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
FGAM synthetase
N3 from Gln attached to FGAR
→ 5’PR-formylamidine (FGAM)

FGAR + ATP + H2O + Gln → FGAM + ADP + Pi + Glu
Which enzyme catalyzes the fifth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
AIR synthetase
imidazole ring formed in FGAM
→ 5’PR-5-amino-imidazole (AIR)

Which enzyme catalyzes the sixth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
AIR carboxylase
C6 from CO2 attached to AIR
→ 5’PR-4-carboxy-5-amino-imidazole (CAIR)

Which enzyme catalyzes the seventh reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
SAICAR synthetase
N1 from Asp (amino group donor) attached to CAIR
→ 5’PR-succinyl-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (SAICAR)

CAIR + ATP + Asp → ADP + Pi + SAICAR
Which enzyme catalyzes the eighth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
adenylosuccinase (ASA)
AICAR cleaved, fumarate dissociates
→ 5’PR-5-aminoimidazole-5-carboxamide (AICAR)

SAICAR → fumarate + AICAR
Which enzyme catalyzes the ninth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
AICAR transformylase
C2 from N10-formyl H4F attached to AICAR
→ 5’PR-5-formamidoimidazole-4-carboxamide (FAICAR)

AICAR + N10-formyl H4F → FAICAR + H4F
Which enzyme catalyzes the tenth reaction of the de novo synthesis of purines?
Reaction + structures.
IMP cyclohydrolase
FAICAR hydrolyzed
→ inosinemonophosphate (IMP)

What happens in the 1st step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
MAT (malonyl/acetyltransferase) → charging + acetyltransfer
- acetyl group from acetyl-CoA transferred to central ACP-SH
- then transferred to peripheral KS-SH
+ CoA-SH released

What happens in the 2nd step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
MAT (malonyl/acetyltransferase) → malonyltransfer
malonyl from malonyl-CoA is transferred to central ACP-SH
- CoA-SH formed

What happens in the 3rd step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
KS (β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase)
→ condensation
acetyl transferred to malonyl on central ACP-SH
→ β-ketobutyryl-ACP + CO2
NOTE: after this step growing FA always on central -SH

What happens in the 4th step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
KR (β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase)
→ 1. reduction
β-ketobutyryl-ACP reduced to β-hydroxybutyryl-ACP
- NADPH/H+ used

What happens in the 5th step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
DH (β-hydroxyl-ACP dehydratase)
→ dehydration
β-hydroxybutyryl-ACP dehydrated to trans-Δ2-butenoyl-ACP
- H20 produced

What happens in the 6th step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
ER (enoyl-ACP reductase)
→ 2. reduction
reduction of trans-Δ2-butenoyl-ACP to butyryl-ACP
- NADPH/H+ used

What happens in the 7th step of FA synthesis?
Domain of FA synthesis?
KS (β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase)
→ translocation
butyryl-ACP translocated to peripheral KS-SH
→ next malonyl can be attached to central ACP-SH

Why does the β-oxidation of unsaturated FAs differ from that of saturated FAs?
natural FA double bonds in cis conformation
⇒ FA oxidized until Δ3-cis or Δ4-cis enoyl-CoA formed,
then eventually converted to intermediate of β-oxidation (Δ2-trans)
How is Δ3-cis enoyl-CoA converted back to an intermediate of β-oxidation?
Δ3-cis → Δ2-trans enoyl-CoA isomerase
isomerized to Δ2-trans enoyl-CoA
⇒ then continues β-oxidation normally

How is Δ4-cis enoyl-CoA (product of β-oxidation of unsaturated FA) converted back to an intermediate of β-oxidation?
acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
converted to Δ2-trans Δ4-cis dienoyl-CoA (FADH2 produced) -
Δ2-trans Δ4-cis dienoyl-CoA reductase
reduced to Δ3-cis enoyl-CoA, NADPH/H+ used
⇒ then isomerized to Δ2-trans enoyl-CoA, then continues normal β-oxidation (cf. own card)